Suddenly, Lei Jue, Zhou Mingcheng, Han Chang and others were all angry.

Lei Jue glared at Jiang Hao and said coldly, "boy, as a senior, I'll remind you!"

"Evil comes from the mouth!"

"If you don't have enough strength, take care of your mouth!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"Otherwise, you will die miserably!"

"That's right."

Jiang Hao nodded slightly and said, "I agree with you!"

"You are the best examples!"

"The strength is very weak, we should not talk nonsense!"

"Or you'll get into trouble!"


Lei Chueh looked down at Jiang Hao and said in a stern voice, "don't think elder Wu Daozi thinks highly of you, I dare not move you!"


Peng Yi saw this scene, and he could not make complaints about it.

"Calm down! Calm down

However, the next second, he immediately rushed to play round the field, said: "masters, calm down!"

"If it's in my face, it's all gone!"


Lei Jue snorted coldly, glanced at Jiang Hao, and said coldly, "take care of your mouth, don't talk nonsense!"

"Otherwise, next time, no one can protect you!"


After that, he swung his sleeve and took the lead.

Hum! Hum! Hum!

Zhou Mingcheng, Han Chang and others all gave a cold Snort and glared at Jiang Hao.

Then, I followed.

Hu ~

it was not until they disappeared that Peng Yi took a long breath and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

He's scared!


Just a little bit closer, these people started fighting.

So he arched his hand and said, "master Jiang, thank you for watching me just now. I didn't do it!"

"You think too much."

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "after all, they are also members of the wudaomeng."

"I didn't mean to do it!"


Peng Yi felt embarrassed when he heard the speech.

But the next second, he's back to normal.

He asked cautiously, "master Jiang, such as If master Lei and others will target you next time, you will... "

"Will you kill them?"

This problem is very important, and he is also very worried.

After all, Lei Jue and others are different from master Tang.

Master Tang, all three of them are casual practitioners with no background.

But Lei Jue and others are from the Wudao League.

Moreover, in the Wudao League, he is in a high position.

If they die, even if the murderer is not him, he can't afford the consequences.

"It depends."

Jiang Hao said faintly: "they are all sent by Wu Chang. If they are hostile to me, I won't kill them!"

"If they want to kill me, I can only kill them!"


Peng Yi felt helpless when he heard the speech.


he sighed and prayed to Lei Jue and others not to go too far.


I'm afraid they are going to follow the way of master Tang!

"Master Jiang!"

Peng Yi took a few deep breaths, picked up his mood, and asked, "I need to arrange all matters for the banquet tonight."

"So, I will leave early and go to the Pearl Hotel."

"At that time, I can't accompany you. Do you need me to arrange some people to accompany you?"

"No more."

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "I'll go alone."


Peng Yi warned: "master Jiang, don't be late at that time."


Jiang Hao nodded slightly.

"In that case, I'll go down first." Peng Yi said with a smile.

Then he stepped back.

Jiang Hao returns to his room and continues to practice.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, night fell.

Evening, 8:30.

Jiang Hao finished his training and changed his clothes.

Then, go to the Pearl Hotel alone.

At this point.

The parking lot of the Pearl Hotel is full of all kinds of luxury cars, which are worth millions. They are the cheapest and the lowest grade.

Most of them are super luxury cars worth millions or even tens of millions.

At this banquet, Peng Yi invited important people from the whole East China.

Inside the hotel, it's very busy.

However, most of them are young people, as well as some rich people worth hundreds of millions.As for those who are worth billions or even tens of billions, Peng Yi invited them to a luxury private room to connect with each other and expand their contacts.

At the same time, we also discussed some cooperation.

In the Pearl Hotel.

A beautiful woman in a purple evening dress, like a proud princess, holding a man's hand, exclaimed from time to time.

She is song Meixue!

"Wow, what a luxury, what a luxury!" She exclaimed.

In fact, she is also a child of a rich family.

The Song family on Hong Kong Island is a force. It has two companies with assets of over 100 million.

Born in the Song family, she has seen many big scenes.

But I've never seen such a big scene.

She was shocked!

Peng Yi made a big contribution to the banquet.

The decoration of the scene, whether it's chandeliers, curtains, carpets, tables and chairs, or other decorations, are all the most expensive in the world.

Including all kinds of famous wine and food, they are also the most expensive.

It is said that Peng Yi spent 200 million on the banquet.

Song Meixue put her arms around the man and asked, "this banquet is too luxurious. I don't know how much it cost?"

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