"What's the matter?"

The second master of dragon was terrified and said, "is it Jiang Hao who killed the child?"


Hearing the speech, all the people trembled, their faces turned white, and they were terrified.

"No No, "he said

The young man shook his head and said out of breath, "I I just saw the old man of the Shen family, taking the people of the Shen family to the Red Queen manor

The Dragon Ao day hears speech, instantaneous excited.

"They're going to take revenge!"

"They must have taken revenge on Jiang Hao's son of a bitch!"

He looked at the second master of dragon and asked, "second master."

"The Shen family has taken action, and it's time for us to take action."


Second master long hesitated.

"Second master, don't hesitate!"

Long Aotian urged: "second master, the leader of Shen family, but the master of Shen family."

"He's better than dad."

"With him taking the lead and Shen Tianyue, plus us, we will be able to kill Jiang Hao's son of a bitch."

"So don't worry!"

Hearing the words, the second master of dragon showed a trace of identity in his eyes.

Obviously, he also thinks that the Shen family and others, together with them, are enough to kill Jiang Hao, and there will be no accident.

Because he only knew that the old man of the dragon family, Shen Tianyang and others died at the hands of Jiang Hao, but he didn't know that they were all killed by Jiang Hao.

Otherwise, they would not dare to take revenge on Jiang Hao with ten more courage.

I dare not even mention it.


Second master long pondered for a moment and nodded.

He glanced at the crowd and ordered: "all those who are above master Gangjin, follow me!"

"The rest stay and wait for our good news!"

"Yes Excited, everyone said in unison.


Long Aotian is even more excited.

He clenched his fist, his eyes were full of murders, and said harshly, "I must cut off Jiang Hao's dog head and pay homage to his father, elder brother and second brother."


Under the leadership of the second master long, they went straight to the Red Queen manor.

The major forces in the military and Taoist circles of Zhonghai city.

At this time, the same scene is on.

After all, the people who died in the branch of Wudao league are all the top and core experts of the major forces. It's not too much to call them the pillars.

When these people die, the major forces are basically disabled.

Therefore, all the people of the major forces hate Jiang Hao and want to kill him.

However, they are afraid to act rashly.

But now they are not afraid.

Because Shen family and long family take the lead!

As a result, the major forces in the martial arts circle of Zhonghai city all sent many people to gather at Xianghong queen manor.

They have only one purpose

Kill Jiang Hao!

In half an hour.

Nearly 200 people gathered outside the Red Queen manor.

All of them have strong breath and profound cultivation.

The leader is the master of Shen family and the second master of long!

"What to do?"

Long Aotian looked at the master of Shen family and the second master of long family and asked, "are we going to kill them directly?"


The master of the Shen family shook his head and said in a deep voice, "no matter what, Peng Yi is not an ordinary person."

"It's not easy to offend him if he is sheltered by Wudao League."

"So, let's inform him first and order him to hand over Jiang Hao."

"If he won't, hum..."

He hummed twice coldly and said in a solemn tone: "we'll go in again at that time!"

Then, he glanced at long Aotian and ordered, "go and report it!"


Hearing the words, long Aotian hurried into the Red Queen manor.

The guard at the gate of the manor, seeing that long Aotian came over, showed the color of fear on his face and took a small step back in fear.

He asked weakly, "you What are you doing? "


Long Aotian looked down at him, scorned and scolded him.

Immediately, he ordered: "you, go in and tell Peng Yi to hand over Jiang Hao at once!"

"Otherwise, we will go straight in and raze the manor to the ground!"


The guard's face changed when he heard the words.

At the same time, looking at long Aotian's eyes, also some bad.


The dragon is proud of the cold sky. He snorts and waves his hand.


All of a sudden, a slap in the face sounded.Poof!

The guard flew out, spitting out a mouthful of blood, teeth in his mouth, also flew out a few, hit the ground heavily.

"Things like ants!"

Long Aotian looked down at the guard. His eyes were sharp. He said coldly, "go in immediately, inform Peng Yi and ask him to hand over Jiang Hao!"


The guard vomited a mouthful of blood and roared angrily, "I won't go. What can you do to me?"

When he was slapped in public, he was very angry.


Long Aotian's eyes narrowed when he heard the speech, and his mouth outlined a bloody sneer.

"Since you're not going, you're going to die!"

Suddenly, he raised his arm and shot out.


The next second, the bodyguard's body exploded into a blood mist.

"Ah Kill! Kill


"Come on! Go and tell the master

When the guards around saw this scene, they were all so scared that they cried out and ran away.

"Want to run? Can you run away? "

The dragon is proud of a day cold Li smile, stare at a guard.

"Get out of here!"

Suddenly, he reached for a breath, sucked the guard over, grabbed the guard's neck with one hand, and lifted him in mid air.

"I'll give you a task!"

Long Ao said coldly, "go in and report Peng Yi immediately and ask him to hand over Jiang Hao."

"Going or not?"


The guard's face turned red and his forehead became blue. He almost choked.

He said with difficulty: "go I'll go

"Well, that's about the same!"

Long Ao snorted coldly and threw the guard out.


The guard flew more than ten meters in the air, hit the ground heavily, vomited a mouthful of blood on the spot, and several bones seemed to be broken.

"Don't play dead, get up!"

Long AO and Tian Leng yelled: "go in and report!"

"Or I'll kill you!"


The guard coughed up a mouthful of blood, forced himself to endure the sharp pain, and got up from the ground.

Then, limping to the manor.

A moment later.

Peng Yi ran out in a hurry.

He saw that there were nearly 200 people gathered outside the manor. They were all fierce and murderous. His face changed.

"Master Shen!"

Peng Yi frowned and looked at the old man of the Shen family standing in front of him. He said coldly, "you are an elder. I always respect you."

"But you surrounded my manor with so many people and killed my guards."

"What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting!"

Shen's face was cold and said coldly, "Peng Yi, this matter has nothing to do with you!"

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