Jiang Hao glanced at Ning Kong and said faintly: "kill your son, you and Ning family, safe and sound!"

"Many of your sons, you and your sons, will die, and your family will be destroyed and become dust in history!"

"It's up to you to kill or not!"

"Remember, you only have ten seconds to think!"

His tone was very indifferent.

However, the words reveal a strong sense of lethality.

Rather empty smell speech, pupil a shrink, whole body quiver for a while.

He clenched his fist, clenched his teeth, and his face was tangled and struggling.


If Ning Moyu dies, he is safe, and so is Ning's family.


If Ning Moyu dies, he will die, and so will Ning family.

He should choose to kill Ning Moyu both in public and in private.

After all, killing one person can save all the Ning family.

This is a correct and reasonable choice!

However, this choice is too difficult for him.

Ning Moyu is his only son, and he is also his most cherished and cherished soul for more than 20 years. It's really hard for him to kill his son himself.



Suddenly, Jiang Hao began to count.

Ning Kong is shocked all over, subconsciously raises his head and looks at Ning Moyu.

This one eye, directly frighten Ning Mo Yu to tremble, almost jumped up.

"Wuwu Wu Wu... "

He had a pleading look on his face, whining and shaking his head violently.

"You still have three seconds!"

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao's indifferent voice, like the urging of death, resounded in ningkong's ear.

Ning Kong's body shakes and his eyes are sharp.

The struggle and tangle in the eyes, suddenly less a lot, gradually become firm.

It seems that he made a decision!

"I'm sorry!" Ning Kong clenched his teeth and said in a trill.

He lowered his head and didn't seem to dare to look at Ning Moyu's eyes.

"Wuwu ~ ~ Wuwu ~"

when Ning Moyu heard this sentence, his pupils shrank and he was stunned for a moment. Then he twisted his body wildly and shook his head wildly.

Although Ning Kong only said three words, but

He has understood the meaning of these three words!

Ningkong wants to kill him!

His own father, his favorite father, wanted to kill him in order to save himself and Ning family!

"Yu'er, I'm sorry!"

Ning Kong lowered his head, trembled and said, "we are all Ning family."

"Everything we have, including life, is given by Ning family."

"You can die, and I can die!"

"But the Ning family can't die!"

The meaning of this sentence is more obvious, without any cover up.

"Wuwu Wu Wu... "

Ning Moyu shakes his head crazily. His face shows a strong color of pleading. His eyes are moist and almost cry.

He doesn't want to die!

Even if he died in his own father's hands, he didn't want to, let alone want to!

"For the rise and fall of the whole Ning family, no matter you or I, every Ning family can sacrifice!"

Ning Kong's voice is hoarse and says, "yu'er, don't blame Dad!"

"For the sake of peace, Dad can only sacrifice you!"

"Go in peace of mind!"

"You can rest assured that your sacrifice, father and the whole Ning family will always be remembered."

"After you die, I will hold a beautiful funeral for you. All the people in Ning family will mourn for you."

"Your sacrifice and dedication will be recorded in the genealogy of the Ning family, which will be handed down to all generations for the later generations of the Ning family to look forward to, commemorate and praise."

"At the same time, after you die, your father will bury you in the Ning family cemetery, together with all the ancestors who have made great contributions to the Ning family."

Poof! Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, Ning Moyu's body trembled, almost fell to the ground, and his mouth gushed out several mouthfuls of blood.

"Grass Mud Horse!" The next second, he yelled.


Only three words later, he coughed a few more mouthfuls of blood.

In order to break through the blockade under the arrangement of Ning Kong, he did not hesitate to mobilize his internal strength and broke the blockade in a savage and violent way, which led to the damage of all the viscera and organs and suffered a lot of injuries.


He pointed to the tip of Ning Kong's nose and said, "old man, why don't you die? Why didn't you die?"

"I don't care about any genealogy or cemetery."

"I don't want to die!"

"To die, to die!"


Ning Kong hears the words and scolds them.His face was angry and his eyes were cold.

"As a member of the Ning family, you should sacrifice for the sake of the Ning family. As the little head of the Ning family, you should bear the responsibility even more!" He said coldly.


Ning Moyu spat a mouthful of saliva, scolded: "roll!"

"Old man, I'm just the little head of the Ning family, but you're the head of the Ning family."

"So, for the sake of peace, you are the one to sacrifice!"

Ning Kong hears these words, the pupil suddenly shrinks.

Who should he sacrifice?


He doesn't want to sacrifice!

He doesn't want to die!

Die poor road, not die road friends!

As long as he can survive, he will sacrifice his only son.

Originally, his heart was full of guilt and guilt. Although he made a decision, he refused to start all the time.

But now, he doesn't hesitate!

"Evil animal!"

He scolded: "you have offended master Jiang and committed a capital crime. You don't know your mistake. You don't respect your elders. You disrespect your father and even curse me to death!"

"Unfilial things, today I will kill you!"

Then he raised his hand.

In the hand agitates the terror inside strength fluctuation.

It seems that he is going to kill Ning Moyu!

Seeing this, Ning Moyu's heart trembled, his whole body was cold, and his limbs were slightly stiff.


The next second, he knelt down decisively in front of Jiang Hao.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He kowtowed and prayed: "master Jiang, I'm wrong. Please spare me a dog's life!"

"If you want to kill me, kill my father!"

"My father said bad things about you yesterday," he cried

"He said that in his eyes, death is nothing but a piece of flying."

"As long as he is willing, a finger can crush the so-called God of death and turn him into a ghost!"

"Bastard, shut up

Rather empty smell speech, eyelid son a jump, burst drink.

"Oh? Is that right? "

Jiang Hao raised the corner of his mouth and outlined a smile like arc. He gazed at Ning Kong and said faintly, "Ning Kong, these words are really what you said?"


Rather empty body a quiver.

Then he shook his head.


He strongly denied: "master Jiang, believe me, I really didn't say these words!"

"It's all him!"

He pointed to Ning Moyu and splashed dirty water channel: "these words are deliberately planted and framed by this evil animal. I swear, I never said these words!"

Did he really not say that?


He said.

And it was only last night.

However, this kind of thing can never be admitted.

Once he admits it, he's dead.

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