"What is he Tianxiang?"

Jiang Hao looked disdainful and said contemptuously: "don't mention him, even if it's Wang Ba, it's not wrong to kill me!"

"Master Wang, you..."

When Lei Jue and others heard the speech, their faces changed greatly.

They're scared!

Lei Jue's face was solemn and said in a deep voice: "master Jiang, I advise you not to say that again!"

"Elder Wang Ba has a high position and great power. You can't escape death if you offend him, even if elder Wu Daozi supports you!"

Ha ha

Jiang Hao sneered and said, "I don't need anyone to support me!"

"Whoever provokes me will die!"

"Wang Ba is no exception!"

When Lei Jue heard this, his eyelids trembled and he said, "master Jiang, you..."

"All right!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

Jiang Hao light way: "time is late, all go back to sleep!"

Then, he took Jiang Yueyue, turned and walked back to the room.

Lei Jue and others looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Immediately, they left one after another.

Seeing this, Peng Yi said, "come on!"

"Take all the injured out of the hospital for medical treatment."

"At the same time, a subsidy of 10000 yuan per person!"


The crowd obeyed the order and acted one after another.

A moment later.

Red Queen manor, peace restored.

On the other side.

Luo Changfeng, Wang GUI and others, dragging a body injured, tottering to fly back to the branch of Zhonghai city wudaomeng.

"Lord Luo and Lord Wang are back!"

In the division, a man with sharp eyes saw the scene and yelled.

Suddenly, many people came out to welcome Luo Changfeng and others.

"Finally Come back Luo Changfeng shook his body, turned pale and muttered to himself.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Jiang Hao is terrible.

Before returning to the branch of wudaomeng, he was always worried that Jiang Hao would suddenly kill him with a sword.

Now he's back, he's not afraid!


As soon as his mind relaxed, the injury he had just been trying to crush broke out in an instant, which made him spit out a few mouthfuls of blood on the spot.


The next second, his body, straight down.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The sound of breaking the air is constantly ringing.

Suddenly, Wang GUI and others trembled and fell from the air, as if everyone had made an appointment.

"This What's going on? "

The people below, seeing this scene, were all dumbfounded.

"Don't be stunned!"

All of a sudden, one of them called out: "move quickly and catch Lord Luo and Lord Wang!"

"Yes, yes

All of a sudden, they wake up and run to catch Luo Changfeng, Wang GUI and others.

"Lord Luo, you What's the matter with you? " One asked.


Luo Changfeng spat out a mouthful of blood and said: "quick Send me to see Lord he

"Oh, good!"

The man was stunned for a moment.

Then, he helped Luo Changfeng to the courtyard where he Tianxiang was.

"I I'll go, too. " Wang GUI is powerless.

So another man, supporting him, followed him.

At this point.

He Tianxiang is playing games with some hot beauties in the yard.

"Bye See you, Mr. He Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI, weak tunnel.


He Tianxiang glanced at them, his eyes were bright.

"What's the matter?"

His face is cold, scold a way: "you are not to arrest Jiang Hao that little bastard?"

"How could it all hurt like this?"


Luo Changfeng coughed a few mouthfuls of blood, turned pale and said, "Congratulations Mr. He, I We're all hurt by that little bastard! "


He Tianxiang's eyes were awe inspiring when he heard the speech.

"Isn't intelligence saying that the strength of that little bastard is between the later stage and the peak of eight star master?"

"You two, one is the later period of eight star master, the other is the peak of eight star master, with more than 20 helpers, how could you be hurt by him?"

"Say it

He Tianxiang's eyes were cold and fierce, and he burst out a terrible momentum. He asked, "do you want to betray me and deliberately lie for that little bastard?""No No

Suddenly, Luo Changfeng's body trembled, and he knelt down on the ground, shaking his head.

He explained in horror: "Congratulations Mr. He, we have not betrayed you! "

"We were really hurt by that little bastard!"

"Information is wrong, his strength is not eight star master, but nine star master!"

"Nine Star master?"

He Tianxiang's face changed slightly when he heard the speech.

"Are you sure?" he murmured


Luo Changfeng swore: "I can swear to heaven, that little bastard's strength is absolutely nine star master!"

"Because, with one move, he cut off all our arms!"

"What's more, just a roar will shatter our bones and hurt our foundation!"

"He is definitely a nine star master!"

Wang GUI also nodded and swore, "Lord he, I can also swear!"

"That little bastard is definitely the nine star master!"


He Tianxiang scolded: "a group of useless waste, even a piece of information can be wrong!"

"You two are rubbish, too!"

He glared at Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI, and yelled, "get out of here

"Yes, yes

Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI, hearing that they were seriously injured, helped each other and limped out of the yard.


Suddenly, a voice rang out.

He Ming, pale and weak, hobbled out.

His sleeves were empty and fluttering in the wind.

After he Tianxiang fed many precious elixirs Baodan at all costs, his injury was basically healed in just a few hours.

However, his broken arm could not be reborn.

His elixir field can't be repaired.

Now, he is still a disabled man with broken arms and totally disabled cultivation!

"Xiaoming, how did you come out?"

He Tianxiang looked at him and said, "your injury is not completely healed. Go back to rest!"


He Ming's eyes are venomous and murderous. He Ming says, "I don't want to rest!"

"I just want revenge!"

"Dad, that little bastard Jiang Hao has ruined my cultivation. You must avenge me!"

"I want him dead!"

He Ming's face was twisted and ferocious like the devil. He roared, "I'm going to break him to pieces!"

"I'll chop him up and feed the dog!"

"I'll kill his family! Kill him all over the house


He was so excited that he got hurt and coughed violently.

He even coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

He Tianxiang rushed to help him and comforted him: "Xiaoming, don't get excited."

"You should not be angry until you are healed."

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