"Get up!"

"I can't kneel down. I have to run away. Get up!"

"Get up!"

They all yelled, their faces turned red and their veins burst, as if they were fighting against some mysterious force and trying to stand up from the ground.

However, they all failed.

No one can stand up, even the eight star master.

Among the people present, Jiang Hao was the only one who didn't kneel down and stood upright, like a pillar of heaven, standing upright and motionless like a mountain.

"Why? Why did I kneel down all of a sudden? "

"Who's up to it?"

"Is the saint coming? How can you dominate the world? "

The crowd roared.

Jiang Hao shook his head slightly.

He knew that this was not the coming of saints to oppress the world, but the seventh style of Uncle Chen's seven kill boxing, the ultimate one, which aroused the power of heaven and earth and formed an illusory hell on earth.

This pressure is the breath of hell.

Even if this breath, very small, very weak, but still can cover the world, such as the arrival of saint.

"What a powerful seven kill boxing!"

Jiang Hao narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were bright.

"Who is Uncle Chen? Why is there such a wonderful seven kill boxing? "

Previously, he thought that although the seven kill boxing was exquisite, it was inferior to Wang BA's Bawang boxing, one of the law enforcement elders of Wudao League.

But now, he doesn't think so.

He changed his point of view when the seventh form of seven kill boxing came out.

Now he thinks that seven kill boxing is not inferior to overlord boxing.

Even better.


Jiang Hao felt that Uncle Chen's seven kill boxing was incomplete.

The true meaning of seven kill boxing has not yet been revealed.

"Go to hell, brute!"

Uncle Chen's skin was red, and countless blood beads penetrated from his pores, which dyed him into a blood man.

He yelled and punched.

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

all of a sudden, the black Jiao gave out an uneasy roar, and all the black Jiao gave out an abyss like black light.

Endless black light, condensed into a fierce black dragon.

"Dragon art?"

Jiang Hao's eyes were full of shock.

The art of transforming the dragon is a very profound skill.

Moreover, it can only be used by the dragon and the Yalong who have strong dragon blood.

"The fact that this black dragon can use dragon transforming skill shows that it has strong dragon blood. Either it's not far away from Tuojiao dragon transforming, or it's a hybrid descendant of the dragon race!" Jiang Hao murmured.

Whatever it is, it shows that the black dragon has an extraordinary heel.

This giant dragon with strong dragon blood is a rare treasure in today's martial arts era.

Dragon blood, dragon bone, dragon tendon, dragon scale It's all babies.

For a moment, Jiang Hao's eyes were hot.


The unreal hell on earth and the black dragon bombard together, making a deafening explosion.

At the same time, the surrounding snow mountains collapsed one after another.

The snow on the ground melts in the blink of an eye, turns into water vapor, and dissipates between heaven and earth.

The aftershocks of terror swept all over the country.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, the people closest to the explosion center, no matter the one star master or the six-star master, all exploded into blood fog, and then disappeared in the air.


Suddenly, with a cold hum, Jiang Hao burst out a golden light all over his body, forming a round protective cover, covering him, Shen Erye and others.

Bang! Bang!

The afterwave bombards the golden light protective cover and makes a heavy sound, which makes Shen Erye and others tremble for fear that the protective cover will be broken.

However, their worries are superfluous.

The shield is like the pillar of Optimus. Even if it is destroyed in every way, it still stands firm.

It took a quarter of an hour for the explosion to stop.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and the vision was clear.

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

the black Jiao fell to the ground and kept roaring in pain.

It was covered with black scales, most of which were broken, and there were wounds everywhere. The red blood spattered out like a fountain and dyed a large area of red around it.

Heijiao is seriously injured!

However, Uncle Chen's injury is more serious.

His right arm was broken, completely shattered, his legs were broken, and his body was covered with deep scars, showing his white stubble.

Especially the abdominal wound, too deep and too long, leading to internal organs and intestines seem to fall out.

Roar ~

suddenly, Heijiao roared, darted forward and opened his mouth. Before Uncle Chen could react, he swallowed him.Creak ~ creak ~

Heijiao chewed a few times, and then swallowed it.

Uncle Chen is dead!

What's more, he died miserably. He was eaten by Heijiao and became a blood eater.

"Ah, Uncle Chen!"

Wang Canglong, the young master of Zhenwu palace, was so scared that he collapsed on the ground and forgot to run away.


Suddenly, the air burst out.

A dark shadow, carrying a thick bloody gas, attacked and killed Wang Canglong, who was paralyzed.

It's Heijiao!

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

after swallowing the two killers who killed the White Snake, the black Jiao could not help raising its huge body and roaring up to the sky.


The next second, the black dragon jumped out again and began to eat people.

Its first goal is Jiang Hao!

Because Heijiao felt that of all the people, Jiang Hao was the most powerful and threatened it the most.


Heijiao will be the first to eat Jiang Hao and eliminate the threat!

"Want to be the first to kill me?"

Jiang Hao shakes his head and smiles.

"Stupid choice!"

Suddenly, he reached out and took off the pendant from his neck. With a shake of his wrist, he quickly turned into a bone sword as white as jade.


He raised the bone sword and cut it out with one sword.

Chi ~

suddenly, a vast white sword light, like splitting heaven and earth, cuts to the black dragon.

Stabbing ~

the sound of the sword tearing the skin and flesh rings, accompanied by blood splashing all over the sky.

Ouch ~

black Jiao looks up in pain and roars.


Suddenly, Heijiao accelerates again and turns into a black lightning. Regardless of the injury, he attacks Jiang Hao.


Heijiao was too cruel and decisive.

He would rather bear the chop of the bone sword than step back or stop. Instead, he would speed forward and get rid of Jiang Hao at all costs.

That's the right choice!

However, the target it chose is totally wrong.

"What a hard dragon scale."

Looking at the scar on Heijiao's body, Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "even the bone sword can't be cut to death. It can only leave a small scar."

"In that case, use a little more force!"

He clenched the bone sword and burst out endless sword Qi.

"Thirteen swords of wind and thunder, chop!"

Suddenly, a light blue sword light, whistling out.

Roar ~

black Jiao roared, his black scales trembled, and felt a deadly threat from the light of the light blue sword.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

So, the black dragon opened his mouth and spewed out a few poisonous breath.

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