
When master Fang and master Cao heard the speech, they made Lingling shiver. Their scalp was numb, and they felt chilly in their hearts.


How cruel!

Dig the heart, liver, spleen and lung to drink wine.

Pick off the whole body of meat, roast eat, fry eat, stew eat.

Cut off the head, knock on the cover of the spirit, and taste the brain slowly.

Break your bones and make soup.

It's so vicious.

Even inhuman.

Even if master Fang and master Cao were both trembling, afraid and intolerant.

"What? You think it's cruel? " Master Tang glared at them coldly.

"It's a little cruel."

Master Fang nodded.

The next second, he said with a grin, "but I like it!"

"The crueler it is, the more shame that little bastard brings to us can be washed away!"


Master Cao echoed: "the more cruel the better!"

"Unfortunately, we are not strong enough to kill him, we can only torture his body."

Master Fang shook his head and sighed, "a corpse is a corpse after all."

"No matter how tormented, that little bastard can't feel pain and suffering."

"If we can use a knife to cut off his flesh one by one while he is alive."

"Then dig out his heart, liver, spleen and lung, break his whole body bones, knock open his spiritual cover, and let him taste the torture. It's a pleasure."

"Don't worry!"

Hearing this, master Tang grinned and said, "I will ask the evil old man to beat him to death and give him to us."

Master Cao frowned, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid this request won't work."

"The evil old man kills people, and never leaves them alive."

"Our request is of little use!"

"Who said it didn't work?"

Master Tang sneered, "have you forgotten what the evil elder likes most?"

"What do you like best?"

Master Fang thought for a moment and replied, "there are three things he likes best."

"Money, women, and magic weapons!"

"That's right."

Master Tang said faintly, "do you think that if I offer you a medium quality magic weapon?"

"Plus three beautiful young virgins, will the evil old man agree to my request?"


Master Fang nodded and said, "certainly!"


Master Cao frowned and said, "we don't have Chinese magic weapons at all!"

"The magic weapon we three used is just inferior."

"I have."

Master Tang turned his hand and took out a black gold iron bar.

This iron bar, black light flow, emitting a palpitating wave.

"Chinese magic weapon?"

Master Fang's eyes coagulated and stood up.

He was shocked!

Master Cao was also shocked.

You know, there are very few, even scarce, middle-class magic tools, even for the first-class schools and even the super class schools.

There are only eight or nine people in the whole field of scattered cultivation in China, who possess medium quality magic weapons.

Xie Lao is one of them!


Suddenly, master Fang shook his head and said, "this medium quality magic weapon is damaged."

"Yes, it is." Master Cao nodded.

There are more than ten cracks on the black gold iron bar.

Although these cracks are very long, they are very small and can't be seen without careful observation.

However, no matter how small the crack is, it is also a crack.

If there is a crack, it means the weapon is damaged.

If the magic weapon is damaged, the level will decrease and the power will be greatly reduced.

"Although this black gold iron stick is damaged, it is still powerful. It is far better than the inferior magic weapon. It only needs some precious materials and can be repaired."

Master Tang explained, "this is the booty I got from killing an eight star master a few months ago."

"As long as I give the black gold iron stick to the evil old man."

"He will certainly answer my request!"

"That's right."

Master Fang nodded.


Master Cao frowned and said, "in this case, brother Tang's loss is too great."

"As long as you can blade that little bastard and wash away the shame, no matter how much you lose, you will not hesitate!" Master Tang's eyes are full of opportunities and he is gnashing his teeth.

Master Fang and master Cao looked at each other and nodded.


Master Cao said in a deep voice: "after killing that little bastard, brother Fang and I will definitely compensate brother Tang for his loss!""In that case, let's discuss how to design and lure that little bastard to the fair tomorrow night."

Tang master light way: "then, design let him violate the taboo of evil old."


So the three men began to discuss.

In an hour.

After the negotiation, they went back to their rooms to have a rest and wait for the next day.

All night long.

The next day, Jiang Hao finished his training and went to the restaurant for dinner under the guidance of the old housekeeper.

Master Fang, master Cao and master Tang also came.

They took a look at Jiang Hao and ate quietly without saying anything.

After dinner, Jiang Hao is ready to go back to his room and continue to practice.

Suddenly, master Tang opened his mouth and stopped him.

"Jiang Master Jiang, please wait

Jiang Hao stopped, squinted at him and said coldly, "what's the matter?"

Seeing this, Peng Yi also stopped, nervously and uneasily looking at the four of them, ready to fight at any time.


Master Tang's face is constantly changing. He hesitates again and again. It seems that he is very tangled.

Finally, he lowered his head, bowed to Jiang Hao and said sincerely, "master Jiang, I'm sorry."

"Yesterday was the fault of the three of us."

"We appreciate your magnanimity for sparing us."

"So, we apologize to you now. Please forgive us."

"Master Jiang, I'm sorry!" He bowed again.

Master Fang and master Cao bowed at once.

"Master Jiang, I'm sorry!"

Peng Yi breathed a sigh of relief and a smile appeared on his face.

He came over and said with a smile: "master Jiang, the three masters sincerely apologized. Look..."

"Can we get to the bottom of this?"

A sincere apology?

Jiang Hao could not help but sneer.

I have to say that the acting skills of the three masters are very good.

Even the expression and manner were excellent.

However, Jiang Hao still saw a strong sense of hatred and killing from the bottom of their eyes.

Obviously, their apology is false, confusing and paralyzing Jiang Hao.

However, Jiang Hao is not afraid.

I don't even care.

It's just three mole ants. He doesn't worry even if they are hateful and murderous.

So Jiang Hao said with a smile, "OK, I accept your apology."

The smile on Peng Yi's face is more brilliant when he hears the speech.

"Good, good." He said with a smile.

Jiang Hao and other four people, regardless of the past, live in peace.

This is what he wants to see most!

Jiang Hao squinted at the three masters and said faintly, "is there anything else?"

"I'll go if it's OK."

"Wait a minute."

Suddenly, master Tang spoke again and stopped Jiang Hao.

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