"Come on

Long Fei yelled: "catch this old man who wants to rebel, and I will reward you again!"

Ha ha ~ ~ ha ha ~ ~

when people heard the words, they all stood still.

Their faces were full of ridicule, and the corners of their mouths cocked up and gave out a sneer of sarcasm.

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole

Seeing this, Long Fei roared.

He saw it!

Long Zhen is not the only one to rebel.

These collateral people want to rebel.

"Take them down!" Long Zhen cheered coldly.


Suddenly, several people forced Longfei and Longtian to go down.

Long Zhen looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice, "now, the dragon family belongs to us."

"What should we do next?"

All of a sudden, people began to talk.

"The next step is to eliminate the hatred between our dragon family and Jiang Hao!"

"Yes, it must be solved!"

"If we can't solve this problem, our dragon family will be in danger!"

"Yes, Jiang Hao is too strong. If he kills us, no one in our dragon family can stop him!"

"How to eliminate contradictions?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone was silent.


All of a sudden, a man said weakly, "why don't we be soft?"

"I'll admit my mistake to Jiang Hao and ask for his forgiveness."

"If you really can't do it, apologize!"

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

suddenly, long Zhen and others all turned to look at this man.

"Why What's the matter? "

The man was so frightened that he could not help shrinking his neck.

"Very good!"

Long Zhen agreed: "this proposal is very good!"

"Let's go to the treasure house and pick out some treasures. Then, you all go to the Red Queen manor with me to admit your mistake to Jiang Hao and apologize!"


Hearing this, everyone frowned and hesitated.

Obviously, they don't agree with long Zhen's proposal.

Admit your mistake to Jiang Hao and apologize.

They agree with this.

However, they don't agree. All of them, together with long Zhen, admit their mistakes to Jiang Hao.

They don't think it's necessary to be so grand.

"What? You don't want to go? "

Long Zhen's face was cold, and he said in a deep voice: "don't forget, now our dragon family is fish, and Jiang Hao is a butcher!"

"When it's time to bow, you have to bow!"

"Otherwise, we may all die, and the dragon family may perish!"

All of a sudden, people excited Lingling to shiver and wake up.


Now, they are the weak side, and Jiang Hao dominates their life and death.

In this case, it is reasonable for all of them to admit their mistakes.

So they all nodded.

"I agree with you to go to Jiang Hao to admit your mistake and make an apology."

"I agree, too!"




Long Zhen nodded and said, "in this case, let's go to the treasure house and choose the baby."

Soon after.

They picked out a full ten treasures.

Then go straight to the Red Queen manor.

Such a scene also happened among the major martial arts forces in Zhonghai.

In half an hour.

In the martial arts circle of Zhonghai City, there are 18 persons in charge of martial arts forces, large and small. With precious and expensive treasures, they lead the core figures of the major forces to the Red Queen manor.

Their purpose is the same.

Admit your mistake to Jiang Hao!


In order to calm down Jiang Hao's anger and seek his forgiveness!

There were more than 100 of them, all standing outside the Red Queen manor.


When the guard saw this scene, his legs and feet trembled and said in a trill: "you What do you want to do? "

He's scared!

After all, not long ago, a group of people gathered outside the Red Queen manor and killed many guards.

The guard saw his best friend with his own eyes. In front of him, he was smashed into pieces by an expert. There was no bones left.

So how can he not be afraid?

Cough ~ ~

second master Shen coughed a few times and stood up.

He showed a kind smile and said politely, "don't be afraid, little brother."

"We are not here to revenge, but to apologize to master Jiang Haojiang.""So..."

"Could you please go in and report it?"

"Yes, yes."

Long Zhen nodded, echoed: "we are all here to apologize."

"Little brother, please go in and report."

Then he took out a stack of red banknotes and gave them to the guard.


He's bribing a guard!

This kind of thing can never happen before.

But now it's different.

In order to save his life, he can only keep a low profile.

"Little brother, please!"

"Yes, please!"

"Little brother, please go in and report the kindness. I will remember it!"

Others took out money to bribe the guard.


The guard looked at the stacks of red banknotes in his hand, and then looked at the kind smiles on the faces of Shen Erye, long Zhen and other big figures. He was a little confused.

"What? Little brother, don't you want to go in and report

Long Zhen looked at the guard, his face a little cold.

He thought that the guard disliked that the money they gave was too little and was not willing to go in and report it.

There was a trace of anger in Long Zhen's heart.

He wants to kill the mole ant with one hand!

He would have done it before.

But now, he can't and doesn't dare.


Long Zhen suppressed his anger, took out a bank card, handed it to the guard, and said in a deep voice: "little brother, this card has 100000 yuan. It's a small gift."

"Would you please go in and report it?"

"Ah ~"

the guard looked at the bank card and was stunned.

"Oh, well, I'll report it now!"

The next second, he woke up and went to report.


Long Zhen looks at the back of the guard and scolds him secretly. His eyes are full of murders.


He is a martial arts expert with high strength. He is also a member of the dragon family, one of the four major families. He is the same generation as the old man and the second master of the dragon family.

Now, he is the head of the dragon family.

Both status and status are very high.

However, he needs to smile at an ant guard who has no power to bind a chicken. He asks in a low voice and even bribes him with a red envelope.

It was a shame to him.

Long Zhen is very angry and wants to kill people!

Others, too.

However, they can only suppress anger, endure anger, can't kill people, and can't even act arrogantly. They must keep a low profile.

Because they're here to apologize!

A moment later.

A figure, surrounded by the crowd, came out.

It's Peng Yi!

Peng Yi's eyes were cold. He glanced at Shen Erye, long Zhen and others and said coldly, "how dare you gather so many people around my manor?"

"Why do you want revenge?"

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