"No, brother Liao is lagging behind. The gap is getting bigger and bigger!"

"Even eight games, brother Liao spirit, physical strength, can't hold on!"

People are worried.


Fang Xuan was the first to cross the finish line.

Liao Yong lost!

"Damn, how could that be?"

"Brother Liao lost?"

"Eight games in a row, brother Liao's spirit and physical strength have dropped too much. If he is in full swing, he will definitely not lose!"

Everyone was down.

In their opinion, Liao Yong will not lose.

Liao Yong gets out of the car, takes off his helmet, goes to Fang Xuan, reaches out his hand and says, "Congratulations, you won."

Fang Xuan didn't shake hands with him. Instead, he looked at him coldly and said, "I said, you can't do it anymore. Last year, you won by luck!"

"Oh, no, I won a game? What are you pulling at? "

"Brother Liao has eight games in a row. He consumes too much mental and physical strength. It's normal to lose. He has the ability to wait for brother Liao to have a rest and compete again?"

"That's to say, taking advantage of others' danger and being so arrogant!"

They were not angry and began to criticize.

They can't stand Fang Xuan's arrogance and arrogance.

"If you lose, you lose. Only poor losers can find reasons for failure!" Fang Xuan looked at the crowd coldly and scolded.

"Damn it

Many people were angry when they heard the speech.

They can't stand Fang Xuan's arrogant posture. They really want to rush up and punch him.

"All right, all right."

Liao Yong stood up and said, "thank you for your hospitality. I had a good time tonight. I have to catch a plane tomorrow morning. I'll go first."


Suddenly, Fang Xuan stops him.

"Everyone says you are not in good condition. I won't win. I'll have another match tomorrow. I'll let the whole world know that you can't do it. I'm the first in the country."

Liao Yong shook his head, "no, I'm leaving Yunzhou tomorrow."

"What? Are you scared? Afraid to fight? Want to run away Square dazzle corners of the mouth, outline a touch of disdain arc.

"Who's afraid? Who is afraid to fight? Who wants to run? Don't slander brother Liao

"Fang Xuan, don't go too far!"

People can't see it any more, and they all feel aggrieved for Liao Yong.

"Whatever you say."

Liao Yong is free and easy. He doesn't care about Fang Xuan's opinion at all.

Smile, turn around and leave.

"Brother Liao, you don't have to care. Today you lose, it's not that you are not good at technique!"

"Yes, brother Liao, I believe you are the best!"

"Brother Liao, you'll always be the first in the country. Who can dazzle you? I'm not qualified to compare with you!"

People comforted each other.

They are worried that Liao Yong will not recover because of this failure.

"Shut up

Fang Xuan was furious when he heard the speech.

"If you have the ability, come up and compete with me. If you don't have the ability, shut up!"

Suddenly, the crowd was silent.

Although they can't stand Fang Xuan's arrogance, they also know that his strength is very strong.

If you compare with him, you will lose!

"Hum, a bunch of rubbish!"

Fang Xuan scolded and walked to Meng Xing, "Meng Shao, how about it? With my strength, it's not too much to ask for a reward of 300000, is it

"Not too much." Meng Xing nodded.

It's said that Fang is a little bit more crazy than he is, but he is very happy.

With him here, we have a good chance of winning the game with Du Feng tonight.

Fang Xuan looked at Jiang Hao and grinned, "how about my driving skills?"

"Oh, I'm so stupid. I'm wrong to ask you about this kind of goods. You are a peasant worker with mud legs. You haven't even touched a racing car. What kind of technology can you understand?"

He sneered. "I'm sorry, I take back what I said. I shouldn't have asked you."


The scorn of chiguoguo.

"Your driving skills..."

"Not bad." Jiang Hao's light tunnel.

Ha ha ~

Fang Xuan sneered at the speech.

"I didn't expect that you have learned how to be forced. If you don't understand it, you don't understand it. You want to be fat." Fang Xuan sneered.

Jiang Hao shook his head and did not respond.

This kind of person is too lazy to pay attention to him.

In a quarter of an hour.

Here comes Du Feng.

Behind him is a young man with short hair. It seems that he is the master he invited.

"Meng Xing, I didn't expect you to come so early. It seems that you can't wait to lose to me." Du Feng laughed.

Meng Xing eyebrows a pick, "I come early, is to win early, leave early, how do you come so late?"? Are you afraid of losing to me, so you deliberately delay time? "Du Feng's face turned black when he heard the speech.

"Hum, you can be arrogant. Later, I'll see how you cry?"

All of a sudden, the young man behind him stepped forward and said haughtily, "who is better than me?"

"Who are you?"

Fang Xuan frowned slightly. He felt that the young man in front of him was familiar.

But I can't remember who it is.

"Nobody, you have no right to know my name." The youth is cold and honest.

Jiang Hao shook his head.

Well, this is another proud master!


Fang Xuan's face trembled and was enraged.

He waved his hand, "Li Fei, go and try how many kilos he has."

"Good." Li Fei grinned.

Cao Yu twisted his neck and came out, "I'll play with you, too."

"Name it!" Young people drink cold.

Li Fei pointed to the tip of his nose and said, "listen, I'm Li Fei, the champion of Huxi Province in last year's national championship!"

"I was last year's national season Sergeant rain!"

The young man frowned and said nothing.

Cao Yu raised the corner of his mouth and said sarcastically, "what? Are you scared to hear our names? "

"Two mole ants, I haven't heard of them at all!"

Suddenly, the young man said this.

All of a sudden, Li Fei and Cao Yu were furious, and the whole person was about to burn.


"Well, it's arrogant. I'd like to see how good you are?"

Li Fei and Cao Yu swing their sleeves and walk into the car.

The young man didn't talk about it and got into the car.

Buzzing -

the engine is booming.

"Game, start!"

At a command, three racing cars rushed out in an instant.

The game ended quickly.


The car raced across the finish line.


Fang Xuan stood up in surprise.

Li Fei and Cao Yu lost.

The result was in his expectation.

But he didn't expect Li Fei and Cao Yu to lose so badly.

They lost without suspense!

One side lost!


Hang up!

This game, from the beginning, laid the end.

Young people are leading the way, and the gap is growing.

When he reached the finish line, Li Fei and Cao Yu finished only five sixths of the race.

Li Fei and Cao Yu are very strong.

Division champion, national season champion, can we not be strong?

They are stronger, but the youth are stronger.

It's a pervert.

The level of strength is not at the same level at all.

The young man got out of the car and looked at Fang Xuan, "it's your turn. Race early and finish early."

His tone is very flat, but contains the confidence to win.

Especially his attitude, too cold.

It seems that in his heart, Fang Xuan has never been regarded as an opponent.

"Who are you?"

Fang Xuan stares at the youth with a dignified face.

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