
He Ming stares at Jiang Hao, his eyes show his murderous intention, and roars, "why didn't you save me just now?"

Jiang Hao ignored him and said coldly, "why should I save you?"

"Just because I'm a member of wudaomeng!"

He Ming roared: "just because my father is the head of the branch of Zhonghai wudaomeng!"

Ha ha

Jiang Hao sneered and sneered, "are you worthy to be a member of wudaomeng?"

"Wudaomeng is the patron saint of China, whose duty is to protect ordinary people and maintain social stability."

"But what about you?"

"What did you do?"

"I see you are arrogant and arrogant," he sneered

"I saw that you ignored the rules of the Wudao League, wantonly attacked ordinary people, and nearly killed several ordinary people!"

"Do you think you are worthy to be a member of Wudao League?"


When he Ming heard the speech, he was very angry.

"My father is the head of the branch of Zhonghai Wudao League. He is a master of nine stars and stands at the top of the world's Wudao circle."

"And you, a wild monk of unknown origin, saw that I was in danger and didn't help me!"

"You deserve to die!"


He pointed to Jiang Hao and showed that he was ready to kill him. He yelled, "give me a shot and kill him!"

"Tear him to pieces!"


When Zhang Lun and others heard the speech, they all hesitated and did not dare to do it.

You're kidding!

As strong as xueluocha, they were all chopped by Jiang Hao's light sword. They were not enough to seal Jiang Hao's teeth.

As long as you do it, you will die!

"Grass Mud Horse!"

He Ming became more furious when he saw that Zhang Lun and others did not listen to orders.

His eyes were red and he roared, "you dog slaves, dare to disobey my orders!"

"You're dead!"

"I'll tell my dad to kill you when I get there!"

"Your family must die, too!"

"No one can run away!"

Zhang Lun and others, heard this sentence, the eyes burst out of the murder.

They want to kill he Ming!

However, they do not have the courage to act as turtles and swallow their anger.

"Go on!"

"Spicy next door, you all give it to Laozi, kill him!"

He Ming roared.

However, it doesn't work at all.

Let him cry out his throat, no one will do it.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

He Ming burst out and said, "you damned dog slaves, I will kill you all!"


Suddenly, Jiang Hao snorted coldly and said indifferently, "you don't have a chance!"

"Shut up

He Ming scolded: "dog, you wait for me, me..."

"The dog's mouth stinks!"

Jiang Hao's face was cold, and his eyes flashed cold light.

"Get out of here!"

Suddenly, he burst out.


Suddenly, the Feiyun mountain under his feet was shocked.

Floating air, but also exploded, a burst of crackling sound, as if setting off firecrackers.


He Ming spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person fell down uncontrollably and hit the ground heavily.

Click! Click!

There was a crack in the bone.

He Ming broke several bones and spat out some blood.

"Grass Mud Horse!" He roared.

"The mouth stinks. It stinks!"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "in that case, I'll help you wash it."


He gave a low drink and burst out with a strong breath.


All of a sudden, he Ming's mouth burst open, seven or eight broken teeth, mixed in blood and saliva, shot out.

Sobbing ~ ~ sobbing ~

he screamed in pain and rolled on the ground.

"If you smash Dong, your brain will kill the whole family!" He kills the machine to explode the shed, stares at Jiang Hao, vaguely threatens a way.

Jiang Hao smell speech, the eye burst out a wisp of cold light.

"Don't you know how to repent?"

"It seems that the lesson is too light for you," he said coldly


All of a sudden, he raised a finger, gently, shooting out a cold light.

In the blink of an eye, the cold light bombarded he Ming's abdomen.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, he Ming burst out a few mouthfuls of blood, shaking and twitching all over.

Ah ~

he yelled: "I My accomplishments... "He broke up his fields.

Poof! Poop!

All of a sudden, he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, his neck was crooked, and he fainted on the spot.

Hiss ~

Zhang Lun and others, seeing this scene, all took a breath of cold air, a little creepy.


Jiang Hao is so cruel!

You know, he Ming is the precious son of nine star master he Tianxiang.

Jiang Hao knew he Ming's identity, but he didn't hesitate, so he directly abolished his cultivation.

He Ming's arms were broken and his accomplishments were abandoned.

His life is over!

Perhaps, after such a big injury, his life will be shortened.

Zhang Lun and others are very clear that something serious has happened.

He Tianxiang knows that he Ming's arms are broken and his accomplishments are wasted. He will be furious.

The world of martial arts and Taoism in Zhonghai city is changing!

"Are you all from the branch of Zhonghai wudaomeng?"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao asked.



"Back to the master, we are all from the branch of wudaomeng, Zhonghai city!"

Zhang Lun and others were stunned.

Then they nodded in reply, respectful and humble.

Jiang Hao scanning them, light way: "remind you."

"You are the people of Wudao League, the patron saint of China, not the slaves of some people!"

"It's the law enforcement elder of Wudao league that you should obey!"

"What you want to serve are thousands of ordinary people in China!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao's tone was cold.

"I don't want to see today again!"

"Otherwise, next time, I will kill you and clean up the door!"

"Yes, yes

Zhang Lun and others nodded their heads and did not dare to disagree.

"That's all I have to say!"

"Yueyue, let's go!"

After that, Jiang Hao took Jiang Yueyue by the hand and went straight down the mountain.

When Zhang Lun and others saw this, they bowed and yelled: "good bye, master!"

"Congratulations, master!"

"Congratulations, master!"

A moment later.

Jiang Hao's figure disappeared, and they slowly straightened up and returned to normal.

"Zhang Brother Zhang, I What shall we do? " Suddenly, a five-star master asked weakly.

Zhang Lun's face was cold, and he said in a deep voice, "do what you should do!"


Hearing the speech, everyone was confused.

"Brother Zhang, the man just said to clean up the door. Is he also a member of the Wudao League?"

Zhang Lun nodded.

"It should be!"

"But why haven't we met him?"

Zhang Lun's eyes twinkled, and said: "this man is so young, and his strength is so high. Even the eight star master's blood Luocha is killed with one sword."

"Maybe, he is the Tianjiao who was secretly cultivated by the high level of Wudao League!"

One of them asked, "brother Zhang, you said that he abolished his cultivation."

"Will he die?"

"Shut up

With a sharp look in his eyes, Zhang Lun glared at the man and scolded him: "don't say anything you shouldn't say!"

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