Lei Jue vomited a mouthful of blood, slowly stood up, straightened up his chest, and yelled: "because I'm from Wudao League! "

"My duty is to protect China!"

When Jiang Hao heard this, he looked awe inspiring.

In his heart, he also showed respect for Lei Jue.

Lei Jue, to tell you the truth, is arrogant, arrogant and arrogant, with a lot of shortcomings.

However, just because he abides by his duty, he is willing to sacrifice his life in order to protect China and stop the masters of Yin Yang division.

"It's my duty to protect China!" Suddenly, Zhou Mingcheng yelled.

"It's my duty to protect China!"

"It's my duty to protect China!"

Han Chang and Ge Yun, stunned for a moment, also looked up to the sky and yelled.

When Peng Yi heard the speech, his blood was boiling and he felt a kind of respect.

His eyes, full of intolerance, lips stammer, as if to say something.


He didn't say anything in the end.


The fat man in black snorted and said, "in order to stop me, do you have to sacrifice your life?"

He gave a cold smile.

"In that case, I'll be a good man and help you!"

Having said that, he was the first to lock Lei Jue and hit him with his fist.

Because, Lei Jue is the most powerful and has a slight threat to him.

As long as Lei Jue is dead, other people are not worried.

Lei Jue's face became serious and heavy.

He glanced at Zhou Mingcheng and others and yelled, "Zhou Mingcheng, Han Chang, Ge Yun, take president Peng and others and leave here immediately!"

"I'll hold him back!"

"No, I won't go!" Zhou Mingcheng refused.

"Son of a bitch!"

Lei Jue scolded: "don't forget, the task given to us by the law enforcement elder is to protect Mr. Peng!"

"We can die, but he can't!"


Zhou Mingcheng heard the speech and nodded.

Then he looked at Han Chang and Ge Yun and said, "brother Han, brother Ge, you two, hurry up and take president Peng and others to leave!"

"Lord leijue and I are blocking them!"

"No, I'll stay, too!"

Han Chang looked at GE Yun and said in a loud voice, "Ge Yun, Mr. Peng and others, it's up to you!"

"Take them away at once!"

Ha ha ha

Suddenly, Ge Yun looked up at the sky and said with a laugh, "four of us, accepting the task together, how can we let you all die while I live alone?"

Shua ~

he suddenly turned his head, stared at Jiang Hao, and ordered: "boy, to tell you the truth, I don't like you very much and I don't like you very much!"

"It's clear that he's just a young boy with yellow hair, but he always pretends to be a calm and calm expert."

"And always pretend to be cool!"

"What's more, they dare to talk back to us and speak rudely to us."

"Sometimes, I even want to slap you to death!"

"But fortunately I didn't do it!"

He gazed at Jiang Hao and solemnly said, "boy, you've got Mr. Peng!"

"We'll stall for you."

"Now, take Mr. Peng and leave here immediately!"


When Lei Jue saw this scene, he was angry and annoyed.


immediately, he sighed helplessly and said, "well, since you are not willing to leave, stay here. We will fight side by side and fight to the death!"

Then, he looked at Jiang Hao and ordered, "boy, we're going to get rid of our grudges."

"Now, please take Mr. Peng away immediately!"


All of a sudden, the fat man in black gave a loud drink.

He was furious, his eyes were burning, and his whole body was full of murderous spirit.

Lei Jue, Zhou Mingcheng and others, self-consciously exhort, entrust the future affairs, completely ignore him, make him angry, murder soared.

"You all have to die!"

"No one can escape," he said angrily


He was shocked all over, and burst out a violent breath. The air around him was agitated, forming a strong wind.


The next second, he turns into a streamer and blows at Lei Jue.

"Boy, take Mr. Peng away immediately!" Lei Jue looks at Jiang Hao and orders.


Immediately, he drank violently and rushed to the fat man in black.

Zhou Mingcheng looked down at Jiang Hao and said, "son, Mr. Peng has been handed over to you!"

WhooshAfter that, he rushed to the fat man in black.

"Let's go!" Han Chang glanced at Jiang Hao and said coldly.


Then he gave a loud drink and killed him.


Ge Yun also gave a loud shout and went to the battlefield.

Ha ha ha

Lei Jue laughed and said, "let's go together and blow him up!"

He held the handle of the sword in both hands and chopped down like Huashan.

"Blow him up!"

"Blow him up!"

"Blow him up!"

Zhou Mingcheng, Han Chang, and Ge Yun all drank. Almost at the same time, they opened up all their firepower and hit the fat man in black with the strongest blow.

"Four together?"

Fat man in black, disdaining to smile, said: "then I will kill you all at one time, just save time!"

"Break it for me!"

He gave a loud drink and a blow.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, the air burst out one after another, just like setting off firecrackers.

All around the earth, such as cobweb general crack.

In some places, dark holes have been blasted out, and underground springs have been splashed out.

Even the void, it seemed, was breaking.


What a terrible blow!

Boxers and swords, bombardment together.

For a moment, the world lost its voice, as if all sounds were still, and no sound could be heard.


It wasn't until more than ten seconds later that the earth shaking explosion broke out.

Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof!

Suddenly, the sound of vomiting blood, interwoven into a piece.

Lei Jue, Zhou Mingcheng, Han Chang and Ge Yun all flew out upside down. They vomited blood and turned pale.

However, it's not easy for a fat man in black.

Keke ~ ~ Keke ~ ~

his face turned red, he coughed a few times violently, and a wisp of blood came out of the corner of his mouth.

He's hurt, too!

However, he was slightly injured and hardly affected.

The fat man in black wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth. Looking at the blood stains on his fingers, his face turned gloomy instantly.

"How long?"

"How long has it been since I was hurt?" he said

Shua ~

suddenly, he raised his head, his eyes were cold, and he scanned the four of Lei Jue. He said: "unexpectedly, in a moment of carelessness, he was hurt by the four of you ants!"

"It seems that I'm going to be serious!"

All of a sudden, he was like a fried bean.

A rage to the extreme of the breath, from his body, burst out, swept in all directions.

This breath, too terrible, just like the ancient fierce beast, wakes up from deep sleep, is about to wash the world with blood, showing its ferocious side.

Suddenly, Lei Jue's face changed greatly.

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