
Man smell speech, grin, eyes in the cold light Zhan Zhan, the face revealed moriran kill.


When the two security guards saw this, they felt a little scared.

"You What do you want to do? " They stepped back, trilling.

Hey, hey

The man is ferocious a smile, way: "of course is to kill a person!"

"Don't worry, I'm very quick. When you die, you won't have any pain!"

In a moment, he put out his finger and nodded twice.

Whew! Whew!

Suddenly, two cold awns shot out.

Bang! Bang!

The sound of the explosion, two security guards, exploded, exploded into two groups of blood fog, with the wind in the sky and earth.

"Let's go!" The man said with a faint smile.

Then, with a calm face, he stepped backstage.

He just killed two people, but he didn't change his mood at all.

Obviously, he absolutely killed a lot of people. He was numb in his heart. When he killed again, he would not be afraid or excited.

So did the other three, all calm, and walked backstage.

All of a sudden, the backstage people, have cold drink.

"Who are you?"

"Those who stand in my way will die!"

A man, burst to shout: "don't want to die, all away!"


A person hears speech, scold a way: "here is backstage, idle miscellaneous person, forbid to enter inside, ask you to leave immediately!"

"Go away!"

Suddenly, the man gave a loud drink.


All of a sudden, a strong force of Qi, through the body, swept in all directions.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, the people around all spit blood and fly out.


The man snorted coldly, looked down on everyone, sneered and said, "a group of mole ants!"

Immediately, he stepped into Dou Qianqian's exclusive lounge.

The other three went in, too.

In the rest room, everyone was stunned when they came in.


Huang Jie, Dou Qianqian's agent, frowned and said, "are you Qianqian's fans?"

"Do you want her to sign?"

"Please go out first. When Qianqian's concert is over, we will make unified arrangements to help fans sign their names!"


Ha ha

Hearing this, a man gave a cold smile and said, "we don't want her signature, but Go to her


Sister Huang's face darkened at the sound of the speech.

She said coldly: "for the sake of being a Qianqian fan, I don't blame you for your nonsense!"

"Now, please go out!"

"Tell me to go out?"

The man sneered: "old woman, do you know who you are talking to?"

"Old woman?"

Sister Huang's face turned ugly when she heard these three words.

In the eyes, it is to show anger.


She yelled, "get rid of all these troublemakers!"


Suddenly, seven or eight security guards rushed in and surrounded the four men. Their faces were very cold.

A security guard said coldly, "be conscious and go out on your own."

"Don't let us do it!"

"Otherwise, you might get hurt!"

Ha ha

A man, mouth a Yang, outline a touch of disdain arc, contemptuous tunnel: "a group of mole ants, dare to threaten me?"

"I'm looking for death!"


Suddenly, he burst out.


The next second, he just threatened his security by making a big speech, and his whole body exploded into a blood mist without leaving any residue.

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

in the rest room, when people saw the bloody scene, they all changed their faces and screamed.

Even a few security guards were scared and shivered.


Sister Huang trembled, looked at the man and said in a trill, "you You killed people? "


Man light way: "how?"

"It's just killing a man, that's how surprised you are?"

"And I'll kill another one?"

Then he raised his finger and gently.


All of a sudden, a finger awn, shot out, pierced the brow of a security guard.Poop!

The security guard fell to the ground, red and white objects flowing out of the hole in the middle of his eyebrows.

He opened his eyes wide and died.

Ah ~

when sister Huang saw this scene, her heart gave out, her legs and feet softened, and she collapsed to the ground.

Others, too, are all soft.

They are all ordinary people. Why have they ever seen such bloody and horrible scenes of killing?

"Shut up

Suddenly, a man gave a loud drink.

However, his words didn't work.

The security guard, the makeup artist, the people in the clothing group, and so on, are still shouting in fear.


The man, with a cold hum, showed a trace of anger in his eyes.


He gave a cold drink.

Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, the loudest of the two people, burst open, exploded into a blood mist, floating in the air.

"If you don't shut up, the two of them will be your end!" Men's cold way.

All of a sudden, everyone shut up.

There are a few girls, the most timid, can not control the fear of shouting, can only cover the mouth, try not to make a sound.

"That's about the same."

Seeing this, the man nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately, he looked at the three companions and asked, "what do you do with these people?"

"Kill it!" A person light way.

"Yes, kill them all!"

Another man nodded and said, "later, we have to get down to business and enjoy two top girls. We can't let them spoil our interest!"

"All right, kill them all."

The third person, indifferent way: "who do it?"

"I'll do it!"

One person took the initiative to stand up.

Then, as soon as he turned around, he looked down at the crowd with a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of his mouth and said coldly, "I'm sorry, you have bad luck."

"Later, we'll get down to business."


"I have to ask you to die!"

He said with a faint smile, "but don't worry. I'll start very quickly. Just like those people just now, you don't have any pain in death!"

Poop! Poop! Poop!

Suddenly, in the rest room, one person after another knelt on the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

They kowtow and beg for mercy.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me

"Please, don't kill me!"

"I don't want to die. Let me go!"

The man looked down at them with a smile on the corner of his mouth and said indifferently, "tut tut Kneeling, kowtowing and begging for mercy are sincere

"Unfortunately, no matter how sincere it is, it doesn't work."

"You must die!"

"Well, cut the crap!"

Suddenly, a man spoke.

He frowned, impatient, and urged, "kill them now!"

"All right."

The man shrugged his shoulders and grinned.

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