Lao Lin hardened his head and said, "master Jiang Hao."

"Elder Huang Feng, please go to wudaomeng branch. I advise you to come with us."

"Threaten me?"

Jiang Hao's eyes were cold when he heard the speech.

"What are you?"

"Go away!"

Suddenly, he burst out.

Hum ~ hum ~ hum ~

suddenly, sound waves, like a raging sea, bombarded the three men of wudaomeng.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The next second, Wu daomeng three people, all spit blood, half kneel on the ground, suffered a lot of injuries.

This is the result of Jiang Hao's mercy!

Otherwise, they would be shocked and exploded into blood mist, and there would be no bones left.

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "get out of the manor and tell the people surnamed Huang and he what I said."


Lao Lin stares at Jiang Hao. His eyes are full of anger and madness.

"Asshole, you forced me to do this!"

There was a fierce look on his face.


Suddenly, he turned over and turned into a streamer and rushed to the guard.

Then, with one hand, he grabbed the two guards by the neck and lifted them up.

"Follow me!"

He looks fierce, ferocious way: "JiangHao, follow me to wudaomeng branch!"

"If you don't come with me, I'll kill them!"

Wu Wu ~ ~ Wu Wu ~ ~

two guards, hanging in the air, waving their hands and kicking their feet, wanted to break free.

However, Lao Lin's hands were like tongs. No matter how they struggled, they couldn't get rid of them.

Lao Lin was very ruthless and merciless.

In a few seconds.

The faces of the two guards were red and congested, and their eyes were full of stars. They were almost out of breath.

Whew! Whew!

Suddenly, the other two members of wudaomeng also moved when they saw this scene.

Click! Click!

With a flash of light, they also caught a guard respectively.

From then on, the four escorts who led the way were all caught by them.

"Jiang Hao!"

Lao Lin's face was full of murders. He said angrily, "don't waste your time. Come with us soon!"

"I'll count three seconds."

"As soon as three seconds arrive, if you don't follow us, I'll kill one first!"

The other two agreed.

"Yes, Jiang Hao, come with us

"Don't hesitate, come with us, or I'll kill them!"

Ha ha

When Jiang Hao heard the speech, he raised the corner of his mouth and gave out a cold laugh.

His face was calm, but deep in his eyes, there was a cold light, occasionally a chance to kill.

"What are you laughing at?"

Lao Lin was so excited that he burst out and said, "come on, follow us!"

"Or I'll kill them!"

Click! Click!

After that, his wrist suddenly worked hard, one of the guards pinched his neck creaked and rolled his eyes.


Jiang Hao hummed coldly: "the mole ant who oversteps his ability!"

"No one can kill in front of me without my permission!"

"You Even more so! "


Suddenly, he gave a cold drink and stamped his foot.


Suddenly, three dark forces, through the floor, bombarded the three men of wudaomeng.

Poop! Poop! Poop!

All of a sudden, the three men vomited a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground, and their breath was cut off.

They're dead!

All of a sudden, the noise of footsteps sounded.

Peng Yi rushed in with a group of people.

"Where are the people?" he said

"Master Jiang, what about people?"

"I heard that someone broke into the manor and wanted to arrest you. I quickly brought someone here."

"Where are they?"

Here ~

Jiang Hao turned his mouth and said, "the corpses on the ground are them!"


Peng Yi was confused when he heard the speech.

"What's going on?"

Jiang Hao said indifferently: "these mole ants are ordered to take me back to wudaomeng branch."

"But they didn't dare do it to me."

"So I caught a few guards, threatened me and was killed by me!"

"Well done!"

Peng Yi said angrily: "the people of wudaomeng are really brave!"

"How dare you make trouble in my manor and hurt my people!""I must respond to the high level of Wudao League!"

"No more."

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao stood up and said faintly, "leave it to me."

"I'll take care of it!"

Then he stepped out.

Seeing this, Peng Yi asked, "master Jiang, what do you want to do?"


Jiang Hao said coldly, "it's not polite to come but not go!"

"Since someone has asked me to go to wudaomeng branch again and again, I'll take a stroll. By the way..."

"Kill a few people!"


Before his words fell, he turned into a streamer and flew away.

At the same time, the bodies of the three men of wudaomeng also flew out under the traction of an invisible force, and followed him closely, if the tail was the same.


Peng Yi was stunned when he saw Jiang Hao's figure disappear in his sight.


The next second, his face changed.

"Master Lei, master Zhou, master Han."

"Come on!" he cried

"Let's keep up!"

There was a look of anxiety on his face.

"When master Jiang goes to the branch of wudaomeng, he will definitely fight with he Tianxiang. Maybe Huang Feng, the inspector, will intervene."

"It's said that the forces in the martial and Taoist circles of Zhonghai, including the Pei family, the Shen family and the long family, also sent people to the branch of the martial and Taoist League."

"If they step in, master Jiang will be in danger."

"Let's go and help him!" He urged.


When Lei Jue heard the speech, he fell into a state of hesitation.

On the one hand, he wants to help Jiang Hao.

On the other hand, he didn't want to get involved.


He Tianxiang and Huang Feng have a big backer behind them, but Wang Ba, the elder of law enforcement, has no backer behind him, so they can't be provoked.

"This is what this is!"

Peng Yi urged: "let's help master Jiang quickly!"

"If something goes wrong, I'll take care of it!"

"All right!"

Hearing this, Lei Jue nodded and agreed.

Although Peng Yi is an ordinary man, he is the richest man in China and even in Asia. He has mastered the economic lifeline of Southeast Asia.

He's important!

It is far more important than he Tianxiang and Huang Feng.

To a certain extent, it is no less important than the law enforcement elders of Wudao League.


Once something happens, Peng Yi is responsible for it, and Lei Jue is not afraid of Wang BA's revenge.

"Mr. Peng, let's go!" Lei Jue said in a deep voice.

With a wave of his hand, he released his inner strength and wrapped Peng Yi.

Then, hold him, slowly lift off.

Whew! Whew! Whew! Whew!

The next moment, four streamers, gallop away, straight to wudaomeng branch.

On the other side.

Wudaomeng branch, conference hall.

Huang fengduan sat at the top and talked a lot from time to time. He was in a very good mood to accept the praise and praise from everyone.

As for Jiang Hao, he didn't care at all.


In his opinion, Jiang Hao is doomed to be a dead man, so there is no need to pay attention to him.

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