
Dou Qianqian smell speech, obediently handed the mobile phone to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao took the phone.

"Talk, what are you calling me for?"

Suddenly, the other end of the mobile phone, came the angry cold cheers.

Jiang Hao picked up his cell phone and said coldly, "Hello, it's me!"


Suddenly, the chairman of Huatian entertainment group, on the other side of the mobile phone, immediately shut up, his face suddenly changed, his hand trembled, and his mobile phone almost fell.

"I I... "

He stuttered!

Xue Tianxiong, chairman of Huatian entertainment group, stuttered because he was too nervous.

He trembled: "Jiang Hello, master Jiang, I I'm Xue Tianxiong. "

"I know."

Jiang Hao said indifferently: "there is something you need to do!"

His tone was cold, with a hint of command, not polite at all.

However, Xue Tianxiong did not dare to be a little angry. Instead, he kowtowed and said, "master Jiang, if you have anything to do, please don't hesitate to tell me. I will do it for you."


Jiang Hao nodded slightly and said, "you should fire the general manager of your company now!"

"And try to make him bankrupt!"

"If you can put him in jail, it's best."

"Can this be done?"


Xue Tianxiong heard the speech and fell into hesitation.

After all, the general manager of Huatian Entertainment Group is the second in command of the company. He has cultivated a number of confidants and has a wide range of contacts.

It's very difficult to fire him for no reason.

At the same time, the impact is also great, which will cause great losses.

Besides, the general manager of Huatian Entertainment Group is his right arm, and has made great contributions to him and the company.

Such talents are rare. Xue Tianxiong is not willing to dismiss them.

However, he did not dare to disobey master Jiang's orders.

So, he's very tangled.

On the other end of the cell phone, there was a silence.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao's eyes narrowed and his face became cold.

"What? You can't do it? Or are you not willing to do it? "


Xue Tianxiong's face slightly changed, and said: "master Jiang, Wu Da is the second leader of our company. He is in a high position and has a good relationship with many directors."

"Besides, he is also a hero of the company."

"Although I'm the chairman, I can't fire him for no reason."

He said: "so..."

"All right!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao interrupted him.

"I know your choice."

He said coldly, "I hope when I return to Chuzhou, you won't regret your choice now."

"By the way, at that time, maybe you didn't have time to regret it!"


His words are full of threats.

At the other end of the mobile phone, Xue Tianxiong's eyelids were beating, his heart was shaking, and his face was angry.

But it's more about fear and uneasiness.

He panicked!

"Wait, wait!"

He said hastily, "master Jiang, you misunderstood me!"

"That's to expel Wu Da?"

"You can rest assured that I will fire him."

"No, I'll fire him now!"

"I dare not disobey your order by lending me a few more courage."

"Master Jiang, wait a moment. I'll call a meeting of the board of directors and fire Wu Da at the meeting," he said in a flurry

"And don't worry, I'll make him bankrupt and become a penniless pauper!"

"By the way, I still have evidence in my hand to send him to prison."


Jiang Hao smell speech, nodded, way: "give you three minutes, handle this matter well!"

"In three minutes, I want to hear the results."


Xue Tianxiong respectfully said: "master Jiang, please rest assured that I will complete the task."

"Master Jiang, I'll hang up first."


Jiang Hao nodded and hung up the phone.


Jiang Yueyue looked at Jiang Hao and said, "you Do you really want to deal with the general manager of Huatian entertainment group? "

"Of course!"

Jiang Hao said coldly: "anyone who dares to threaten me with his family and friends will die!"

"He's not the culprit, though."

"If you are guilty, you will be punished!"

"All right." Jiang Yueyue heard the speech and nodded.Although she is kind-hearted, it does not mean that she is the virgin white lotus.

She knows very well that if Jiang Hao is just an ordinary person, her fate today will be very miserable, and Jiang Hao's fate will also be very miserable.

Therefore, some people, who should be dealt with, should not be let go.

"Jiang Master Jiang

Suddenly, Dou Qianqian opened his mouth.

Jiang Hao glanced at her and said coldly, "what's the matter?"


Dou Qianqian was a little afraid and said, "master Jiang, I'd like to ask you a favor."

"What's up?" Jiang Hao asked.


Dou Qianqian said weakly, "can you tell chairman Xue to let him lift my ban?"

"I know it's wrong."

"I should have offended you. Please forgive me."

"What if I say no?" Jiang Hao said coldly.


Suddenly, Dou Qianqian bent his legs and knelt down in front of Jiang Hao.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

She kowtowed a few times and begged for mercy: "master Jiang, I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me!"

"If you don't spare me, I'm finished!"

"Over the years, I've offended a lot of people."

"Now, I've been banned and lost the protection of Huatian entertainment group, and those people are beginning to retaliate against me."

"Forgive me, if I don't end up!"

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao's face was expressionless and said coldly, "does this have anything to do with me?"


When Dou Qianqian heard the speech, he suddenly stopped speaking.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Immediately, she kowtowed and said, "master Jiang, I'm wrong. Please forgive me!"

"Please spare me! Please forgive me... "

She kowtowed so hard that her forehead was red.

In some places, it's even bruised.

"All right, all right, don't knock. Get up."

Jiang Yueyue couldn't bear to look any more and wanted to help her up.

However, Dou Qianqian refused.


She kowtowed and said, "master Jiang, if you don't forgive me, I won't get up!"

Jiang Hao's face turned cold when he heard the speech.

"Are you threatening me?" He doesn't have a proper tone.

All of a sudden, Dou Qianqian shivered all over and said, "no, master Jiang, you misunderstood me. I didn't threaten you."

"I just want to ask you to spare me!"


Jiang Hao snorted coldly and said, "since that's the case, then you can always kowtow on your knees."


Jiang Yueyue was a little impatient.

She advised: "I don't know how Qianqian sister offended you."

"But she's so miserable now, and she's almost sullied by that rascal, or You can spare he

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