"Don't talk about it, young man. I'm going to take photos quickly!" Uncle said with a smile.

Then he sped up and got rid of Jiang Hao.

"Cousin, cousin!"

Seeing this, Jiang Yueyue was a little excited and forgot her fear.

She urged: "cousin, let's go up and have a look."

"Maybe, there is really something precious."

Jiang Hao was dumbfounded when he heard the speech.

Well, another man poisoned by novels!

"Cousin, don't be stunned. Let's catch up quickly." Jiang Yueyue pulled Jiang Hao and urged him.

"Good, good."

Jiang Hao shook his head and laughed.

Then, hold on to Jiang Yueyue, and rush up at full speed.

He didn't use his powers.

However, the speed is still exaggerated.

In the blink of an eye, I caught up with the photography uncle and treasure hunting youth.

"Why? Young man, what a speed Uncle photographer was surprised.

As for the young treasure hunter, he looked warily at Jiang Hao and muttered, "shit, I'm catching up so soon, and I'm not here to look for treasure!"

The companion beside him is also very alert, like a thief.

It seems that they are worried that Jiang Hao will take away their treasure.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao turned his eyes again.

He's really speechless!

"Don't worry, I won't rob your baby. I just want to go up and see what happened." He couldn't help explaining.

"That's good, that's good."

After hearing this, the young man patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

The same is true of his companions.

When Jiang Hao saw this scene, a black line appeared on his forehead, and he was speechless.

He has an impulse to hit people!

"Well, stop talking. Let's go climbing."

The photographer said with a smile: "on the top of the mountain, there is so much movement. There must be something big."

"If you miss it, it's a pity."

"Yes, go up quickly!" The young treasure hunter nodded again and again.

"Speed up!"

His companion also said a word.

Then, a group of five, speed up the climb again.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Suddenly, a few broken air sounds.

A few figures came flying from the horizon.

"People People fly in the sky

"This Is this a fairy? "

"No, I'm dazed. I'm hallucinating!"

Young treasure hunters, photographers and others were shocked to see this scene.

Then they shook their heads and rubbed their eyes.

Obviously, they all think that their eyes are dazed and they have delusions. They don't believe that their eyes can see several people flying in the sky.

"It's him!"

Jiang Hao's eyes flashed and recognized a man.

It's the hat man I saw yesterday!

The sky.

Hat man's eyes were sharp. He saw Jiang Hao and others climbing the mountain, and saw others climbing the mountain quickly. His face suddenly became cold.

"These mole ants, who don't know how to survive, dare to run up the mountain!" He said coldly.


Suddenly, he sped up and went straight to Jiang Hao and others.

"He Ming, what are you doing?" Seeing this, a companion asked.

"Teach them a lesson!" Hat man he Ming sneers.


Immediately, he turned into a streamer and appeared in front of Jiang Hao and others in the blink of an eye.

He is suspended in the sky, his clothes are floating, just like a banished immortal.

However, the coldness on his face completely destroyed the atmosphere of the immortal.

Because he saw Jiang Hao!

"It's the boy!"

He grinned at the corners of his mouth.

"Hello, boy, I see you again!" He sneered.


When they heard the sound, they were all stunned and stunned. If they were struck by lightning, they stood in the same place.

"This Isn't that an illusion? "

"This is Really? "

Gudong! Gudong!

They wriggled their stiff necks, looked at each other, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Someone is really flying in the sky!

They are confused, and the three outlooks are destroyed.


Suddenly, the young treasure hunter looked up at he Ming in the sky and asked weakly, "excuse me, you How do you fly in the sky? "

"Can Can you teach me? "

"Yes, can you teach us?"

His companion, too, asked, "we can pay!"He Ming's face darkened at the sound of the speech.

There was a chill all over.


This is insulting him!

"Mole ant, do you want to die?" He looked down at the two young men and cheered coldly.

The young treasure hunter was not angry.

"How do you talk?" he said coldly

"Don't teach, don't teach, curse..."

"Shut up

Suddenly, he Ming burst to drink.

Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, the young treasure hunter and his companions were shocked by the invisible sound waves. They vomited blood on the spot and their viscera were damaged.

"Asshole, you..."

The young treasure hunter glared at he Ming, his eyes full of anger.


He Ming looked down at all the people on the mountainside and ordered, "give you three minutes and get off Feiyun mountain immediately!"

"If you don't obey me, don't blame me for doing it!"

The young treasure hunter was the first to refuse.


He snorted coldly and yelled, "why?"

"There are treasures on the top of the mountain. Do you want to drive all of us away and eat them alone?"

"I tell you..."

"You don't want to eat baby alone!"

As soon as this statement was made, others responded.

"Yes, you can't eat the baby alone!"

"You want to drive us down the mountain? No way

"I don't want to go down the mountain

"Yes, I won't go down either!"

The crowd echoed.

There was an explosion at the top of Feiyun mountain, and the whole mountain was shaking. It was obvious that something had happened. Everyone was very curious and wanted to go up and have a look.

Besides, there are many photographers and journalists among the climbers.

How can they miss such material and news?

"Not going down?"

He Ming's eyes were cold when he heard the noise.

"A bunch of stupid people

He murmured: "if you are not a member of the Wudao League, you must be protected. I will not care about your life or death!"

His muttering voice was very small, but Jiang Hao heard it.

"People of wudaomeng?"

There was a flash of surprise in Jiang Hao's eyes.


He Ming's face was overcast and said with a sneer, "since you don't go down the mountain, I'll send you down!"

"Here comes the wind!"

Sobbing ~ ~ sobbing ~

he let out a loud drink, and the inner strength of his body surged out, instantly stirred the surrounding air and formed a strong wind.

The wind howled, blowing around the flowers and trees.

Even some small stones were blown away.

"Get out of here!" He Ming yelled.

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, his inner strength burst out.

All of a sudden, an invisible wind, under his control, swept all the people on the mountainside.

Including Jiang Hao!


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