"Old Chu, the array is broken. Go out with me and kill people!" Jiang Hao cheered coldly.


Old Chu was full of murders and roared.

Whew! Whew!

Suddenly, they turned into two streamers and rushed out of the array.


When Qin Feng saw this scene, his pupils shrank and his face changed greatly.

"Come on! Do it

"Stop them from escaping at all costs," he cried

"Yes Liao Hua, Xiangxi four ghosts and others, said in unison.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The next second, their eyes burst out with a fierce light. They all raised their hands and took their hands as knives. Without hesitation, they opened their chests and forced out 20 drops of blood.

Cough ~

suddenly, Liao Hua, Xiangxi four ghosts and others all cough.

Even coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

Their faces were as white as paper, and their breath weakened a lot. Even their realm was a little unstable. It seemed that they were going to fall from the peak of eight star master.

Fifty drops of blood were consecutively sacrificed, and their vitality was greatly damaged.

It even hurt the foundation.

It's likely to leave sequelae, dark wounds, and never heal.

But they have to.

If they don't sacrifice blood, they will die.

Blood sacrifice, maybe you can keep one, just hurt a little.


Suddenly, Qin Feng, Liao Hua, Xiangxi four ghosts and others, Qi Qi cold drink.

All of a sudden, more than 100 drops of heart blood, like crystal clear and beautiful red agates, shot at the broken Seven Star God killing array.

Every drop of blood is integrated into the Seven Star God killing array, and instantly turns into a pure and powerful energy, which is integrated into the array to quickly repair the damaged parts.

For a moment, the Seven Star God butcher array, which was on the verge of breaking, barely supported it.


When Jiang Hao saw this, he raised his eyebrows and showed a trace of anger in his eyes.

He's a little impatient!

"You want to repair the array, don't you?"

Jiang Hao's cold eyes were completely destroyed


Suddenly, he gave a cold drink.

Suddenly, two golden flames burst out of his eyes and turned into towering golden flames, covering the three trees in an instant.

Then he raised the bone sword again and chopped it out.

"Thirteen swords of wind and thunder, chop!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, the explosion continued.

In the Big Dipper, the three trees in Tianji, Tianquan and Yuheng were all reduced to ashes in the towering red golden flame.

At the same time, the two trees in Kaiyang and Yaoguang directions were also cut out by the light blue sword light, turned into powder and dispersed between heaven and earth.

So far, the seven trees arranged in the direction of the Big Dipper have all disappeared.

The carrier disappeared, and the Seven Star God killing array also disintegrated.

The red light covering an area of kilometers, like the tide, rapidly retreated and disappeared.


Qin Feng yelled: "how can this happen? How could that be? "

Like a madman, he shook his head and couldn't believe what he saw.

"Seven Star God killing array Is it broken? "

Liao Hua's face was full of fear, and his lips muttered, "what should I do?"

"What shall we do?"

He was in a panic.

Xiangxi four ghosts, also flustered.

"No, Jiang Hao is going to rush out!"

"It's over. I can't trap him. We're all over!"

"What to do?"

"Run! Let's run away

They were frightened and full of fear. They all wanted to retreat and fled.

Qin Feng is also afraid!

He was shaking all over, staring at Jiang Hao, and said in a trembling voice, "Jiang Jiang Hao, I I'm wrong. You Give me a break! "

"Let you go? Ha ha... "

Jiang Hao smiles coldly. His eyes are full of murderers. He comes slowly with a bone sword in his hand, just like a killing God from hell.

"Anyone who wants to kill me will die!"

"You are no exception!"


Qin Feng's face was stiff when he heard the speech, and his eyes were filled with fear and anger.

"Jiang Hao!"

He burst to shout: "you really want to be so absolute, don't give us a way to live?"

"That's right!"

Jiang Hao said indifferently: "you will all be buried here!"

"No one can escape!"

"Asshole!"Qin Feng scolded angrily, and his whole body erupted into a murderous atmosphere.

The same is true of Liao Hua, Xiangxi Sigui and others.

It's no use to be soft and admit mistakes, and you can't escape. So

You'll have to fight to the death!


Liao Hua said angrily, "don't talk nonsense with him, Lord Qin!"

"This little bastard, since he won't give us a way to live, we'll fight with him, and even if we die, we'll pull him on the back!"

"That's right!"

Xiangxi four ghost boss, echoed: "fight with him, big deal together to die!"




The other three of the four ghosts in Xiangxi also drank.


Qin Feng said in a deep voice, "since he wants us to die, we'll kill him first!"

"Together, kill this little bastard!"


All of a sudden, Qin Feng, Liao Hua, Xiangxi four ghosts and others, together burst out to drink, turned into a flowing light, carrying a huge murderous atmosphere, to kill Jiang Hao.

"Mr. Jiang, I'll help you!"

All of a sudden, Chu Lao gave up healing and came out with a big drink. He wanted to fight side by side with Jiang Hao and help him.

"No more."

Jiang Hao smile, looked at him, light way: "Chu old, you peace of mind to heal it!"

"I'll take care of these ants!"


Old Chu's face changed slightly when he heard the speech.

"Nothing, but."

Jiang Hao said indifferently: "with me, they have six mole ants. Besides death, they are still dead!"

His tone was flat.

However, it reveals the overbearing and self-confidence of gaijue heaven.

"All right."

Hearing this, Chu stepped back and gave the battlefield to Jiang Hao alone.

However, he didn't heal his wounds. Instead, his muscles were tense and his inner strength was like the water of a river. It was like a hunting cheetah, ready to go.

As soon as Jiang Hao is in danger, he will immediately help him.

"Son of a bitch, you are so arrogant!"

Qin Feng saw that Jiang Hao was going to fight against them alone. He could not help grinning and sketching a cruel and ferocious smile.

"Go to hell!" he said

Suddenly, he sped up and waved his sword to Jiang Hao's head.

Jiang Hao is so big that he wants to fight six with one,.

However, this is a golden opportunity for him.

This is the best time to kill him.

Otherwise, Jiang Hao and old Chu would not be able to fight together.

Even if we can fight, at least a few people will die.

After all, Jiang Hao's strength is terrible.

However, because of the loss of dozens of drops of blood, their combat power was greatly reduced, and even their accomplishments were faintly retrogressive.

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