Jiang Hao muttered to himself: "these three days, the harvest is not small."

"However, they have never been found. I hope they are OK."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, hundreds of meters away, there was a fierce fight.


Jiang Hao's feet point a little, floating away.

Hundreds of meters away, in the dense jungle, more than a dozen figures are running away in a panic.

All these people are covered with blood, and they have suffered heavy or light injuries, and their pupils are filled with fear.

The leader is Shen's second master, one of the four families in Zhonghai city!

"Damn it

His face was very gloomy, and he roared: "this beast is too fast for us to escape!"

"Don't run away, everyone. Fight with this beast and give us a chance of survival!"

"Yes All the Shen family members said in unison.

Suddenly, they stopped.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three loud noises, three dark shadows from the sky, hit the ground, set off a piece of dust.

"Here it is

Seeing this, Shen Er Ye was so nervous that he could not help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.


He's really scared!

However, he is very clear that with his speed, he can't escape at all. There is no doubt that he will die. He can only gather the strength of all people to fight, and maybe there is still a chance of life.

Because he is facing the notorious Amethyst winged tiger!

The Amethyst winged tiger is a kind of ancient fierce beast. It has two wings. It can run on the ground and fly in the sky. Its speed is extremely fast, especially better than the general nine star master.

As an adult, his combat power can rival that of the NINE-STAR master, and his terror is unparalleled.

Mr. Shen is very lucky!

The three Amethyst winged tigers they met were all under age, and their strength did not reach the peak, but they were also comparable to the general eight star master.

In addition, Amethyst bipedal tiger's strong body and terrifying power, the general eight star master is not his opponent at all.

Shen Er Ye is one of them!


Suddenly, Shen Er Ye burst out and rushed to a Amethyst winged tiger.


"Go to hell, beast!"

"Beast, come on, I'll fight with you!"

The next second, four people in Shen's family rushed to another Amethyst tiger with a roar.

The rest of the Shen family killed the third Amethyst winged tiger.

This is their agreed strategy!

Shen Erye is the most powerful. He drags a bauhinia winged tiger.

Then, the other four people, desperately drag the other Amethyst winged tiger.

The other 11 people joined hands to deal with the third Amethyst winged tiger, in order to solve one Amethyst winged tiger in the shortest time.

If the plan succeeds, they have a chance to live.

However, the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is cruel!

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

eleven Shen family members, who had just met the Amethyst winged tiger, were patted by the Amethyst winged tiger and killed two people, then another one by the tail.

The gap is too big!

You know, these three Amethyst winged tigers are the legacy of ancient fierce beasts, and their combat power is comparable to that of the eight star master.

In contrast, among the 11 members of the Shen family, the strongest is the six-star master.

The rest are four-star masters and five-star masters.

How to fight this?

And it's just the beginning.

"Asshole, get out of here!"

"No! Get out of here! Get out of here

"Don't eat me! Don't eat me

"Ah, I don't want to die!"

"Help me, master, help me!"

A moment later, the screams came one after another.

One Shen family after another, under the sharp claws of the Amethyst winged tiger's fangs, blood splashed, broken limbs flying, or seriously injured, or died miserably.

The formation of the eleven players collapsed.

The plan failed!


Shen Er Yeh glanced at him, angry, frightened and frightened. He scolded: "a group of useless rubbish, so many people join hands, they can't beat a beast!"

"No one!"

"It's all bullshit!"


Suddenly, the sharp sound of breaking the air sounded, and a strong wind full of blood smell came.


Suddenly, Shen Er Ye's face changed, and he was about to withdraw without thinking about it.

However, it's too late!

A dark shadow flashed by.

The sharp claws of the Amethyst winged tiger, like a machete, cut through second master Shen's chest and tore off a piece of flesh and blood.

Poof! Poof!

Shen Er Ye vomited a few mouthfuls of blood. He flew out and hit the ground heavily. His bones seemed to be broken, but he couldn't stand up for a moment.His chest, a blur of flesh and blood.

Dimly, even Mori Bai's stubble can be seen.

Roar ~

the Amethyst winged tiger roared and fluttered.

"It's over!"

Looking at the flying Amethyst winged tiger, there was a trace of despair in Shen Erye's eyes.

He wants to escape!

He wants to hide!

However, his body seems to be falling apart and he can't move at all.

He glanced at the others and found that their situation was also very bad. They would die soon.


Second master Shen regrets it!

I regret that I should not have entered this secret place, and I regret that I should not have brought in all the vigorous masters of the Shen family.

Once the whole army is destroyed, the Shen family, without the powerful master, is a piece of delicious fat, which will be destroyed and divided by the enemy in an instant.

"I'm a sinner of the Shen family!"

Shen Er Ye completely despaired, closed his eyes and waited for death.

He doesn't want to struggle!

Anyway, I can't struggle. Even if I can struggle, I can't struggle for a few minutes, and I will eventually die under the claws of Amethyst bipedal tiger.

All of a sudden, a sword sounds.

Patta! Patta!

Shen Erye felt as if some warm liquid had fallen from the sky and dropped on his face.

"What's the matter?"

Shen Er Ye opened his eyes.

Suddenly, he saw the flying Amethyst winged tiger, cut in half by something, split the body, sprinkled a large amount of blood and internal organs.


Second master Shen was stunned.

"What's going on?"

Shua ~

suddenly, he turned his head and looked behind him.

He saw a man.

Jiang Hao!

"Master Jiang!"

Shen Er Yeh's eyes suddenly turned.

"He saved me!"

Cough ~ ~

after coughing a few mouthfuls of blood, Shen Er Ye got up, looked at Jiang Hao, bowed and prayed, "master Jiang, please help them

He prayed to Jiang Hao to save the Shen family who were still alive.

After all, these people are the foundation and pillar of the Shen family.

Jiang Hao glanced at Shen Er ye and nodded slightly: "good!"

So, he raised his right hand, bent his fingers and played twice.

Whew! Whew!

In a flash, two fingers shot out and hit the other two Amethyst winged tigers on the forehead. They pierced through and carried their lives.

Poop! Poop!

The huge bodies of the two Amethyst winged tigers fell down and raised a cloud of smoke.


Shen Er ye saw this scene, his heart twitched for a moment, and he was shocked.


It's a little creepy, to be exact.

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