As we all know, the type God is invisible, but it is closely related to the summoner. Once killed, the summoner will be attacked, injured or killed.

After the type God is killed, can also resurrect.

However, the whole process of resurrection is very time-consuming. At the same time, it will also consume the Summoner's internal strength, blood essence and even Shouyuan.


The sixteen gods in front of them were split by a sword. The four elders, five elders and six elders of the Yin Yang division, who were the summoners, were unharmed.

What's more, the sixteen gods, who were split in two, were restored in a flash.

"What's going on?" Jiang Hao frowned slightly.

Ha ha ha

The five elders of the Yin Yang division looked up at the sky and laughed, and said in a grim voice: "little bastard, as long as the big array of the type gods is not broken, these type gods will be reborn in the next second, even if they are beaten to death."

"And you, no matter how powerful, will be consumed slowly!"

This is the horror of Shishen array!


When Jiang Hao heard the words, he gave a cold hum.

Then he raised his arm again and cut three swords in succession.

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

in a flash, three light blue sword lights roared out and chopped at the sixteen gods.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, all of the sixteen gods were dismembered, like a broken mirror, which broke into more than ten pieces.


In the next second, the sixteen fragmented gods were restored as before, intact.

Ha ha ha

Seeing this, the five elders of the Yin Yang division laughed and said, "don't waste your efforts, little bastard. You can't kill these type gods, and you can't rush out of the type gods array."

"Today You're dead! Hey, hey... "

He grinned wildly and ferociously, like a bloodthirsty beast.


Jiang Hao cold drink a, the Mou light burst out a wisp of cold light.

Suddenly, his whole body was shocked, and the pores of his whole body burst out a continuous stream of sword Qi, which turned his whole body into a field of sword Qi, isolating all the power of the great array.

"Well? This guy inspired the field of sword Qi? This is the rudiment of sword field

The four elders, five elders and six elders of the Yin Yang division all contracted their pupils, and their faces showed deep shock and horror.

"This talent is too terrible to keep!"

They looked at each other, and their eyes sparkled with fierce killing intention.


All of a sudden, Jiang Hao raised a finger, drank a low, pointed out.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

In an instant, countless sword Qi surged out like waves, and the sixteen gods were drowned in an instant.


A few seconds later, Jiang Hao gave a low drink and took back his finger.

Sixteen gods, gone, gone.

To be exact, it was chopped up by the sword Qi all over the sky, and cut into countless dust like vermilion powder, flying in the sky and the earth.


Three seconds later, the sixteen gods were reconstituted and restored.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Hao's eyes were slightly solidified, and his face showed a trace of surprise.

"Ha ha Son of a bitch

Five elders of Yin Yang division sneered: "I said that as long as the type gods array is not broken, these type gods will not die and die. Even if you blow them into powder, they will still be reborn in the next second."

"So You don't have to struggle, just let it go. "

"In this way, we may leave you a whole body!"

Ha ha ha

Hearing this, the sixth elder of the Yin Yang division also laughed and said, "don't waste your energy, little bastard, just wait for death!"

The four elders of Yin Yang division did not speak.

However, his eyes, revealed a touch of peace of mind and relaxation.


He also believed that Jiang Hao was a turtle in a jar and would surely die.


Jiang Hao glanced at the three of them and hummed coldly: "do you really think this is a breakthrough Can you hold me

"Of course!"

The five elders of the Yin Yang master grinned and said confidently, "the great array of Shishen can not only trap you, but also kill you. Just wait a few minutes."

"So confident?"

Jiang Hao sneered, "in this case, I will Crush your confidence

After that, he raised his hand, took off the bone Sword Pendant from his neck and threw it into the sky.

In a moment, the bone sword became bigger in the wind, and its whole body was as crystal as ivory and white jade.

Jiang Hao holds the bone sword, and his eyes become sharp.


Suddenly, he burst to drink, waved his bone sword and cut it out with one sword.

All of a sudden, a terrible sword light revealed the cutting edge of the world, whistling out and cutting straight to the Shishen array.Along the way, the sixteen gods of the type disappeared in a flash and turned into powder.


The five elders of the Yin Yang division were stunned when they saw the sword. There seemed to be a thorn stuck in his throat, which made him speechless for a moment.

"What a terrible sword!" The sixth elder of Yin Yang division has a creepy face.

He's scared!

Because, from this sword, he smelled the strong breath of death.

In other words.

If this sword is aimed at him, he will surely die. There is no way to resist it, and there is no place to escape.

"Does the sword mean anything?"

The eyes of the four elders of the Yin Yang division were fixed, but there were huge waves in their hearts.

Of the three, he is the strongest.

Therefore, he saw the most from this sword.


He saw the meaning of the sword from it.

And it's very rich and magnificent. It's not just understood.

At the same time, he also felt the mighty power from this sword, surpassing his strongest killing move.

This shows that Jiang Hao's strength is above him.

Hiss ~

thinking of this, the four elders of Yin Yang division could not help but take a breath. They could no longer control their expression, and their faces were shocked.

Gayne, Jiang Hao is so young!

Less than 20 years old, his strength surpasses the mid-term of the nine star master. If he continues to grow, he is likely to become a saint.


It's terrible!


Suddenly, his face changed.

He realized that Jiang Hao's sword, the first form of the Shishen array arranged by the three of them in a hurry, might not be able to stop it.

"Come on

Then, he anxiously urged: "quick, start the second form of the Shishen array, and block the sword!"


The five and six elders of the Yin Yang division were a little confused when they heard what he said, and they didn't respond for a moment.

All of a sudden, a clear voice sounded.

The four elders, five elders and six elders of the Yin Yang division were all stunned by their reputation, and their faces were frozen as if they were in the dark.

I saw the huge Shishen array split under the attack of a sword light.

Shishen array It's broken!

"This It's impossible! Absolutely impossible

Suddenly, the five elders of the Yin Yang division shook their heads violently and yelled repeatedly, refusing to believe what they saw.

"No way! Shishen array can't be broken

The same is true of the six elders of the Yin Yang division.

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