
Wang Lin's car, like an arrow, shot out.

Come on!

Too fast!

When Jiang Hao saw this scene through his rearview mirror, he was surprised.

Subconsciously, he manipulated the steering wheel to give way.

Unexpectedly, Wang Lin's car was aimed at him.


With a loud noise, Jiang Hao felt that the car, like being hit by a truck, couldn't control it at all and hit the mountain wall directly.

Fortunately, he tried his best to brake and slowed down. The impact was not particularly serious.

However, the front of the car was damaged and the iron sheets were rolled and folded.

The back of the car arched.

Hu ~

Jiang Hao vomited his turbid breath, and his heart was still palpitating.


Suddenly, there was another loud noise.

Wang Lin ran into it again.

Jiang Hao shakes all over. If he didn't control his body and try his best not to swing, he would have hit the steering wheel at least. The injury is certain.

"Still here?"

Through the rearview mirror, Jiang Hao finds that Wang Lin has bumped into him again.

He's angry!

The cold light burst out from his eyes, and his face was gloomy and cold.

Step on the accelerator, shift into gear, turn the steering wheel

After a series of operations, the car moved.

Jiang Hao controlled the car and dodged the danger.

"Ah, no..."

Suddenly, Wang Lin screamed.

The madness of his face turned into panic.


His car, like a beast, hit the mountain wall directly.

However, as a top racer, he responded quickly.

He avoided the key, but his head, still on the steering wheel, knocked down, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Jiang Hao controls the car and crosses the finish line.

Then, get off immediately and walk to Wang Lin.

Pull hard, open the door, and then, like carrying a chicken, will faint Wang Lin, carried out.


Jiang Hao slapped him heavily.

Wang Lin convulsed with pain, but he didn't wake up.

As a result, Jiang Hao slapped a few more times, and he finally woke up.

Hissing ~

as soon as he woke up, hot pain came from both sides of his cheeks, which made Wang Lin take a few cold breath.

"What are you doing?"

He glared and scolded Jiang Hao.

"You are not timid. You hit me just now. Do you want to kill me?" Jiang Hao's eyes were bright and his face was cold.

"No No... "

Wang Lin felt guilty and his eyes dodged.

"Brother Jiang, are you ok?" Meng Xing ran over and asked with concern.

When the car crashed just now, his heart was lifted.

Brother Jiang saved his grandfather and was a benefactor of his family.

If something happened to Jiang Hao, it would be miserable for him to spread to his family, especially Meng Jingguo.

"Cao, you want to kill brother Jiang. I'll kill you!"

Meng Xing was scared and angry. He rushed up and slapped Wang Lin hard.

"What are you doing? Why do you beat people? " Du Feng came and stopped.

Meng Xing stares at him and cheers coldly: "you didn't see that he hit brother Jiang on purpose just now. He made it clear that he wanted to murder him. Do you want to protect him?"

"It's against the law to kill. Don't slander him!"

Du Feng retorted: "his car just lost control. That's why he hit it. He didn't mean to hit people. Wang Lin, do you think it's like this?"

Wang Lin nodded busily.


Meng Xing is very angry.

These two people are clearly singing oboe.

Jiang Hao waved his hand. "In this case, it's OK to bump into me."

"Brother Jiang, you..."

Meng Xing was surprised, but also puzzled.

Just now, he was almost killed. Is that all?

"That's right."

Du Feng showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't you let me go?" Wang Lin drinks coldly, the fox pretends to be the tiger.

He thought that Jiang Hao was afraid of Du Feng, so he did not dare to move him.


A sudden slap on the face knocked Du Feng to the ground.

Suddenly, Du Feng was stunned.

After a long time, he came back to his senses and glared at Jiang Hao, "you How dare you beat me? "

JiangHao mouth a Yang, indifferent way: "I not only want to hit you, but also cut you!"

"Don't you have a rule? With you, who lost, you have to cut off a finger. Now, you lose, so you have to cut off a finger. ""Do it yourself, or shall I help you?"

Wang Lin trembled and quickly hid his hands in his sleeves.

"You You can't cut off my finger. " He growled fiercely.


Jiang Hao picked his eyebrows. "Why can't I?"

"Because Because... "

Wang Lin's eyes turned, "because I'm the world champion."

Jiang Hao shook his head. "What does world champion have to do with me? I'm not a professional racing driver, so that's not the case. "

"I My brother-in-law is in the United States. He's a Taoist. If you cut off my finger, he won't let you go! " Wang Lin roared.

Jiang Hao still shook his head.

"It's no use, it's no use. He's in the United States and I'm in China. Even if he's a big man, he can't help me. This reason doesn't hold water."

Jiang Hao walks to Wang Lin step by step with a smile on his face.

"Since you can't find a reason, I'll cut it off."

"Get the knife!"

Wang Lin was afraid. He fought with both sides and retreated step by step.

He was about to cry.

"Woo woo Don't Don't cut off my finger. "

Jiang Hao grinned, showed his white teeth, and said gently, "don't be afraid. I'm very fast. I'll cut my finger off with a knife

"You won't feel the pain."

Ah ~

Wang Lin screamed with fright and almost peed.

"Don't Don't... "

He waved his hands and kicked his feet. Don't lean against Jiang Hao.

I'm afraid!

He was really scared.

"The dead with severed fingers" sounds very powerful and frightening.

In fact, in his heart, he is very timid and has a kind of abnormal madness.

He likes to listen to people scream, watch people beg for mercy, and then appreciate the bright red blood when the sharp blade cuts off his finger. He feels very cool.

But when it was his turn to chop his finger, he counseled.

It's like some people, who like to kill people, but are afraid of death.

"Don't be afraid. You won't feel pain in the blink of an eye." Jiang Hao said softly.

His voice is very soft and soft, like grandfather's kind nagging.

However, in Wang Lin heard, but very terrible, just like death's gibberish, there is a kind of soul power.

"No Don't ~ "

he screamed. Regardless of the pain, he rubbed his buttocks on the ground, wiping and retreating.

"Brother Jiang Brother Jiang, I'm wrong! "

Jiang Hao shook his head. "You're right."

"No, I'm wrong, brother Jiang. I'm really wrong. I shouldn't humiliate you before. I'm wrong. Please let me go and don't cut off my fingers." Cried Wang Lin.

He confessed and begged for mercy.

Jiang Hao light smile, "I never cut off other people's fingers, today, I want to try."

Wow ~

Wang Lin was scared to cry when he heard Yan.

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