Outside the airport, people were disappointed to see that all Ning family members had run away.

"Why? And then he left? "

"Why not?"

"It's a pity not to fight any more!"

"This kind of fight is better than Hollywood blockbusters. I haven't enjoyed it yet."

"Hey, hey Fortunately, I am smart. I use my mobile phone in advance and record the whole process. I can enjoy it when I go back! "

"I'll go. You're smart!"

"Brother, borrow one to talk!"

"Hey, man, how about passing me one?"

"Pass me one, too!"

"And me!"

Shua ~

suddenly, Jiang Hao appeared in front of the crowd.

Deng Deng ~~

suddenly, all the people were shocked, their faces changed greatly, and subconsciously stepped back several steps.

"You What are you doing? " He asked in a trembling voice, his face full of fear.

The rest of them didn't speak.

They are so scared!

The whole body trembled with fear, and could not even speak.

Jiang Hao glanced at them and said faintly, "some things, since they haven't been announced yet, then you shouldn't know."

Then he raised his hand.


When people saw this scene, their pupils shrank and their faces changed. They had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Shouldn't know?

The meaning of this sentence is very obvious.

They feel that Jiang Hao wants to kill them.

After all, only the dead don't reveal secrets!


Suddenly, there was a burst of cheers in the crowd.

"Run! Run

"Run, you're going to kill people!"

"No! Don't kill me

"I didn't hear anything, I didn't see anything, don't kill me!"

The crowd yelled and fled in terror.

Some people, for various reasons, could not escape, so they begged Jiang Hao to spare their lives.

There are also very individual people, the psychological quality is too poor, scared dizzy on the spot.


When Jiang Hao saw this scene, he rolled his eyes and became speechless.

"Who said I was going to kill you?"

"I just want to Delete your memory


Suddenly, with a wave of his hand, a stream of spiritual power, like invisible silk thread, shot out, entangled everyone who fled, begged for mercy or fainted.

Suddenly, their bodies froze, and the whole person was fixed in the same place.


All of a sudden, they were scared.

His whole body was shaking, his forehead was sweating like a waterfall, his heart was about to stop beating, and he even closed his eyes in despair, waiting to die quietly.

A few of them were scared to pee.

Under the crotch, the liquid flows through.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao shook his head.

"Memory Delete

Suddenly, he gave a cold drink.

All of a sudden, everyone trembled.

Then, the pupil full of fear suddenly lost its focus and became empty, just like a simulation robot.

"Take it!"

A few seconds later, with a wave of his hand, Jiang Hao took back all the Lingli silk thread.


In a flash, he disappeared without a trace.

The next second, people tremble, empty eyes, restore the focus and color, and can move.

However, they all look confused.

"Why? Why am I here? "

"Where is this?"

"I'm going to the cinema, aren't I? How can I get to the airport? "

After a brief period of confusion, they returned to normal.

"Gone, gone!"

"Wife, we're going back!"

"Xiaomei, hurry up, the movie is about to start, let's get there!"

Everyone is ready to leave.

Suddenly, a smell of urine filled the air.

"I'll go. What's so coquettish!"

"What's the matter? It's coquettish and smelly

"Damn, what's the matter with you guys? Did you pee your pants? "

"My God, such a big man, it's a strange talk in the world to pee his pants!"

"Piss your pants in public, bull!"

"Yes! I'm really convinced

"It's delicious!"

"Brother, you go to change the library quickly!"

"Ha ha ha..."

There was a burst of ridicule."Damn it

A few people peed their pants, their faces as black as the bottom of the pot, angry and angry, ashamed and ashamed, covered their pants and went frantically to the airport bathroom.

At the same time, they are also full of doubts about why they peed in the airport for no reason.

They don't understand.

In the end, it was attributed to the body's problems, which led to the unconsciousness of urinating in public.

So they made an appointment to go to the hospital tomorrow and have a good check-up.

On the other side.

Jiang Hao returns to the Red Queen manor and is ready to practice.

A few hundred miles out of Zhonghai.

Whew! Whew!

Suddenly, two figures rushed out from the depths of the earth, burst out with the fastest speed and ran away in a hurry.

One of them is the Taoist protector of Chu Tianzi!

At this point, he's in bad shape.

His whole body was covered with blood, his face was pale, his breath was weak, and he was obviously seriously injured.

Another person, too.


"Run!" cried the elder Chu

Shua ~ Shua ~

the two of them, turning into two streamers, fled and scattered a bunch of blood along the way.

In a quarter of an hour.

They escaped hundreds of miles before slowing down.

"Damn it! damn! Damn me

Old Chu reproached himself and swore, "it's useless for me to let young masters fall into the hands of the enemy and suffer humiliation and torture, but I can't save them!"

"Damn me!"

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Suddenly, he raised his hand and slapped himself in the face.

His hands were heavy and merciless. His face was red and swollen by the fan, and several finger marks could be seen clearly.

"Old Chu, that's enough!"

Suddenly, another person stopped Chu Lao's self mutilation.

He was of medium build, in his fifties, and covered with scars and bloodstains.

His name is Qin Feng, the silver elder of Wudao League!

Although Qin Feng is only a silver medal elder, his strength is very strong. When it breaks out completely, he is comparable to the master of nine stars in the early stage.

At the same time, he and Chu Lao had known each other for a long time and had a good relationship.

One day ago, Chu Tianzi and others met him, and they had a good talk.

So, we meet and go together.

They're lucky.

Soon after, I found a little secret place.

In the secret place, danger is everywhere, and at the same time, it is also full of spirit grass, which is a treasure land.

So, they have been wandering.

However, the accident happened!

All of a sudden, four top experts broke into the secret place, swept them with the wind of autumn, and imprisoned all of them.

Only Chu Lao and Qin Feng, with the help of Chu Tianzi, Xiao Long, Xia Wushuang, and Luo Yan, fought to escape.

"What to do? What shall we do? "

Old Chu was flustered and at a loss.

Because Chu Tianzi was captured.

If anything happens to Chu Tianzi, as a Taoist priest, he will be severely punished and even die.

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