
"Thirteen swords of wind and thunder!"

Jiang Hao's eyes were shining, and he took his arm as a sword to split a sword light in the air.

Poop! Poop! Poop!

All of a sudden, a dozen odd looking, ferocious and bloodthirsty fire demon kings around were cut off, and the corpses fell to the ground. Then they broke up and disappeared, leaving only two fire spirit beads.

"Take it!"

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Hao grabs two fire pearls in his palm.

He shook his head, "Twelve fire demon king, only two fire spirit beads, too few."

"In three days, 422 fire demon kings were killed, but only 80 fire spirit beads were obtained. The explosion rate is too low!"

The 422 fire demon kings killed by him are as powerful as the masters of martial arts.

Among them, there is no lack of fire demon king comparable to eight star master and nine star master.


Fire demons below the master will not breed fire beads in their bodies. It's useless to kill them.

"Keep looking!"

Jiang Hao shook his head and sighed, and continued to look for the fire demon.

An hour later, he came to a magnificent palace.

The palace is towering with a gold plaque.

On the gold plaque, there are three big characters - the hall of alchemy!

"This is The alchemy Hall of Vulcan

Jiang Hao saw this, the whole person was excited, and his breath was a little short.

You know, Vulcan is a real God, whose strength is tens of thousands of times higher than that of saints. Even in the ancient times, when immortals and demons were everywhere, Vulcan was also a top power giant.

In the hall of alchemy of these great figures, you don't have to think about it. There are precious materials of elixir.

Maybe, there's a elixir.

"According to the observation, this city of Vulcan should be a relic of the ancient times. It has been millions of years since now. I wonder if the pills in it have disappeared with the erosion of time?" Jiang Hao murmured.

This kind of speculation is very likely.

After all, time is the most merciless and terrible weapon. Even the ancient immortals and the great emperors can't escape the judgment of time. They are all annihilated in the long river of time.

Elixir, artifact, imperial soldier So it is.

"It's useless to think more about it. If you have any elixir, you'll know when you go in."

Jiang Hao shook his head and stepped into the hall of alchemy.


As soon as he went in, his face changed slightly.


On the ground, on the wall, was full of the sword to engrave the knife mark, also had the bright red blood.

Obviously, not long ago, there was a fierce war here.

"It seems that someone entered the hall of alchemy one step earlier than me." Jiang Hao light way.

His face was calm, calm and confident.


His self-confidence comes from his strength. He is confident that no matter what enemy he meets, he can retreat completely.

So he strode in.

The hall of alchemy is big and vast, at least as big as hundreds of football fields.

However, from the outside, it looks like a small house.

Among them, the law of space is involved.

It's really amazing that naixumi is a God's means to control and transform space.

In the hall of alchemy, there are many alchemy rooms or pharmacies.

Jiang Hao went all the way, searching from room to room, but he never found anything. He did not see the elixir preserved in ancient times, nor the miraculous material.

To think of it, these treasures in the alchemy room and the elixir room either disappeared in the years, or they were taken first.

Bang Dang!

Jiang Hao uses his hand as a sword to split the 29th alchemy room.

Roar ~ roar ~

suddenly, the beast roars, and two black shadows attack and kill.

Jiang Hao's body deviates and hides. He takes a close look and finds that there are six fire demons, including a fire demon king, in this alchemy room.

This fire demon king exudes a strong breath, which is no inferior to the general eight star master.

"At last, there is a harvest!"

Jiang Hao looked at the six fire demons, with a trace of joy in his eyes.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Suddenly, the sound of breaking the air rings, and six fire demons launch a surprise attack. They kill Jiang Hao, as if to tear him up and swallow him.


Jiang Hao hummed coldly, and a cold light burst out of his eyes.


The next second, he raised his arm and cut it out.

In an instant, all the six fire demons burst open and broke into countless sparks, which dissipated between heaven and earth, leaving four fire spirit beads.

"Take it!"

Jiang Hao's hand explores and inhales four fire spirit beads into his palm."Six head demon king, four fire spirit beads, explosion rate is very high."

There was a look of joy on his face. "Moreover, the fire attribute energy contained in these four fire spirit beads is much more rich and pure than ordinary fire spirit beads."

"I'm lucky, it seems."

With a faint smile, he put away the bead of fire and began to search for the alchemy room.

The alchemy room is very simple. There is nothing but a alchemy furnace.

Under the red stove, clusters of bright red flames are jumping.

These flames, after millions of years, have never been extinguished.

"This is "Divine fire?" Jiang Hao surmised.

Because only god fire can keep burning for millions of years.

But the next second, he shook his head and rejected the speculation.

"This is not divine fire, but a flame separated by divine fire, and another kind of spiritual fire formed by the fusion of the fire in the center of the earth!" Jiang Hao light way.

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