Poof! Poof! Poof!

Suddenly, the four elders, five elders and six elders of the Yin Yang division spewed blood. Their faces were as white as paper, and their breath was rapidly weakening.

This is backfire!

As soon as the eight headed giant snakes died, they were seriously attacked. There was something wrong with the foundation of martial arts, and even their accomplishments began to regress.

"How could that be? How could that be? "

The four elders, five elders and six elders of the Yin Yang division were so crazy that they were almost scared. They couldn't believe that the terrible eight headed giant snake had been cut into more than ten pieces.

However, Jiang Hao is not very satisfied with such a record.

He shook his head and murmured: "nine turn Yin thunder, red golden pupil, wind thunder thirteen swords, I used the mysterious broken sword, but still took some time to kill eight giant snakes."

"It seems that these three martial arts skills have fallen behind and need to be strengthened."

"However, this is the future. The most urgent task is to kill these three people!"

Shua ~

suddenly, Jiang Hao turned his head and shot a frightful killing opportunity in his eyes, staring at the four elders, five elders and six elders of the Yin Yang division.

All of a sudden, the three of them trembled.

The five elders of the Yin Yang division trembled and said, "you What do you want to do? "

"Calm down."

Jiang Hao grinned and said, "don't be afraid, I just want to kill you!"

"You You didn't kill us

The five elders of Yin Yang division cried out in fear: "we are the elders of Yin Yang division. If you kill us, you will also..."


Suddenly, a sword light came whistling and cut him in half.

"Too much nonsense!"

Jiang Hao's eyes were cold. He glanced at him. Then he looked at the fourth elder and the sixth elder of the Yin Yang division and said coldly, "tell me, which one of you will die first?"


Hearing this, the sixth elder of the Yin Yang division shivered all over. His face was full of fear, and he wanted to beg for mercy.

"Stop talking to him!"

All of a sudden, the fourth leader of the Yin Yang division was fierce and said coldly, "he won't let us go. It's no use asking for mercy. If you fight with him, maybe there's still a chance of life!"


All of a sudden, he burst out to drink, carrying a huge murderous gas, killing Jiang Hao.


Hearing what he said, the sixth elder of the Yin Yang division was stunned and rushed to Jiang Hao.


Jiang Hao snorted coldly, and his face showed a deep look of disdain. "Dying struggle, is it useful?"

"Give me all Go on the road

After that, he waved his broken sword and cut out two swords in a row.


All of a sudden, the four and six elders of the Yin Yang division stopped and settled down in the same place. Their pupils diffused and their faces solidified.

The next second, two heads were thrown up, flying more than ten meters away.

Bang! Bang!

Two bodies fell to the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

Second kill!

Kill two people with one sword!

In fact, with the strength of the four elders of the Yin Yang division, Jiang Hao could not kill him with one sword.

However, in order to improve the strength of eight giant snakes, he spent a lot of blood essence.

Later, the eight headed giant snake was annihilated, and he was seriously attacked, resulting in the damage of his foundation and the decline of his strength, which made him unable to bear the sword of Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao put away the broken sword, searched for the four elders, five elders and six elders of the Yin Yang division, and scraped out a number of genius treasures.

Then he turned and left.

It's a rare opportunity for him to enter the secret world this time. He needs to collect more talents to improve his cultivation.

At the same time, he wants to take a chance.

He has reached the level of perfection in his three martial arts, namely, the thirteen swords of wind and thunder, the nine turn Yin thunder and the red golden pupil. If he wants to improve, he must break the limit.

As far as he knows, in the ancient times of cultivating immortals, it was not the limit that every martial art was perfected.

On top of perfection, there is another realm.

That is unique skills!

The power of every martial arts immortal skill is very terrible, at least ten times more than the original martial arts immortal skill. Once this move is made, the enemy will be killed.

However, it's hard to master the skill of killing. It's not enough to rely on hard practice alone. It requires a high level of talent and savvy.

Even in the ancient times of cultivating immortals, there was a lot of aura and talents, but not many people could understand the killing skill of a martial arts immortal.

Everyone who has realized the skill of killing is the son of heaven.

So Jiang Hao was busy.

Five days later.

In a canyon, there are skeletons everywhere. Looking from a distance, it looks like a dark white hell.

This is the valley of death!The valley of death is quiet and deep, full of dead air. It's hard to see living creatures. Only the chilling wind whines like a hundred ghosts.

This canyon is a forbidden area with a radius of 500 Li. Any intruder will eventually die miserably.


This area, is a nine star master level hell hell hell hell wolf king's territory!

The wolf king of hell lives here not only to cultivate with the help of the strong dead Qi in the valley of death, but also to protect the ripening fruit of the yellow spring.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this time, deep in the valley of death, from time to time, earth shaking explosions sounded, and the air of death was turbulent.

Vaguely, there will be a few sad wolf howls.

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