
There was a deafening explosion.

All the flowers and grasses were crushed and destroyed.


Jiang Hao's body swayed and fell from the sky.

Shua ~

old Chu flew over, looked at Jiang Hao, and asked, "young master Jiang, what's the matter?"

"Why are you hurt?"

"Is there any monster or expert in the huge pit?"


Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "there are no monsters or experts in the giant pit, but there is a border!"


Old Chu frowned at the speech.


Jiang Hao nodded.

"This border is very powerful. No one can break it under the sage."

He said in a deep voice: "if you rush hard, you will definitely be attacked by the border. If it's light, you will be seriously injured. If it's heavy, you will explode and die!"


Chulao is stupid.

"Doesn't that mean We can't get into the pit at all. Only saints can get in? "

"Yes Jiang Hao nodded.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

All of a sudden, the air burst out.

Dozens of figures came flying from the horizon.

The leader is Pei Longting!


Suspended in mid air, he looked down at the forest below and frowned, wondering, "how did the sacred elephant mountain disappear? Into a forest? "

"What's going on here?"

So he cast his eyes on Chu Lao and Jiang Hao.

When he saw Jiang Hao, his eyes were slightly frozen, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It's him!"

Jiang Hao's face changed when he saw Pei Longting.

He said in secret: "sure enough, this man is not an ordinary man at all, but a warrior!"

"And a very powerful warrior!"

"Nine Star master peak!"

Jiang Hao from Pei Longting body, smell a strong threat.

The first time he saw Pei Longting was at a cocktail party.

At that time, Pei Longting was just a second generation of rich dandy with no power to bind a chicken. He disguised himself very well.

However, Jiang Hao saw through it at a glance.

"Young master Jiang."

Suddenly, Chu laofei came to Jiang Hao and asked in a low voice, "who are these people?"

"The Pei family in Zhonghai." Jiang Hao light way.


When Chu heard this, he was very surprised.

"The Pei family in Zhonghai city is so powerful and has so many experts?"

With a look of surprise, he said, "there are more than 50 people, all of whom are six star masters, seven star masters and eight star masters. This information is comparable to the four families in the capital!"

"Is the Pei family so strong?"

Jiang Hao was also surprised.

Because there are too many experts in the Pei family, more than those in the general Yipin school.

"Are these people cultivated by the Pei family?"

Jiang Hao thought to himself: "if it is cultivated, how can it be cultivated?"

"With Pei's resources, it's impossible to cultivate so many experts!"

Jiang Hao was full of doubts.


Suddenly, he said in his heart.

All of a sudden, a group of golden flames appeared in his eyes.

Jiang Hao scans the Pei family.


Suddenly, his eyes were shining and his face changed slightly.

"Resentment, evil spirit, evil spirit..."

He said in secret: "these people are full of resentment, evil spirit and evil spirit."

"Moreover, these resentments, evil spirits and evil spirits are integrated with them."

"These people's accomplishments are all based on the cultivation of evil ways and methods!"

The evil ways and methods are famous for their bloodiness, cruelty and inhumanity.

The most common is to practice with the blood or brain of living people.

To think about it, the evil ways and methods practiced by these people are certainly not good things.

Jiang Hao's eyes showed a trace of murder.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Suddenly, the air burst out again.

Then, a large group of people came at a gallop.

It's the Shen family!

Seeing Pei Longting and others, Shen Erye was surprised and said, "unexpectedly, your Pei family is still one step ahead of us."

Then he looked away and saw Jiang Hao.

All of a sudden, he trembled, quickly showed a flattering smile, bent down, and said, "master Jiang, you are here, too."


Jiang Hao nodded slightly.EH ~

all of a sudden, second master Shen gave a light, puzzled voice on his face and said, "how did Shenxiang mountain become like this?"

"Where's the mountain? How did it disappear? "

"And this big forest, what's going on?"

He's confused!

The Shen family are also confused.


suddenly, a seven star master of the Shen family looked at Pei Longting and asked, "Pei Longting, you are here early. Tell me how Shenxiang mountain has become like this!"

He was very blunt, not polite.

Although Pei Longting is the only young master of the Pei family, equivalent to the future master of the Pei family, there is no respect in his words.

Because he didn't pay attention to Pei Longting at all.

It seems that Pei Fu, who has been addicted to gambling and drinking, will be able to indulge in prostitution.

"Go away!"

To this, Pei long Ting only has a cold word.

Oh ~

hearing this, the Seven Star master of the Shen family grinned and said with a sneer, "boy, I've become more daring. How dare you talk back to me!"

"Don't think you are the young master of the Pei family. I dare not do anything to you."

"Do you believe that I'll slap you to death?"

Pei long Ting heard the speech, his face was cold, and his eyes burst out with moriran's killing intention.

"You want to die!" He said coldly.

Hey, hey

The Seven Star master of Shen family sneered, "I'm just looking for death. What can you do to me?"

He's arrogant, he's presumptuous.

Shen Er Ye looked at him quietly and did not stop him or reprimand him.


He didn't pay attention to Pei Longting either.

"Mole ants who don't know how to live or die!"


Suddenly, Pei Longting gave a cold drink.


Suddenly, a face arrogant, eyes full of contempt for the Shen family Seven Star master, suddenly the body burst open, burst into a mass of blood fog, with the wind in the world.


This scene happened so suddenly that people didn't see it clearly.

Shen Er ye, the eight star master, did not see what had happened.

The Seven Star master of the Shen family suddenly exploded. There was no bones left. Someone must have done something.

Shen Er Ye looks at Jiang Hao and looks suspicious.

He suspected it was Jiang Hao!

Because, in his opinion, of all the people present, only Jiang Hao has the ability to kill a seven star master quietly, and he can't see how to do it.

"What am I doing?"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "I didn't kill people!"

"Master Jiang."

Second master Shen opened his mouth and was half convinced.


Suddenly, Pei Longting pointed to Shen Erye and cheered coldly: "kill them all, no one left!"


Suddenly, the Pei family rushed to the Shen family.


Seeing this, Mr. Shen snorted coldly.

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