
Meng Jingguo heard the speech, a soft foot, almost fell.

His old mother, and his two sisters, were black and fainted.

"No way! It's impossible

"Wu Wu Wu..."

"Grandfather, grandfather, wake up quickly!"

In the ward, there was a sudden burst of sad crying.

"Master Lu Jue, please help my father. You must have a way, right?" Meng Jingguo grasped Lu Jue's arm tightly and roared.

Lu Jue shook his head. "I There's nothing I can do

"No, you have a way, you must have a way!" Meng Jingguo can't accept it.

Lu Jue lowered his head and said weakly, "I I really can't help it

"No, no You can't do that! "

"And master Zhang Mo, by the way."

Meng Jingguo threw Lu Jue away and rushed to Zhang mo. he grabbed his hand and said in a hoarse voice, "Master Zhang Mo, help my father!"

"Please, help my father!"

Zhang Mo heard the speech and raised his mouth.

He knew that his chance had come.

So, with a faint smile, he calmly said: "general Meng, don't worry, some people are not good at medicine. They just pretend to be arrogant and make the old hero so miserable."

"But with me, nothing is a problem!"

He was as arrogant as ever.

"You..." Lu Jue glared.

Zhang Mo walked over and pushed him away, "go away, don't get in my way!"

Lu Jue was very angry, but did not dare to break out.

Zhang Mo went to the hospital bed, his face suddenly dignified.

After some examination, his expression became very embarrassed.

"Master Zhang Mo, how about it?" Meng Jingguo asked uneasily.


Zhang Mo sighed and said, "I There's nothing I can do about it. Get ready. "


Meng Jingguo couldn't hold on any longer and sat down on the ground.

The others began to wail again.

"Waste, waste!"

Meng Xing rushed over and punched and kicked Zhang Mo, "you can't save my grandfather, you are a waste!"

Zhang Mo was beaten and scolded by a little boy. He was very upset and angry.

However, they dare not fight back.

Are you kidding? Dare to beat Meng Xing? Are you tired of living?

After a while, Meng Xing changes his target and stares at Lu Jue.

He rushed over, and there was another round of kicking and punching.

On the mouth, also silk mercilessly, "miracle doctor? You're a piece of crap. You can't even save your grandfather. What's your qualification to be a doctor! "

"Want to be my teacher? Pooh

"You don't deserve it!"

Lu Jue was so angry that he trembled all over and became black in front of his eyes.

Mad, you called the doctor, OK? I didn't admit it.

What's more, you are the one who takes the initiative to learn from me?

Cao, now you've come to scold me!

Meng Xing said more and more angrily, and finally roared.

"You are the murderer, you killed my grandfather!"

Meng Xing cried: "grandfather could have lived for a month or two. You prescribed the medicine and killed him!"

Lu Jue's face changed dramatically when he heard the speech, and he almost paralyzed.

"No It's not me

He quickly explained, "the medicine I prescribed has been tried by someone. After drinking it, nothing happened. The death of the old hero has nothing to do with me!"

"Yes It's him, it's him who pricks needles and kills the old hero! " Suddenly, he pointed to Zhang Mo Tao.

Zhang Mo's face changed as soon as he heard it.

Grass mud horse, you old man, in order to shirk responsibility, you framed me!

He cursed his mother in his heart and wanted to kill Lu Jue.

"Not me, not me!"

"I pricked the needle first. If there was a problem, something would have happened!" Zhang Mo denied.

"It's him, it's Lu Jue. There's something wrong with the medicine he prescribed. The old hero drank his medicine and then something happened. He killed the old hero!"

Lu Jue heard the speech and quit completely.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

He burst out a rude sentence, "old man, you killed the old hero, you set me up!"

Zhang Mo is not willing to show weakness, "Lu Jue, don't quibble, you killed the old hero!"

The charge of murdering the old hero is too big for them to bear.

Therefore, they shirked, accused and framed each other.

"Waste, you two waste, you killed your grandfather, you can't escape!" Meng Xing roared, looking sad, miserable and angry.

Zhang Mo two people smell speech, almost scared paralysis.

"Meng Shao, it's not me. The death of the old hero has nothing to do with me. It's him who killed the old hero!""No, Meng Shao, he killed the old hero!"

The two of them quarreled again.


Meng Jingguo yelled, "my father is critically ill. You don't want to cure him, but you are shirking responsibility. That's good!"

Zhang Mo's heart and liver trembled and said weakly: "Meng General Meng, the old hero has lost his breath. Even if Hua Tuo is alive, he will not be able to return to heaven. I We can't do better. "

Lu Jue echoed: "yes, the old hero has gone. No one can save him. You You'd better prepare for the future


"He's not dead!"

Suddenly, a shout came from outside the door.

Jiang Jing comes in when he hears the noise.

"Who allowed you in? Get out of here Lu Jue rebuked coldly.

Zhang Mo's face was gloomy. "What do you know about yellow mouth children? The life characteristics of the old hero have all disappeared. He has gone. "

Jiang Hao shook his head, "the old hero is not dead."

"Nonsense, get out of here!"

"Yellow mouthed child, nonsense, general Meng, blow him out quickly!"

Zhang Mo and Lu Jue yelled.

"Shut up

Meng Jingguo scolded angrily, then looked at Jiang Hao and asked, "you You said my father was He's not dead? "

"Well." Jiang Hao nodded.

"Really?" He asked again.

Jiang Hao nodded again.

Hiss ~

Zhang Mo hisses, "yellow mouth child, how dare you lie and cheat general Meng!"

"Little boy, do you know medicine? The old hero has gone. Why do you cheat general Meng like that? " Lu Jue asked harshly.

"Shut up

General Meng roared, his eyes were full of fire.

He regretted that he should not agree with the two quacks to treat his father.

Otherwise, his father would not be like this.

Jiang Hao glanced at them and said faintly, "there is cold poison in the old hero's body. When he was young, he could barely resist it because of his strong body."

"But old, weak, cold poison can't hold down, just like this!"

"The outbreak of cold poison is already dangerous. In addition, the two quack doctors randomly prick needles and prescribe medicines, which further aggravates the disease and makes the old hero fall into a state of suspended animation."

"Within a day, the old hero will really die!"

Zhang Mo's heart trembled when they heard the speech.

"No, it's not me. It's Lu Jue who prescribes medicine at random!" Zhang Mo explained.

"Old man, don't shirk your responsibility. It's you who pricked needles and killed the old hero!" Lu Jue also shirks responsibility.

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