Shen Er Ye quickly replied, "we don't know why Shenxiang mountain disappeared."

"When we came here, Shenxiang mountain had disappeared and became a forest."

"As for this huge pit, I suspect it was bombarded by Lei Hai."

"There is a mysterious space in the huge pit."

"However, there is a boundary in the huge pit, so we can't rush in."

He told the truth and didn't dare to hide anything.

After all, Baiyun Zong is one of the four super schools in China. He stands at the top of the martial arts circle in China and even in the world. He is a small Shen family in Zhonghai City, and can't make a stir at all.

A hundred Shen's can't be provoked!

"In the huge pit, is there a mysterious space?"

Three elders of baiyunzong, hearing this, their eyes brightened.

"Is there a little secret place or small world in the huge pit that has not yet been explored?"

Suddenly, his eyes were burning.

The same is true of the other elders.

You know, the little secret place is placed on the earth, but separated from the dimensional space of the earth. Only the great power of the ancient times can open it up.

In today's martial arts era, no one can open up a small secret.

Even if ten or 100 saints join hands, they will not be able to open up a new era.

As for the small world, it's more advanced than the small secret place. Whether it's size or rules, it's far above the small secret place, and can be called a reduced version of the earth.

The small world can only be opened up by ancient gods.

It is said that the last God on earth, Shi chuantian, once opened up a small world, hidden in the boundless void, no one can enter.

Every little secret place or small world is opened up by the supreme power to store resources, or as a back garden, or even as a clan headquarters.

No matter what kind of use it is, it represents that there are countless treasures in every little secret place or small world that has not yet been explored.

For example: rare elixir, peerless treasure pill, supreme magic weapon

Even in some small mysteries or small worlds, there may be some divine laws left by the supreme power.

These things are very precious in the ancient times of cultivating immortals. In today's martial arts era, they are even more precious.

Hu ~

the five elders of baiyunzong took a breath, calmed down their excitement, looked at the three elders, and proposed: "three elders, there is a small secret place or a small world under the huge pit."

"Let's go down and have a look while there's no one."


The four elders of Baiyun sect nodded and urged: "as far as I know, the three sects of Xingchen sect, Jianshen palace and Baihua palace have also sent experts to Shenxiang mountain."

"Even the people of Wudao league are out."

"So we have to take the lead."



"The four elders are right!"

The eight star masters of baiyunzong also nodded and agreed.


Three elders of baiyunzong pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "OK, let's go into the huge pit first and have a look."

"If there is a little secret place or a little world down there, then we will wipe out all the treasures and leave nothing for others."

"The three elders are wise!" All of a sudden, everyone called.

"Go, go down."

So, with a wave of his hand, the three elders of baiyunzong were ready to lead all the people into the huge pit.


Shen Er Yeh hesitated for a moment and reminded him, "all the predecessors of baiyunzong."

"In the huge pit, there is a border, which is very powerful and can't be broken by saints. Don't mess around, or you will be killed."


Suddenly, the four elders of Baiyun sect snorted coldly, glanced at him and said haughtily, "what if there is a border?"

"How can a small border stop us?"

"Get out of here!"

He was very confident, even conceited, and didn't pay attention to the border at all.

The same is true of other people in baiyunzong.

Shen Er ye heard the words, obediently get out of the way, dare not stop them.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The next second, the sound of breaking the air continued to ring.

The four elders of Baiyun sect and the fifty eight star masters all turned into streamers and entered the huge pit.

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

the wind was blowing in my ears, and the crowd kept falling.

A moment later, they stopped.

The three elders of baiyunzong looked at the colorful light flowing in front of them, which was like a rainbow. Their faces were dignified.

He said in a deep voice: "what a complicated and delicate border!"

"Who set up the border? It has been running for thousands of years, but it hasn't broken up yet!"

Hey, heyFour elders of baiyunzong grinned and said: "time is the biggest enemy!"

"No one, including anything, can escape the erosion of time."

"This border is no exception."

He said with a faint smile: "this border is really powerful."

"However, under the erosion of the years, there have been loopholes and flaws. No matter how severe they are, they are useless."

"I'll break it!"

Having said that, he raised his hand and was ready to break through with violence.


Suddenly, the three elders of Baiyun sect spoke.

He said cautiously: "although there are loopholes and flaws in this border, its power is still terrible and it can't be disordered!"

"Elder three, you are too cautious!"

The four elders of Baiyun sect said with a smile, "it's just a border breaking. What's to be afraid of?"

"That's right!"

Bai yunzong five elders, nodded, echoed: "a break the border, even if the power is very strong how."

"There are so many of us, even if the sage comes, we have to give up."

"It's a piece of cake to break the barrier!"

"Elder three, I vaguely see a vast space in the border."

Suddenly, the six elders of baiyunzong, with purple light flashing in their eyes, said faintly, "there are some vague and strange things in the vast space."

"I'm sure there is a little secret place or a little world in the huge pit!"

"Moreover, it has not yet been excavated!"


As soon as the words came out, the elders of baiyunzong all had hot eyes and shortness of breath.


Six elders of baiyunzong nodded and said, "what my purple magic pupil saw is absolutely not wrong!"

"Come on, come on

Four elders of baiyunzong urged: "break the border quickly, rush in and take back the treasure!"


The five elders of Baiyun sect agreed: "three elders, don't hesitate!"

"Before the people of xingchenzong, jianshengong, baihuagong and wudaomeng come, let's break the battle and rob the secret place."


Three elders of Baiyun sect, no longer obstruct.

He said in a deep voice, "you all step back, I'll break the battle!"


Suddenly, four elders, five elders and six elders of Baiyun sect all stepped back.


The three elders of baiyunzong burst out with a loud drink. They were shocked all over and burst out with a fury.


Suddenly, he murmured and hit the colorful border.

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