"It's him!"

He Tianxiang roared: "it's Jiang Hao who killed Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI!"


Some people smell speech, full of anger, eyes crack kill.

Obviously, they believed he Tianxiang's words.


There are also some people who don't believe what he Tianxiang said.

He Tianxiang glanced around and saw all the people's faces.


Then, with a cold snort, he said, "the intelligence is wrong. We all underestimated the strength of Jiang Hao."

"He is not eight star master, but nine star master!"

"Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI, on my order, went to the Red Queen manor to arrest Jiang Hao. They angered him and made him kill."

"He knows that Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI are not only my capable generals, but also the core elite of Wudao League."

"He did not dare to kill Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI in full view of the public."

"So it was mean!"

He gritted his teeth and said: "he deliberately injured Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI."

"Then, in both of them, leave a dark force."

"As long as the dark force breaks out, it will shatter their hearts and kill them quietly."

"Just now, I was going to heal them."

"All of a sudden, the dark force broke out and broke their hearts in an instant. Even I didn't have time to save them!"

"Jiang Hao is so vicious that he dares to kill the elite of Wudao League."

"You say, what shall we do?" He asked aloud.

When they heard the words, they were all furious, and their hearts began to kill.


"Kill him!"

"Damned little bastard, how dare you kill the people of wudaomeng? You can't spare him!"

"It's a capital crime to kill the people of Wudao League. That little bastard can't escape!"

"It's a shame for him to die!"

"Heaven forbids him to die!"

"Lord he, please give the order."

The crowd roared.

Seeing this, he Tianxiang turned his mouth and showed a strange smile.

A few people, seeing this scene, all sighed secretly.

They understand that he Tianxiang is targeting and framing Jiang Hao!

At this moment, it doesn't matter who killed Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI.


The charge of murder has been laid on Jiang Hao's head.

Waiting for him, only death!

For a moment, they all mourned for Jiang Hao, with a trace of pity and sympathy in their hearts.

But they dare not stand up and uncover the truth.

Because as soon as they stand up, he Tianxiang will kill them. He will not hesitate for half a second, and he will not show mercy.

In order to protect themselves, they can only be dumb!


He Tianxiang gave a cold hum, which suppressed the voice of the people.

He said: "Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI are my right men. They have made great contributions for me and for wudaomeng."

"I'll take revenge for them both in feeling and reason!"

"I will definitely kill Jiang Hao little bastard!"

"But now is not the time."

All the people were stunned.

Even a few people who saw the truth were stunned and a little silly.

"Congratulations Congratulations

All of a sudden, one of them asked, "Why are we When are you going to kill that little bastard? "


He Tianxiang said coldly, "tomorrow is the day of his death!"


"Tomorrow, elder Huang, the inspector of Wudao League, will come to Zhonghai city."

"At that time, we will report the matter to elder Huang, then..."

"JiangHao little bastard, there is no doubt that he will die!"

Hey, hey

With a ferocious smile, his eyes flashed.

"Elder Huang, inspector of Wudao League?"

"Great, that little bastard, the one who slaughtered our Wudao League, no one can protect him if there are patrol envoys!"

"Yes, he's dead!"

The others were all excited.

Patrol envoy is a special post in the Wudao League. Although the number of people is small, the power is relatively large. Every month, there are tasks to patrol all parts of the country.

Their main duty is to supervise and examine the people inside the Wudao League.

After all, as long as there are more people in any place or force, there will be factions, there will be fights, and there will be dirty things that can't be seen.

This situation can not be eliminated.

However, the establishment of patrolling envoys can contain these things, frighten some people, and reduce the darkness to a controllable range.This position is very special and important.

Therefore, power is also great.

Under normal circumstances, the inspector has the power to kill or live.

He Tianxiang knows that Jiang Hao's strength is no less than his.

In addition, Jiang Hao is backed by Wu Daozi.

It's very difficult for him to kill Jiang Hao.


He had a plan to kill Jiang Hao with the help of the inspector.

Elder Huang, the inspector who will come to Zhonghai tomorrow, has a good relationship with him.

He can take advantage of the death of Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI to get rid of Jiang Hao.

You know, wudaomeng is the patron saint of China. No one is allowed to kill wudaomeng unless there is a special reason.

Kill, die!

"All right, let's go down!"

He Tianxiang said coldly: "remember, don't disturb the bodies of Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI. Protect the scene and wait for elder Huang to come. Scout the scene and collect evidence."

"Yes Hearing the words, everyone said in unison.

Then they left.

"Jiang Hao!"

He Tianxiang's eyes were full of blood, and he said with a grim smile: "you dare to abolish my son's cultivation, I want you to die without a place to die!"

"When you die, I will kill all your relatives and friends and let them go to hell with you!"

Ha ha ha

Ferocious laughter reverberated in the training room for a long time.

Soon after.

The news of the death of Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI spread all over the wudaojie area of Zhonghai City, causing a big earthquake.

Pei family, Zhonghai city.

"Young master."

An old man with crane hair and child face and pure eyes, bowing his body like a slave, was waiting beside Pei Longting.

He was slightly thin and looked very old.

However, his whole body sends out the breath, actually is very terrifying.

This is a master of eight stars!

The old man looked at Pei Longting and said respectfully, "young master, just got the news that Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI are dead!"


When Pei Longting heard the speech, his eyes were bright.

"Are they Luo Changfeng and Wang GUI, the eight star masters of Wudao League?"

"It's them." The old man nodded.

Pei Longting asked, "how did they die?"

"It's said that he was killed by Jiang Hao!" The old man said.

"Jiang Hao?"

Pei long Ting stood up with a look of surprise.


His eyes twinkled, the whole person restored the elegant temperament, light way: "say carefully, what happened."


The old man nodded.

Then, he told us all the information he found.

When Pei Longting heard the speech, he gave a faint smile.

"It seems that someone is going to frame Jiang Hao!"

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