
Qin Feng gave a cold drink and rushed to the third of the four ghosts in Xiangxi, blocking him.

As for Liao Hua, he blocked the old four of the four ghosts in Xiangxi.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of the explosion was continuous and the aftereffect was huge.

The four of them, with a murderous look in their eyes, seemed not to stop killing each other.

However, they seem to have a huge response to the boom, but in fact, the thunder and rain are small. They are not serious at all and have been acting all the time.


All of a sudden, the third of the four ghosts in Xiangxi, with a flash of body shape, rushed to Qin Feng and hit him lightly. At the same time, he asked in a low voice, "Lord Qin, what should we do now?"

Liao Hua smell speech, in the eye burst shoots Sen Leng to kill an idea.

He ferocious way: "the target has entered the sink, the opportunity is rare, do it!"

"Yes, do it!" The fourth of the four ghosts in Xiangxi nodded and agreed.

Qin Feng turned his head and took a look at old Chu not far away.

Then he whispered, "OK, do it!"

"Be careful."

He reminded me.

"As we fight, we lean over. Then, four people sneak attack at the same time. We must make sure to kill the target with one hit. We must never let the target escape!"

"Yes Liao Hua, the third and fourth of the four ghosts in Xiangxi, nodded their heads together.

"Disgusting old zombie, let's die!"

All of a sudden, Qin Feng burst out and hit the third man who killed the four ghosts in Xiangxi.


Liao Hua also coldly spits out a word, kills to Xiangxi four ghosts old four.

Boom! Boom!

The four were fighting together, as if they were fighting with all their strength and without mercy. The movement was very big when they took the hand, as if they were fighting fiercely.

Their acting is very good.

I've been acting, but no one has seen the flaw.

As they fought, they quietly approached another battlefield.

Jiang Hao glanced at them.

Then, concentrate on dealing with the eldest and second of the four ghosts in Xiangxi.

As for old Chu, because he was seriously injured, he was always protected by Jiang Hao, and he quietly used mental therapy to heal his wounds.

Jiang Hao fought against two with one, and he never lost.

Even, the most powerful of the four ghosts in Xiangxi was suppressed by one person.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng was filled with horror.

"This boy is very strong!"

He said in secret: "peerless evil, worthy of reputation!"

"In his early twenties, his strength is comparable to that of the nine star master. This talent is even higher than the legendary Nangong Wuji!"

"Even if the time goes back thousands of years, the aura is strong, and the environment of heaven and earth permits, he may not be able to become a God against heaven like a stone breaking the sky!"

"You can't keep such arrogance!"

Think of here, Qin Feng's eyes, flashing from the chilly killing.


All of a sudden, he burst to drink, his wrist trembled, and there was a red sword in his hand.

The blade of the sword rips the air and the strong wind and stabs Jiang Hao's neck.

He temporarily changed his mind, abandoned the original target Chu Lao, and turned to attack and kill Jiang Hao.


Jiang Hao's talent makes him feel creepy and threatened.




At the same time, old three, old four and Liao Hua of the four ghosts in Xiangxi burst out one after another, took out their magic weapons, and killed old Chu from three directions.

This scene happened too quickly and suddenly.

Old Chu didn't expect that Qin Feng and Liao Hua, who had been helping him, were in a gang with the four ghosts of Xiangxi, and together with the four ghosts of Xiangxi, attacked him secretly to kill him.

It's so sudden.

Old Chu was unprepared.

In addition, he was seriously injured and could not resist their attack or dodge.

Cold blade, sharp nails, from his head and throat, only ten centimeters away.

Even, the blade and nail, burst out of the edge, pierced the skin, exuded a drop of red blood.

Death has come!

This attack can be called a fatal blow. Chu Laogen could not dodge or resist, so he had to wait for death.


All of a sudden, Jiang Hao burst out to drink, and his whole body was shocked. He stirred up a violent spiritual power, rippling like ripples.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, the third, fourth and Liao Hua of the four ghosts in Xiangxi, as if they had been hit by Wan Jun, vomited blood and flew out.

At the same time, Qin Feng, who attacked and killed Jiang Hao, was also shaken away.

"This..."After Qin Feng flies backward, his face is shocked and his eyes are slightly dull.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Jiang Hao's reaction was so fast that he was able to escape and fight back.

Moreover, he can save the dying Chu Lao and send back Liao Hua.


Liao Hua spits out a mouthful of blood, flies back to Qin Feng, stares at Jiang Hao, looks dignified, and says in a deep voice: "what a quick reaction! What a strength

The third of the four ghosts in Xiangxi wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and his scarlet eyes flashed with murder.

"What is the origin of this boy?"

He said in a fierce voice: "the power of a hasty random strike is so powerful that even my copper skin and iron skeleton zombie body can't stop it."

"His name is Jiang Hao!"

Qin Feng said in a grim voice: "he should be the most gifted genius in China, and even in the world's martial arts circle!"


Liao Hua and others were shocked when they heard this.

The world's first genius!

This title is too big and loud.

Since ancient times, few people can afford the title.

The person who can afford the title is the last God of the earth, Shi Po Tian!

Even Nangong Wuji can't afford the title.

All the people in the martial arts world all over the world, whether they know him or not, whether they are his friends or not, and whether they have any grudges against him, all submit to him and admit that he is a martial arts legend of a generation.

But no one calls him "the first genius in the world.".


Nangong Wuji's talent is really very high, but there are still some people who are equal to him, and even a few people have more talent than him.

However, due to various reasons, they did not go as far as Nangong Wuji on the road of martial arts.

"The world's first genius?"

Liao Hua said: "Lord Qin, is your evaluation too high on him?"

"Yes, I think I overestimate him, too!"

The second of the four ghosts in Xiangxi nodded his head and said, "he has such accomplishments at a young age. His talent is really high, but he is not qualified to say that he is the first genius in the world."

"That's right!"

The third of the four ghosts in Xiangxi echoed: "the legend of martial arts and the talent of Nangong Wuji is no worse than him."

"Our seven main hall masters, as well as several supreme elders, have the same talent when they were young."

"The talent of our little Lord is far above him."

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