Ah ~

all of a sudden, he Ming yelled and waved his other hand. His inner strength broke out and turned into an illusory sharp knife to chop down.


Blood splashes.

One arm, flying out.

Chi ~ Chi ~

in a flash, the red blood was released from the broken arm and fell into the mouth of xueluocha.

Blood loss, this broken arm, instantly withered, skin and bone, as if weathering for decades.

Survive with a broken arm!

It has to be said that he Ming is very smart and decisive.

Although he broke an arm, he saved his life temporarily.

"It's a smart way to survive with a broken arm."

Xueluocha stretched out his tongue and licked the blood stains at the corner of his mouth. He said faintly: "however, you are my chosen blood food. No matter how hard you struggle, it's futile!"

"You can't escape!"


"Come here!"

Suddenly, with one hand in his hand, he again burst out with infinite attraction and sucked he Ming away.

Ah ~

he Ming struggled wildly in the air and yelled.

This time, he was really scared!

Because he Tianxiang has used up all the body protection jades he made for him.

After all, this one-time body protection magic weapon is very precious. It's very troublesome to make, and it will also consume the accomplishments of the maker.

Ordinary people, making two or three pieces, is the limit.

However, he Tianxiang dotes on he Ming too much. In order to prevent he Ming from having an accident, he does not hesitate to waste his accomplishments and makes a total of ten jade pendants.

Now, all the ten jades are used up.

How can he Ming not be afraid without a magic weapon?

"Help me!"

"Wei long, Zhang Lun, help me!" he yelled


Wei long, Zhang Lun smell speech, look at each other, hesitated, did not move.

He Ming is afraid of blood.

They're scared, too!

You know, xueluocha is an eight star master, and they are just six star masters. They can't beat xueluocha.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Seeing this, he Ming roared: "two dogs!"

"Don't forget, if something happens to me, my father will tear you apart."

"Then you will die, too!"


Wei long, Zhang Lun two people, hear this sentence, the facial expression instant ugliness, all secretly scolded a.

"What to do?" Zhang Lun asked.

"What else can we do?"

Wei Long's face was gloomy and said angrily, "let's go up together and save him!"

"If he dies, we will die, too."

"So, I can only spell one!"

"So many of us, together, may be able to save he Shao."

"And then, if you run separately, maybe you can escape."

"This All right

Hearing the speech, Zhang Lun hesitated, nodded and agreed to Wei Long's proposal.

He has only this choice, no other way!

Others, too.


Immediately, they burst to drink a, kill to blood Luo cha in succession.

Weilong, Zhang Lun and others are the main attackers, pestering xueluocha. The other two five-star masters seize the opportunity to save he Ming and then escape.

After all, they are very clear that even if all of them go together, they will never be able to fight the bloody Luocha, and they will die before long.

Even, none of them can run away.

Ha ha

Blood Luo Cha sees this, the face does not change color, happy and unafraid, sneer a way: "want to save this mole ant?"

"Unfortunately, you can't save him!"

"Since you are so anxious and take the initiative to send them to the door, I will accept them reluctantly."

"It's a good time to catch up and enjoy a big meal, and eat until you're full!"

He drew an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

"So, who should we start with?"

"Just you!"

Suddenly, he watched Wei long.

All of a sudden, Wei Long's heart jumped, his whole body muscles were tense, and his hair exploded.

He wants to escape!

But it was discovered before it moved.

"You want to escape?"

Blood Luo Cha light smile way: "but, can you escape?"

"Come here!"

With one hand, he burst out with infinite attraction.

Ah ~

with a cry, Wei long flew uncontrollably to xueluocha.


Blood Luo Cha spits out a word.

A blood cloud came out and enveloped Wei long, making him stiff and fixing him in front of him.Tut tut

Blood Luo Cha Za mouth, light way: "six star master, the cultivation is thick, the flesh body is solid, the blood flow is like a river, turbulent and pure."

"It's a good blood food!"

"Such delicious blood food, you must drink it up in one mouthful!"

"In that case..."

Xueluocha's eyes were green, as if a beast was staring at its prey, scanning Weilong up and down.

"Let's bleed from the artery in our neck."

"The blood released from this part is large, fresh and continuous. It can drain all the blood in your body without any left."

He licked his lips and said, "I'm going to start."

"Don't struggle

Hiss ~

before his voice fell, there was a break in the main artery of Weilong's neck.

The red blood splashed out with heat.

Wow, wow ~

xueluocha exclaimed: "a lot of blood!"

"You can't waste such fresh and delicious blood!"

Inhale -

he opens his mouth and inhales.

All of a sudden, the blood splashing in the air, a drop left in his mouth, he swallowed.


Xueluocha showed an expression of enjoyment and intoxication.

"Come again!"

So he opened his mouth again to suck blood.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, the red blood, like a blood injection, surged out from the main artery of Weilong's neck and couldn't stop at all.

In just ten seconds, Wei long turned pale and lost too much blood.

What's more, his eyes were black, and he was weak.

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

Wei long screamed bitterly and struggled wildly. The inner strength of his body gushed out like money, bombarding the blood cloud and the blood Luocha.

But he couldn't get rid of it at all.

"What to do? What shall we do? "

Wei Long's lips were white, and his eyes were full of confusion.


He has smelled death!

"Don't struggle."

Blood Luo Cha light smile way: "under my control, you can never escape."


"Be my blood food

After that, he sucked blood again.

And it speeds up.


Wei long groaned. His whole body was weak and his limbs were weak. He was as shaky as a drunk. His eyes were black and he would faint at any time.


He lost so much blood that he was very weak.

Maybe, in a minute at most, he'll bleed to death.


Wei Long's face was ferocious, and he roared: "blood Luocha!"

"If you want me to die, I'll bury you with me!"

"Ha ha ha Let's go to hell together

He looked up at the sky and laughed wildly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, there was a dull roar in his body.

At the same time, the whole body exudes a sense of depression and terror.

His body, also rapid expansion, like a crazy balloon.

Wei long wants to Self explosion!

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