As soon as the broken sword comes out, the endless sword Qi diffuses and fills every inch of space, turning the area of several thousand meters into the realm of sword.

Poof! Poof!

Qin Feng vomited blood, and his body was covered with sword marks. His whole body was full of flesh and blood, as if he had been lingchi.

In some places, even Mori Bai's stubble is exposed.

Consecutively sacrificing his heart and blood made him extremely weak, and his cultivation was a little backward. He could not stop the sword Qi from breaking the sword and could only be slaughtered.

Hey, hey

Qin Feng's mouth was full of blood. With a ferocious smile, he looked down at Jiang Hao, weak and powerless, and said, "little bastard, it's useless!"

"Your destiny is predestined."

"Don't struggle, just wait to die!"


Jiang Hao snorted coldly, his face was cold, and he didn't say a word.

Suddenly, he raised the broken sword. The spiritual power in his body, like the flood of breaking the dike, poured into the broken sword, making the broken sword clank and sound, breaking out a dark black light.

Black light like ink, like a deep abyss, to devour heaven and earth, devour everything.

"Thirteen swords of wind and thunder, chop!"

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao burst out to drink, a sword split out.

Stabbing ~

suddenly, a light blue sword light roared out, seemed to tear the sky, and cut the brush straight into the air.

Hey, hey

Seeing this, Qin Feng grinned scornfully and said, "little bastard, it's useless."

"It's a waste of effort. Don't struggle any more!"

"With your strength, you can't break the defense of sage breath, and you can't destroy my writing brush!"


The next second, there was a huge explosion.

The light blue light of the sword, as if to create a new world, cleaved to the brush, causing an earth shaking explosion.

At the same time, violent and terrifying waves broke out, sweeping in all directions, with great movement and momentum.

However, Qin Feng's face remained unchanged.

There was no worry on his face, but his smile remained unchanged and he was full of confidence.

Ha ha

Qin Feng looked down at Jiang Hao and said with a cold smile, "little bastard, I said, you are wasting your efforts!"

"With your strength, it's impossible..."


All of a sudden, a crisp cracking sound interrupted him.


Qin Feng's heart jumped, and suddenly he had some bad premonitions.

He slowly turned his neck and turned to look at the brush.


All of a sudden, his pupils shrank, his eyes were dull and motionless, just like a petrified sculpture.

He saw a crack on the delicate brush.

Click! Click! Click!

The next second, cracks on the brush, more and more, more and more big, like a burnt out porcelain, cracks, may break at any time.

"How could that be? How could that be? "

Qin Feng shook his head repeatedly, not daring to believe what his eyes saw.

"Writing brush Is it broken? "

Chu Lao's face was stunned, and he muttered: "even the breath of sage didn't block the sword just now?"

Hiss ~

he took a breath of cold air and was shocked.

Even a little creepy.

"Young master Jiang How terrible

Looking at the figure of Jiang Hao, he thought in his heart, "this era belongs to him!"

"As long as he doesn't die, in the future, his light will shine through the ages. Even Nangong Wuji may be crushed down by him and become a foil!"


he glanced at the comatose Chu Tianzi, Xia Wushuang and others and sighed.

"Young master, you are in the same era with Mr. Jiang. I don't know if it's your luck or your sorrow?"


All of a sudden, the crazed brush burst into pieces, and countless pieces floated down from the air.

As soon as the brush was broken, the atmosphere of sage on it disappeared, as if it had never existed.

The saint breath disappears, the crisis is relieved!

Hu ~

seeing this, old Chu took a long breath, leaped to his heart, and instantly settled down.

Jiang Hao also breathed a sigh.

You know, once the crystal nucleus is detonated, the whole little secret place, even within a few hundred miles outside the little secret place, will be razed to the ground, and all things will die.

In time, he will die.

"No! No

Qin Feng reached out and grabbed the fragments of the brush. The whole person seemed to be crazy and yelled, "impossible!"

"The brush that the little Lord gave me can't be broken!"


Jiang Hao snorted coldly and said, "what if you are contaminated with the saint's breath?""I can't miss it!"


Qin Feng stared at Jiang Hao in horror and fear. He shivered and said, "what is the sword in your hand?"

"Kill your sword!" Jiang Hao cold road.

"The sword?"

All of a sudden, Qin Feng frowned and murmured doubtfully, "this broken sword, I seem to have seen it in the little master."


Jiang Hao was shocked by the speech.

he said as like as two peas, "you know, you're sure that you have a broken sword like this one in the hands of the little master?"


When Qin Feng heard the words, he hummed coldly: "why should I sue..."

Shua ~

suddenly, the streamer flashed.

Jiang Hao rushed in front of him, put his broken sword around his neck and said coldly, "say it!"

"You have a broken sword, don't you?"

"If you don't say it, I'll kill you!"

Hey, hey

Qin Feng did not change his face and was not afraid of threats. He grinned and said, "little bastard, I won't tell you!"

"If you have the ability, you will kill me!"

"I'm not afraid of death!"

Jiang Hao's face turned gloomy when he heard these words.

He didn't expect that Qin Feng was so loyal to his young master. He would rather die than say even a little important information.

Jiang Hao is very curious about what kind of person Qin Feng's young master is. He has such a great charm that people under his command are so loyal to him.

"Come on, kill me!" Qin Feng cried.

He was so arrogant that he was not afraid of death, so he took the initiative to challenge Jiang Hao.


Jiang Hao looked gloomy and said coldly, "do you think I dare not kill you?"

"Since you want to die so much, I'll help you!"

Then, with a move of his wrist, he was ready to cut Qin Feng's head with a sword and send him to hell.

Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, the fierce roar sounded, like thunder came, the whole world was shaking.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? " Old Chu exclaimed.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao's face changed greatly.

I saw the suspended crystal nucleus in the sky burst, and a little bit of violent energy leaked out like poison gas, causing a great shock.

Click! Click! Click!

The earth split, cobweb like cracks, crisscross, continue to spread out.

Even the sky split, the space broke, revealing the dark and terrible void turbulence.

This little secret place is going to collapse!

"Damn it

Jiang Hao's face was very dignified, and he swore.

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