
Huang Feng burst out and took the lead in killing Xiang JiangHao.

He didn't want to wait to die.

So You have to work hard!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Hao showed a little appreciation in his eyes, nodded slightly and said: "it's almost the same. There's no one who lost his martial arts Alliance..."

Suddenly, his words stopped abruptly.

Jiang Hao was stunned and stunned.

Because Huang Feng came in a fierce way and turned around suddenly, and then

And then he ran!

He ran away!

Jiang Hao was stunned.

The next second, he recovered with a scornful smile on his face.


"Can you run away?"


He gave a cold drink.

Suddenly, endless sword Qi gathered in his hands and condensed into a sword of sword Qi.


Jiang Hao waves his arm and cuts it out with one sword.

All of a sudden, the mighty sword Qi split the air.


The next moment, the blood splashed several meters high.

Poop! Poop!

Huang Feng's body split, split into two parts of the body, smashed on the floor, internal organs and intestines flow to the ground.

"What a terror

When the old butler of Pei family saw this scene, his eyelids suddenly jumped and his heart was awe inspiring.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao stares at him.

"Old man, are you going to kill me, too?" Jiang Hao asked coldly.

The old housekeeper of the Pei family shook his head.

"No! No

"I'm just a spectator," he explained. "It's nothing to do with senility."

"I didn't want to kill you

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao sniffed at him and said faintly, "you are smarter than those people just now!"

"So, you are more fortunate than them!"

After that, he turned and left, and did not kill the old housekeeper of the Pei family.

Although he killed a lot of people, he didn't like to kill.

Innocent people, he won't kill!

Hu ~

after Jiang Hao left, the old housekeeper of the Pei family was quietly relieved.

He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said in a low voice, "what a terrible monster

"So young, but so terrible strength!"

Looking at the corpses on the ground, he said in a deep voice: "it seems that the martial arts and Taoism in Zhonghai, and even the whole martial arts and Taoism in China, are going to change!"

"No way!"

All of a sudden, his face changed and he was worried.

"This son's strength is too strong, young master underestimated him!"

"I'm going to remind the young master!"


Suddenly, the sound of breaking the air sounded.

He turned into a streamer and flew away.

In an instant, the huge branch of wudaomeng was silent. Combined with corpses and blood, it was like a bloody Shura field.

Soon after.

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

a group of people came at a gallop.

These people are all from the major forces in the military and Taoist circles of Zhonghai city. When they heard the news, they all rushed over.

They are basically masters of dark energy.

There are only a few people who have advanced accomplishments and are masters of vigorous energy.

When they saw this Shura, they were all shocked.

"This is What's going on? "

"How terrible! How many people died here? "

"Father! God, this corpse is my father

"Master! Master

"My God, are all the people gathered in the branch of wudaomeng dead?"

"No No? "

"No! unable! My grandfather won't have an accident

The crowd screamed and wailed.

Some people are red eyed, murderous and roaring.

"Asshole, who is it? Who killed my master? "

"Who is the murderer?"

"Grass! No matter who the murderer is, I will kill him and avenge my grandfather, father and uncle! "

"Yes, we must take revenge!"

"As long as we find out who the murderer is, I will certainly tear him to pieces!"

A moment later.

These people stopped roaring and began to search for the bodies of elders, masters and others in the remains.

Then, leave with the corpse, launch all relations, investigate the murderer.

On the other side.

After the old housekeeper of the Pei family returned to the Pei family, he immediately told Pei Longting what had happened in the wudaomeng branch.

Pei Longting heard the speech, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking."You mean..."

He said faintly: "more than one hundred vigorous masters, including nearly ten eight star masters and one nine star master, joined hands, but Jiang Hao killed them all?"

"Yes The old housekeeper of the Pei family nodded.

His face is still full of shock.

"Nine Star master he Tianxiang and Huang Feng, they can't fight Jiang Hao, but they are killed by Jiang Hao?" Pei Longting asked again.


Pei Longting frowned.

He gazed at the old housekeeper of the Pei family and said in a deep voice, "are you sure you didn't cheat me?"

"No! Absolutely not

The old housekeeper of the Pei family said in a hurry: "young master, I dare not deceive you with ten more bravery."


Pei Longting nodded slightly and believed his words.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

His fingers, regular rhythm on the table, the whole person lost in thought.

A moment later.

"It seems that I underestimated Jiang Hao's strength," he said to himself

"However, according to my guess, his strength is not too abnormal. At most, it is the later period of nine star master!"

"Even, it's probably between the middle and later stages of the nine star master!"

"No way?"

The old housekeeper of the Pei family heard the words and said with a puzzled face: "in the later period of master Jiuxing, it's impossible to resist the joint attack of more than 100 masters of Gangjin!"

"It's impossible to kill two nine star masters!"

Ha ha

Pei long Ting heard this sentence, a faint smile.

"That's because..."

"Jiang Hao's martial arts are extraordinary," he said

"If I guess correctly, his martial arts should be the local level martial arts!"

"Local level martial arts?"

The old housekeeper of the Pei family was shocked when he heard that his pupils shrank.

As we all know, there are four levels of martial arts cultivation.

From high to low: Heaven, earth, mystery and yellow!

The Yellow level is the lowest level of martial arts.

However, the power is terrible, almost no less than the power of large-scale guns. It's nothing to say that they can open a monument and crack a stone.

In addition, only the master who practices dark power can cultivate Huang Jie's martial arts.

As for those who are strong in martial arts in Ming Dynasty, they are not qualified or able to practice martial arts.

Xuanjie's martial arts are precious and rare. They are more powerful than ordinary bombs.

Only the Xuangang master can have strength.

As for the martial arts of the earth level, they are extremely precious.

Throughout the martial arts circle of China, only a few super powers have it.

The martial arts of Tianjie belong to legend!

It is said that heaven level martial arts can only be practiced by sages above the nine star master.

If you're not a saint, you can't learn heaven level martial arts.

If you practice by force, you will only explode and die!

The old housekeeper of the Pei family looked surprised.

At the same time, there are some doubts.

He knew the value of land level martial arts and didn't believe that Jiang Hao had land level martial arts.

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