
It's a trick!

He doesn't believe it's a coincidence.

It is obvious that master Tang, master Fang and master Cao deliberately played the ghost.

Otherwise, they would not change into white clothes before entering the manor.

This is the key to him!

Suddenly, in Jiang Hao's eyes, there was a cold light.

He looked down at the three masters and said coldly, "how dare you

"Yesterday, I spared you, but you didn't know how to repent and tried to harm me!"

"Are you tired of living?"


When the three masters heard the speech, they all trembled and were afraid.

Deng Deng Deng!

They were so scared that their legs and feet softened, they staggered, stepped back several steps, and almost fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao is more and more sure.

These three people are not determined to do harm to him with the help of this trade fair.

"Tell me the truth!"

Jiang Hao's eyes are dim, and he says in a cold voice: "don't force me to do it!"

"You How dare you

Master Tang trembled: "this This is the territory of evil elders. You If you dare to do it, you will not be spared

"Yes, you You can't do it! " Master Fang nodded.

"You Calm down, No Don't mess about

Master Cao also echoed.


Jiang Hao snorted coldly and said, "I'll do it. No one can stop me, and no one dares to stop me!"

"Since you are not honest, I can only do it and let you talk!"

Then he was ready to do it.

Suddenly, a sharp voice sounded.

"Here comes the evil old man!"

This voice, very harsh, duck voice, just like the voice of an ancient eunuch.

However, when they heard the words, no one laughed.

No one even talked about it.

All of them, including the three masters who were terrified and shivering, lowered their heads and showed a respectful expression on their faces.

Poop! Poop! Poop!

The next second, everyone was on their knees.

The direction of kneeling is the top chair in the lobby.

This chair is made of pure gold, shining and dazzling.

There are more than ten dragons carved on it, large and small, lifelike.

It's a bit like the Dragon chair that ancient emperors could sit on!

Surrounded by the crowd, an old man with short stature, dark skin, pointed mouth, ugly appearance, narrow corners of eyes and cold breath came out slowly.

He is the evil old man!

The organizer of the fair.

The evil old man sat on the Dragon chair, looked down at the people, and looked around. Just like the ancient emperor, when he went to court, he looked at his civil and military officials.

He really regarded himself as the emperor!

The man standing next to him is very white. He looks very Niang, like an ancient eunuch.


Suddenly, evil old Mou Guang a coagulate, the facial expression is a little cold.


He looked down at Jiang Hao and said coldly, "why don't you kneel when you see me?"

Jiang Hao squinted at him and said, "why do I kneel?"

"What courage

Suddenly, the eunuch of Niang gun, with a shrill male voice, yelled: "I dare not kneel when I see the evil old man!"

"It's a capital crime to dare to run into the evil old man!"

"Kneel down at once, kowtow and confess!"

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao uttered a word coldly.

"Son of a bitch!"

The eunuch of Niang Pao cheered coldly: "I am the chief manager around the evil old man. To speak rudely to me is to humiliate the evil old man!"

"Damn you!"

"Come on He cried.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Suddenly, a dozen people in white flew in.

They are the guardians of the evil old!

These people are all masters, and the weakest are also five-star masters.

The strongest is the eight star master.

And there are two.

Niang Pao eunuch, pointing at Jiang Hao, ordered: "this man is against the evil old man and has committed a capital crime. Take him down immediately and kill him!"


Suddenly, the evil old man spoke and stopped the man in white.

He gazed at Jiang Hao and asked, "why don't you wear white?"

Jiang Hao light way: "why should I wear white clothes?"


"Because I like white!" the evil old man snorted

"I made it a rule that anyone who goes to the fair must wear white.""Otherwise, shoot to death!"

"After this stipulation was made, no one has dared to disobey it in the past ten years."

"You are the first one," he said coldly

"Come on, how do you want to die?"

Suddenly, a man came in.

It's master song who is the gatekeeper!

As soon as he came in, he knelt down on the ground, just like the ancient civil and military officials in the court hall, telling the emperor something.

"Evil old man, I have something to report?" The great master of the Song Dynasty spoke loudly.

"What's the matter? Say

Master song Lang said: "this fair, the number of participants, a total of 63 people!"

"Among them, one of them didn't understand the rules and didn't submit a salutation note!"

Post is the bank card!

Every time the evil old man holds a trade fair, he will hold back a wave of money.

Otherwise, without interests, he would not hold trade fairs to benefit other casual practitioners.

"Who didn't submit the invitation?" The evil old man cheered coldly.

Master song raised his head and pointed to Jiang Hao.


"You again?"

The evil old man stares at Jiang Hao, his whole face is as gloomy as water, and his eyes are cold.

Even, there was a flash of murder.


He said in a cold voice, "how dare you

"When you attend my fair, you don't pay your respects, you don't wear white clothes, and you don't kneel when you see me!"

"Even contradicting me!"

"Are you tired of living?"

Jiang Hao squinted at him and said, "what are you?"

"Ask me to hand in a prayer card, wear white clothes, and kneel down."

"Do you deserve it?"


Evil old smell speech, burst into a rage, a violent drink.


He clapped his hand on the armrest of the Dragon chair made of pure gold, which was deformed and dented.

At the same time, the fury of the nine star master swept through.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

In an instant, the people kneeling down below, including master Tang and other eight star masters, were all crushed by this momentum and vomited blood.

The whole person is tightly lying on the ground, like a toad.

"Old evil, calm down!"

"Old evil, calm down!"

"Old evil, calm down!"

They were all frightened and began to speak.


Evil old smell speech, cold hum a, slightly astringent a little momentum.

Master Tang and others were relieved and got up one after another.

However, they still kneel on the ground and dare not stand up.

The evil old man glanced at the crowd and said coldly, "who brought this man in?"

Everyone was silent.

"Say it

The evil old Mou blooms to kill a machine, shout a way: "he is who bring in?"

Master Song said, "this man was brought in by master Tang, master Fang and master Cao."

"Is it?"

Evil old smell speech, eyes a squint, stare at Tang master three people.

"Stand up, you three He said coldly.

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