
Manager Zhang snorted coldly and said, "Dou Qianqian, a cheap woman, killed the chairman's son."

"The chairman of the board of directors was very kind without killing her."

"She wants to have a concert and get back to the top?"

"It's a dream!"

Suddenly, with a wave of his hand, he ordered, "smash it for me!"

Deng Deng Deng!

Suddenly, the seven or eight people behind him rushed out and smashed the decoration of the concert.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

For a moment, the sound of things breaking was heard all the time.


Agent Huang Jie, seeing this scene, her face changed and she yelled, "don't smash it! Don't smash it

She took manager Zhang's arm and begged, "manager Zhang, I'm wrong!"

"Please, don't smash it again!"

"Get out of here!"

Manager Zhang let out a loud drink and waved her hand. She flew away and stepped back several steps. She almost fell to the ground.

He said coldly, "smash it for me! Smash it

"Everything, whatever it is, is smashed!"


When seven or eight of them heard the speech, they started even harder. They took up a chair and smashed the background props, lights and even sound of the concert.

"You can't smash this!"

"The stereo is expensive, you can't smash it!"

There are several staff, hands holding the audio and other expensive equipment, protection is very tight, how not to let go.

Seven or eight men, all at a loss.

"Manager Zhang, what should we do?" They looked at manager Zhang and asked.

"A bunch of useless rubbish!"

Manager Zhang scolded, strode over, pushed away his men, picked up a chair and swung it at several staff members.


A dull voice sounded.

Ah ~

suddenly, a staff member, with a scream, fell to the ground, his head bleeding.

The red blood, flowing down from his cheek, looked a little scary.

Ah ~

a few staff members on one side all screamed with fear when they saw this scene.

Sister Huang also screamed, and her heart was scared.

Manager Zhang raised his chair, his eyes cold and fierce, looked down at several staff members and said coldly, "put down your things immediately!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Several staff members felt a tremor.

They hesitated.

In the end, the camera is still in fear, obediently put down the hands of all kinds of audio equipment.


Suddenly, manager Zhang raised his foot and stepped on it without hesitation, crushing a delicate and expensive stereo.

Then he gave orders and said, "keep hitting me!"

"Smash everything

"Who dares to stop, even people smash together!"

"Yes Seven or eight men said in unison.

Then, they start smashing things, smashing everything they see, no matter what it is.

Even the concert stage was smashed.

"Don't smash it!"

Sister Huang pleaded: "manager Zhang, I beg you, don't smash it again!"

"Get out of here!"

Manager Zhang gave a loud drink and pushed her to the ground. He knocked her forehead on the chair and bruised on the spot.

"What's the matter? Why is it so noisy? "

Dou Qianqian, who is in the room, adjusting her state and preparing for the concert, hears the news and comes out.

Suddenly, she saw seven or eight people, some with chairs, some with iron bars, smashing things everywhere.

Dou Qianqian was angry on the spot!

Her willow eyebrows erect, Jiao said: "all give me stop!"

However, no one listened to her, manager Zhang's men, still smashing things, did not stop.

Dou Qianqian's pretty face was cold, and he said angrily, "who are you? How bold

"Dou Qianqian, stop shouting!"

Suddenly, manager Zhang spoke.

He looked at Dou Qianqian up and down and said with a sneer, "my people, just listen to me!"

"Your words are useless!"

"It's you, Zhang Lun!"

Dou Qianqian saw manager Zhang, his face changed slightly.


The next second, she said: "Zhang Lun, how dare you take people to smash my concert."

"Do you believe I'll call the police and arrest you now?"


Zhang Lun grinned and said, "Dou Qianqian, don't play in front of me any more. It's useless!""If you are still the leader of the company, I may be afraid of you!"

"But now Ha ha ~ ~ "

his face was full of disdain and he gave out a few contemptuous laughter.

"What do you mean?" Qian qualitative Nu asks a way, stare him.

"The meaning is simple!"

Zhang Lun sneered: "your concert tonight, cancel!"


Dou Qianqian immediately shook his head and said firmly: "impossible!"

"Tonight's concert has been announced and the tickets have been sold out. Maybe some fans are present and waiting outside!"

"It can't be cancelled!"

You're kidding!

For this concert, she put down her posture, humbled herself, asked for help everywhere, and gambled all her wealth.

Even borrowed a lot of money.

This concert is about her life and death. She will never cancel it!

Ha ha

At the corner of his mouth, Zhang Lun said coldly, "I'm not suggesting you, but informing you!"

"This is my uncle's order! That's the order of the company! "


Dou Qianqian said: "this concert, I didn't use any money from the company, and I didn't use the company's resources. It was all organized by my contacts and funds!"

"The general manager and the company have no right to stop me from holding a concert!"


Zhang Lun sneered: "you offended master Jiang, and master Jiang has not forgiven you yet!"

"Is that enough?"


For a moment, Dou Qianqian was speechless.


With a cold hum, Zhang Lun said, "if you offend master Jiang, you are doomed to end your career as a star."

"The punishment of the company's blocking you is already very light!"

"You are holding a concert now. If the news reaches master Jiang's ears and makes him dissatisfied or even angry, then the company will suffer with you!"

"So, this must not happen!"

"Tonight's concert must be cancelled!"


Dou Qianqian was speechless when he heard the words.

"Get out of here!"

Abruptly, Zhang Lun gave a violent drink, pushed Dou Qianqian away and ordered, "continue to smash it for me!"

"Smash here, and then smash backstage!"


All of a sudden, seven or eight subordinates, should and a.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, the sound of smashing things was heard all the time.

Dou Qianqian and sister Huang tried their best to stop them.

Unfortunately, they are two weak women who can't stop them at all.

A few minutes later, the whole stage was in a mess, with dilapidated props everywhere. Even the auditorium below was smashed.

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