Evil old man is too greedy!

He asked for a billion dollars in cash, ten beautiful virgins and a black gold iron bar.

This cost is far beyond master Tang's expectation.


Seeing master Tang's indecision, the evil old man could not help humming coldly and said coldly, "you have to think about it clearly!"

"If you don't agree, you're pleading for the boy!"

"To intercede for him is to be with him!"

"I'll kill anyone who's with him!" He was murderous.


This is the threat of chiguoguo!

After he opened his mouth, master Tang hesitated, so he directly threatened and forced master Tang to agree to his greedy request.


Master Tang was very angry.

However, it is more helpless.

He bowed his head and said, "I promise!"

"That's about the same."

Evil old smell speech, ugly and swarthy face, showed a smile.

Shua ~

he turned his hand and put away the black gold iron bar.

Then, turning his head, he looked at Jiang Hao and said harshly, "boy, you are very lucky that someone bought your life!"

"You don't have to die!"


All of a sudden, he changed the subject of his speech, and said angrily: "death can be avoided, but life can not escape!"

"You have disobeyed my rules. You can't be forgiven!"

"In this case, I will abolish your cultivation, interrupt your hands and feet, and then give you to them for disposal."

After that, he was ready to start.

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke and stopped him.

"What? Scared? Want to beg for mercy? "

Evil old see this, sneer: "boy, read you are a genius, strength is also good!"

"If you are willing to submit to me, follow my orders and do things for me!"

"Not only will I not kill you, but I will take you in and teach you all my skills, so that you can become the top martial arts expert in the world!"

Master Tang's face suddenly changed when he heard the speech.

"You can't do that," he said hastily

"You have accepted my big gift and promised to maim him and hand him over to me."

"You can't turn back. Spare his life and take him in!"


Suddenly, the evil old man gave a violent drink.

With a wave of his sleeve, he burst out a force, bombarded master Tang, blew him away, and spat out several mouthfuls of blood in the air.

"When is it your turn to tell me what I'm doing?"

The evil old man looked down at him and said: "if you dare to speak more, I will kill you!"

Master Tang trembled all over his body. He was so scared that he shut up.

The evil old man nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately, he looked at Jiang Hao again and said with a smile, "what's your consideration?"

"You have to think it over!"

"Submit to me, you will not only not die, but also live well. With my training, you will reach the top of the world's martial arts circle in a few years."


"If you don't submit to me, then..."

"Death is waiting for you!"

Jiang Hao took out his ear and said impatiently, "too much nonsense!"

"Like a smelly fly, it's buzzing all the time. It's very noisy!"

"What did you say?"

The evil old man was furious when he heard the words.

His eyes were full of blood, and his killing intention was boiling. He said in a fierce voice: "it seems that you have made a choice!"

"Unfortunately, this choice is too stupid!"

"You will pay for it with your life!"

"I've decided to cancel the agreement. I won't be lenient," he said

"I'll kill you!"

Boom! Boom!

The fury of the nine star master, without reservation, swept through again.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

In a moment, all the monks in the hall, including the furthest three masters, Tang, Fang and Cao, vomited blood.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Some of the one star, two star and three-star masters were unable to withstand the crushing force of this momentum, and all of them exploded and died.


This time, Xie Lao was really furious!

He is determined to kill!

The explosion of murderous gas is better than that one just now.

He was determined to kill Jiang Hao, leaving nothing alive, which directly violated the agreement just reached with master Tang.

The evil old man's feet slowly left the ground and lifted up slowly. The murderous gas sent out by his whole body turned into essence, scarlet as blood, making people tremble.Everyone looked at him, trembling and frightened from the bottom of their souls.

You're dead!

Jiang Hao is dead!

This is everybody's idea.

In their view, evil old rage, kill heart together, no one can stop, no matter who, will die!

Hey, hey

Seeing this, master Tang grinned grimly.

"Son of a bitch, you're dying at last!" He said in secret.

Although, it's a pity that we can't torture Jiang Hao and wash away the shame.

But as long as Jiang Hao is dead.

The ultimate goal, even if it is completed.

"Die, die!" Master Cao whispered.

His mouth was full of blood, his face was twisted, and he looked ferocious and abnormal.

Master Fang was a little excited and also a little excited. He said in secret: "evil old people kill their hearts together. No one can stop them!"

"This little bastard is dead!"

"It's a pity that you can't kill him yourself."

He secretly prayed: "I hope that the evil old hand is not too rough, can leave his body!"

"You can't kill him, torture his body, or wash away some shame!"

The evil old man was suspended in the air, carrying his hands behind him, and looking down on Jiang Hao like a god overlooking all living beings. He said coldly:

"boy, don't you get down on your knees and get punished by God?"


Jiang Hao rolled his eyes and despised him.

It is ridiculous for a little nine star master to call himself a God.

As strong as Nangong Wuji, it is known as the legend of martial arts and Taoism, and has already become a saint.

Even among the saints, they are top experts.

Even he dare not call himself a God.

In the last thousand years, there was only one God who was qualified and recognized by the world.

That is Stone breaks the sky!

The others are some ants who don't know the height of heaven and the earth, and they are so arrogant that they are far away from the real God.

"Son of a bitch!"

"How dare you blaspheme God and disrespect God!" he said

"Mole ant, you have committed a capital crime!"

"Today, I will give you death in the name of God!"

After that, he raised his hand and folded his fingers into a fist.

In an instant, his fists, burning, covered with flames.

This is his unique skill: shenhuoquan!

"Fire fist! This is shenhuoquan! "

"Finally, I saw shenhuoquan again!"

"As soon as the magic fire fist comes out, anyone will be blasted into blood fog and burned into ashes!"

"Dead! The boy is dead! "

All of a sudden, everyone was in a state of astonishment.

At the same time, they were scared.

Under the magic fire fist, never leave alive!

This is the legend of the evil old man!

It's also the legend of shenhuoquan!

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