
Jiang Hao was puzzled and muttered: "why does Lei Hai suddenly expand so fast? Why is it so violent and powerful all of a sudden? "

You know, before the thunder and lightning, can not break the thunder war a defense, more can not hurt him.

However, it can easily hurt him.

If he didn't escape quickly, he would even be in danger of death.

"Young master Jiang."

Looking at the vast thunder sea, the old man of Chu was very frightened. His lips trembled and said, "I Let's go

"This place is too dangerous!"

"Ten thousand meters!"

Jiang Hao, with a dignified face, said in a deep voice: "the area of the thunder sea has reached 10000 meters!"

"It's expanding so fast!"

Old Chu looked up and his face changed greatly.

"Damn it

"What's the matter?" he said

"Why does the expansion speed of Lei Hai suddenly increase so much?"

"Is heaven and earth changing, and the disaster of extermination is coming?"


All of a sudden, Jiang Hao screamed in panic, pulled him, burst out the limit speed, just like streamer, rushed down in a hurry.

Click! Click! Click!

The next second, the thunder sea, which is more than 10000 meters long, covers the sky and blocks out the sun.

Countless thunder, bombardment and down.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Time flies, dust splashes.

Everything within a radius of tens of thousands of meters, including rocks and trees, was bombarded into vermicelli and scattered with the wind.

The top of the whole Shenxiang mountain was flattened.

In an instant, the altitude of Shenxiang mountain was nearly ten meters less.

Click! Click!

Countless thunders are still falling.

The vast thunder sea, as if out of control in general, rapid fall, with the distance between the ground is getting shorter and shorter.

One thousand meters, five hundred meters, three hundred meters

All of a sudden, the falling of thunder sea stopped.

The distance between Lei Hai and the ground is exactly 100 meters.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Endless thunder and lightning came down from the sky. The earth and rock splashed and the broken wood flew across the sky, flattening Shenxiang mountain a little bit, making its altitude fall again and again.

Hu ~

Jiang Hao rushed out tens of thousands of meters in one breath, then stopped and took a few breaths.

"That's close!"

When he looked back, he was shocked and couldn't help but be glad.


The old man of Chu looked at Shenxiang mountain. He was so stupid.

Hissing ~

he took a breath of cold air, and his scalp was hairy, which made him feel creepy.

"God elephant mountain was so Flattened? " He is very quiet.


What a shock!

Nearly 2000 meters above sea level, Shenxiang mountain was razed to the ground by Lei Hai in an instant.


It's not a flat land, it's a deep valley.

Shenxiang mountain disappeared. The original place turned into a sky pit. The bottom of the pit was black, like a bottomless abyss, as if the whole stratum had been pierced by thunder.

Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, the ground shook as if there had been a big earthquake.

"Get up!"

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao's toes a little bit, the whole person rose up and flew into the sky.

Shua ~

old Chu stamped his feet and flew up.

The two of them, suspended in mid air, looked down at the earth below.

I can see the whole earth is shaking, like the waves on the sea, ups and downs, waves constantly.

"What's the matter?" Old Chu was confused and asked.

"I don't know!"

Jiang Hao shook his head.

He was also confused and full of doubts and puzzles.

Since Qin Feng detonated the crystal nucleus, which led to the explosion of the little secret place, there have been a series of heaven and earth anomalies, such as the natural thunder sea and the surging earth pulse.

Jiang Hao was confused and didn't understand why so many visions appeared.

The ground near Shenxiang mountain is rippling like a ripple, with a wide range of fluctuations. Even the ground in the urban area is shaking.

"What happened?"

"Why is the ground shaking?"

"This is Is there an earthquake? "

"No! It's an earthquake

"First there was a violent explosion, then there was a sea of thunder, and now there is a big earthquake. What's the matter?"

"The disaster of destruction! The disaster of annihilation has come

"Woo woo I don't want to die! I don't want to die! "

In the city, there are screams and cries everywhere.Everyone's heart is full of fear.

Some people, with poor psychological quality, directly fainted on the spot and could not bear such fear and uneasiness.

People who are rushing to Shenxiang mountain also feel the earth shaking.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The air broke and a large group of people flew in the sky.

The leader, Feng shenjunlang, is Pei Longting!


Suddenly, he frowned and stopped.

The old housekeeper of the Pei family flew over and asked in a low voice, "young master, what's the matter?"

"Shenxiangshan has changed."

Pei Longting frowned and said, "I feel that the earth pulse of shenxiangshan is moving, as if it is about to come alive."

"Born with thunder, the earth is like a dragon!"

The old housekeeper of the Pei family's eyes were fixed and said excitedly: "young master, this is the vision of the artifact coming into the world!"


Pei Longting nodded slightly and said, "it seems that Shenxiang mountain really has artifact!"


With a big wave of his hand, he ordered: "let's speed up and strive to be the first to reach Shenxiang mountain. While there is no one, we can take down the artifact!"

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Suddenly, they speeded up, turned into streamers and flew to Shenxiang mountain.

On the other side.

The Shen family led by Shen Erye, the long family led by long Zhen, and the Ning family led by Ning Erye also sensed the change of shenxiangshan.

"Born with thunder, the earth is like a dragon!"

"Go! step on it! The artifact is coming out

Therefore, they also accelerated, desperately rushed to Shenxiang mountain.

Due to the long distance, the people from the four super product sects and the wudaomeng have not yet arrived in Zhonghai city.

However, these top forces are very powerful. Even though they are far away, they can barely feel the pulse of Shenxiang mountain.

So they accelerated and came as fast as they could.

God is like a mountain.

Jiang Hao and Chu Lao, suspended in mid air, looked down at the earth and observed quietly.

After a few minutes, the pulse stopped surging.

"Hoo, it's finally stopped!"

Chulao spit out a mouthful of turbid air, ready to land.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao's face changed greatly. He exclaimed and pulled old Chu back.

All of a sudden, the ground was blasted through the huge pit exposed by the thunder, and a super terrifying attraction erupted.

Click! Click! Click!

Suddenly, the thunder sea of 10000-20000 meters in the sky seemed to be active and passive. Endless thunder poured into the huge pit and was swallowed by it.

Thousands of meters away, the old man of Chu had a look of fear and a lingering fear.

He looked at the vast thunder sea, a little bit into the huge pit, frowned, did not understand the tunnel: "in the huge pit, what in the end? How suddenly engulfed the thunder sea? "

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