
Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

Suddenly, in his eyes, two red and golden flames flew out, shooting at Shen Tianyang, the old man of the dragon family and others.

In the blink of an eye, the two groups of flames turned into a raging fire, besieging Shen Tianyang and others.


Jiang Hao uttered a word coldly.

In a moment, the red gold flame, whistling out, with the terror of Yin Lei, began to kill people.

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

the next second, the screams came one after another.

One after another, the vigorous master was burned up by the red gold flame, as if he had been vaporized. He didn't even leave any ashes.

The three-star and four-star masters who survived are all dead and can't bear it.

Even if the five-star master and the six-star master were unable to carry them, they gradually died in the red gold flame, and the whole body was burned.

Even the Seven Star master and the eight star master are struggling.

Ah ~

"Damn it, it's going out!"

Suddenly, Shen Tianyang screamed, his arm, stained with a red gold flame.


All of a sudden, the flame, like pouring strong oil, suddenly became bigger and burned.

Shen Tianyang was shocked, and his inner strength poured out like a flood, trying to suppress and extinguish the red gold flame on his arm.

However, he failed.

Although the internal strength is strong, it can't extinguish the red gold flame at all. On the contrary, it makes the fire of the red gold flame more vigorous and fierce.

Seeing, the red gold flame was about to burn from his arm to his body.


Shen Tianyang cursed and flashed a fierce color in his eyes.


Suddenly, he raised his other arm and cut it down with a knife.


Suddenly, a burning broken arm flew out.

However, no blood spattered out.

Because the blood at the wound was all vaporized by the burning of the red gold flame.

Two seconds later.

The broken arm disappeared and was burned by the red gold flame.

Hiss ~

seeing this, Shen Tianyang's eyelids jumped and took a breath of cold air.

In his heart, a sense of fear rose.


This red and golden flame is too terrible to be contaminated!

So he called out, "be careful, everyone!"

"It's a strange flame. It can't be extinguished at all. Don't contaminate it!"

"Everyone, do your best to prevent the fire!"

"Yes Everyone said in unison.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, a violent momentum burst out.

All of them broke out, without reservation, and their inner strength cut off the red gold flame.

They made it!

The crisis is over!

Hu ~ Hu ~ Hu ~

when people saw this, they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and a look of joy appeared on their faces.

Immediately, their faces became venomous and their eyes were full of murders.


Under the burning of the red gold flame, their younger generation and even some of their peers died.

Dead and wounded!

Half of the huge group of more than 100 people died, leaving only a few dozen.

"Son of a bitch!"

Shen Tianyang, staring at Jiang Hao, said harshly, "if you have any means, just let it out!"

"If I don't die, today..."

"You will die!"


Shen Tianxing snorted coldly and said: "even if he has any means, it's useless!"

"So many of us, no matter what means he has, can carry it!"

"As long as it's going on, he won't last long."

"Then he'll be dead!"

When people heard the words, they agreed.

"Yes, little bastard, you're dead!"

"Madder, don't let me go out, or I will break you to pieces!"

"No, we can't let him die so happily. We must torture him well!"

"Yes, torture him to death!"

"I'm good at torture!"

All the heroes were angry, and their faces were covered with venom and murder.

Thick murderous gas, gathered together, almost materialized.

Ha ha

When Jiang Hao heard the speech, he raised the corner of his mouth and outlined a sarcastic arc.

He sneered: "a bunch of stupid ants!"

"You dare to threaten me when you are dying!""Well?"

Shen Tianyang Mou Guang one coagulates, sink a voice way: "little bastard, what do you say?"

His heart trembled, inexplicably there is a kind of bad premonition.

"Be careful, all of you!"

The master of the dragon family looked at the dragon family behind him and reminded him.

He also has a bad feeling!


When the dragon family heard the words, they felt awe inspiring. The inner strength of their body was surging and ready.

"Lei Hai, together!"

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink, and his fingers flipped and hit out a few tricks.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In an instant, the thunder sea, divided into dozens of parts, gathered together to form a terrifying thunder sea that spread more than ten miles.

Thunder sea converges, and the power of Yin thunder rises several times in an instant.

Click! Click! Click!

Silver white, blue and blood red thunder fell down like rain.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, the explosion continued.

One by one, the vigorous masters, under the thunder, burst into a blood fog.

"Come on

Shen Tianyang's face changed dramatically and cried out, "everyone, stop it!"

People burst out one after another, trying to block the thunder sea.

However, they can't stop it!

Because red gold flame and thunder sea erupt at the same time. Even if they do their best, they can only block one, but the other can't.

Ah, ah, ah, for a moment, the screams were interwoven.

Every second, some people die miserably, or they are burned by the red gold flame, or they are smashed by the thunder sea, and burst into blood mist.

"Asshole! Asshole

Shen Tianyang's abuse.

The situation is getting worse.

If it goes on like this, everyone will die in five minutes.

He is no exception!


Shen Tianyang glared at Jiang Hao angrily and roared: "defense is useless!"

"Everybody rush out with me and kill this little bastard!"

"If he dies, we'll be safe!"

The crowd roared at the words.

"Rush, rush, rush!"


"Go and fight with him


All of a sudden, everyone gave up the defense, regardless of the damage of thunder sea and red gold flame, with the intention of killing, don't kill Jiang Hao like life.

Shen Tianyang is very treacherous!

Although he took the lead in killing Jiang Hao, on the way, he quietly slowed down and hid in the middle of the crowd.

The same is true of the old man of the dragon family and others.

Hiss hiss hiss ~

CLICK! Click! Click!

Vigorous masters burn and vaporize in the sea of red gold fire, and explode into blood mist in the sea of thunder.

In a flash, the people who rushed in front all died miserably in the red gold flame and thunder sea, with no bones left.

However, all of them were red eyed, as if they were crazy. They were not afraid. Even if they were dead, they rushed to Jiang Hao.

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