Two and three of Toshio Taogu, kneeling on the ground, kowtowed to the blood cloud in the sky, and yelled:

"welcome the blood ancestor

"Welcome the blood ancestor to come!"

"Blood ancestor?"

When Wei long, Zhang Lun and others heard the speech, their faces changed and their hearts trembled.


Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

In an instant, the floating blood cloud in the sky disappeared.

A figure, revealed.

This person is very handsome, even a little feminine and weird, his face is very white, like a thick layer of white powder, looks very young.

A pair of good-looking peach eyes, full of fierce color.

He wore a robe, just like the ancients.

The robe is red and flutters with the wind, just like the red blood floating.

"Blood Luocha?"

Wei long and others, seeing this man, trembled and couldn't help shouting.


They were all frightened and shivering.

Even the lawless, arrogant and domineering he Ming had a look of fear on his face.

The reputation of xueluocha is well known in the whole Zhonghai city. Even children and old people have heard of it. It can really stop children crying.

A year ago, xueluocha was born in the sky, and it became famous.

One of the 108 members of a reclusive Wudao family in Zhonghai City, from crying babies to ancestors, died overnight.

What's more, it was a terrible death.

Their bodies were all intact, but they were all atrophied, skin and bones, just like a skeleton.

All their blood has been drained!

Once this happened, wudaomeng was furious.

Several law enforcement elders have issued orders, demanding the branch of Zhonghai Wudao League to seize xueluocha at all costs.

Or just kill them.

Unfortunately, it has failed many times.

On the contrary, seven or eight experts from the branch of wudaomeng were killed by xueluocha and sucked up the blood.


He Tianxiang was so angry that he did it himself.

However, xueluocha seems to have received information, and disappeared overnight without a trace. From then on, there was no news.

Unexpectedly, half a year later, xueluocha was born again.


Zhang Lun's Adam's apple wriggled, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said in a low voice in fear: "how What shall we do? "

"I I don't know Wei long trills.

"Blood How can the bloody Luocha How was he born? "

"I We all Are you going to die? "

"No No

"I I don't want to die! "

The crowd cried out, trembling with fear, and their faces were pale.

Seeing this, Wei long wanted to scold them and tell them not to be afraid.

But he can't say it.


He's scared, too!

His lips trembled with fear, and his throat seemed to be choked, unable to make a sound.

He Ming looked up at xueluocha and said in a trembling voice: "you Are you a bloody Rosa


Blood Luocha suspended in the sky, Yin soft smile, nodded.


When he Ming heard the words, his face turned pale.

In the heart fluke and the fantasy, all disillusioned.

"You What do you want to do? " He asked, trembling with a split scalp.

The blood Luo Cha grins and says: "shut up too long, the body is a little stiff."

"So, come out and relax, by the way..."

"Kill people, suck blood!"

His tone was very flat and relaxed, as if he was chatting, but it was full of murderous and bloody smell, which made people tremble.


When he Ming heard the speech, his legs and feet softened and he almost fell to the ground.

Wei long, Zhang Lun and others are also trembling and terrified.

The meaning of "blood Luocha" is very obvious.

He's going to kill and suck blood!

This means that they are in danger and are likely to die, under the mouth of xueluocha.

"What to do?"

"What to do?"

All of a sudden, everyone was anxious and flustered.


All of a sudden, xueluocha looked down at the crowd, frowned, and said softly.

"Why is one person missing?" He muttered to himself.

Then, he fixed his eyes on the second and third of Toshio taotani, ready to ask about the situation.

Hoo ~

suddenly, he Ming vomited a mouthful of turbid air and said: "blood Xueluocha, I I warn you, my dad... "

Shh!Blood Luo Cha looked down at him, made a silent gesture, light way: "don't talk!"

"Otherwise, I might kill you!"

"You dare!"

Hearing this, he Ming's heart beat and roared: "xueluocha, my father is he Tianxiang."

"Although you are powerful, you are only eight star master."

"If you dare to hurt me, my father will take revenge for me!"

"At that time, heaven and earth, you have no place to escape, no doubt you will die!"

Blood Luo Cha smell speech, delicate eyebrow, tiny a pick.

"You are Threaten me? " He said softly.

There was no fierce color in his face, no fierce light in his eyes, and no chance of murder.

However, it makes people sweat and feel suffocated.


Suddenly, he Ming's body trembled and became stiff.


Suddenly, a huge attraction, acting on him, sucked him in. His body was out of control and flew straight to xueluocha.

Blood Luo Cha light way: "I hate others to threaten me!"


"I'll suck your blood first and make a tooth beating sacrifice!"

Ah ~

he Ming struggled wildly and yelled in the air.

It's a pity.

His cultivation is too weak to break away from the attraction.

"Go to hell!"

Suddenly, a wisp of fierce light burst out of his eyes. Suddenly, he took out a jade pendant from his arms and smashed it at xueluocha.


The jade pendant explodes in the air and bursts out with endless light.

For a moment, the light converged, turned into a fist, and roared to xueluocha.

Boom! Boom!

The fist blows out, the earth shakes, the air explodes and crackles.


Blood Luo Cha eyes a coagulate, surprised a way: "unexpectedly, you such mole ant, the body unexpectedly has this kind of protection magic weapon, contained eight star master's blow."

"What a surprise

"Unfortunately, this kind of thing is useless to me!"

Then, with a wave of his hand, a cloud of blood shot out.


In an instant, the blood cloud bumps into the golden fist and immediately wraps it up.

Then, in he Ming's startled eyes, he quietly resolved the blow.


He Ming is silly.

You know, this jade pendant was made by his father himself. The moves stored in it are equivalent to eight star master's all-out attack.

Although it's not as good as the jade pendant just now, it's also very powerful.

However, it was cracked by xueluocha.

He Ming was stunned!

Wei long, Zhang Lun and others were also stunned.

Obviously, the strength of xueluocha is beyond their imagination.

Xueluocha didn't show up for half a year. Once he was born, his strength became much stronger.

"Mole ant!"

Blood Luo Cha overlooking he Ming, light way: "I said, to the first to suck your blood, tooth sacrifice, then you don't want to escape."

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