"It's you."

When Zhou Hua saw Jiang Hao, he was shocked. He looked at him up and down and said, "Why are you ok?"

When he wanted to come to the bar that day, they offended brother leopard. The end must be very miserable. It's possible to waste arms and legs.

But Jiang Hao seems to be all right.

Shouldn't it?

Jiang Hao glanced at him faintly, then looked at Han Lulu, "Lulu, what's the matter?"

Han Lulu saw Jiang Hao, as if he had found the backbone, and naturally walked over and took his arm.

"He wanted to drag me away, the waiter stopped him, and then he beat me up!"

Jiang Hao looked down, his eyes suddenly cold.

"What's wrong with your hand? Who made it? "

Han Lulu pointed to Zhou Hua, some wronged way: "he."

"Who gave you the courage?" Jiang Hao looked at Zhou Hua coldly and asked.

Zhou Hua sees Han Lulu and holds Jiang Hao's hand. He immediately understands that the man Han Lulu is dating is Jiang Hao.

"You're the motherfucker!" He roared.

Jiang Hao's eyes were cold and said in a cold voice, "who gave you the courage to hurt Lulu?"

"Grass Mud Horse, spread your hand!"

Zhou Hua didn't listen to him at all. In his eyes, only Han Lulu caught Jiang Hao.

"I ask you, who gave you the courage to hurt lulu."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a violent drink.

This burst of drinking, he used a little bit of spiritual power.

As a result, the uproar is quite powerful.

Zhou Hua's whole body trembled, startled, and stepped back several steps.

"Yes It's me. What? what do you want to say? Do you scold me? Do you dare? " He said, strangling his neck.

Jiang Hao mouth a Qiao, "don't want to say anything."

Cut ~

Zhou Hua sneered, "I know you are a waste, dare not..."

Ah ~

suddenly, he screamed like a pig.

"My hand, my hand..."

He's screaming, he's wailing.

Because, his arm, dislocated.

Jiang Hao slowly took back his left hand, with a faint smile in the corner of his mouth, coldly said: "I don't want to say anything, because I don't move my mouth, I only do it!"

"You How dare you hit me? "

Zhou Hua covered his arm, and his cold sweat came down from his forehead.

"Yes." Jiang Hao gave a teasing smile.

"Spicy next door!"

Zhou Hua roared: "manager Cai, call someone, call someone for me, kill this bastard!"

Manager CAI was very obedient and immediately yelled, "security guard, security guard, let me blow him out!"

Step on, step on!

Five security guards rushed in at the same time.

Zhou Hua grinned, "bastard, Lulu is my woman, always will be. Now go away, swear to leave Lulu, I'll spare you!"

Jiang Hao shook his head, "impossible!"


Zhou Hua raised the corner of his mouth and showed a fierce smile, "OK, OK, I'll see how hard your bones are!"

"Call me!"

Five security guards, look at manager CAI.

Manager Cai cheered coldly: "what are you looking at? Hua Shao has spoken, but it's not fast enough!"


Five security guards, with fierce faces, surrounded Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao patted the back of Han Lulu's hand, "wait for me for a few seconds, soon."


Han Lulu smiles and turns to leave.

Zhou Hua immediately went up, gave a dirty smile and threatened: "Lulu, as long as you promise to be my woman, I'll let this bastard go."

"Otherwise, I'll waste his hands and feet and make him unable to take care of himself all his life!"

Ha ha ~ ~

he thought that Han Lulu would obey. Unexpectedly, Han Lulu responded with a sneer full of sarcasm.

"You Good, good

Suddenly, Zhou Hua drank, "hit me with hate, break his hand and reward him with 100000 cash!"

Five security guards' eyes were red when they heard the speech.

100000 is their two-year salary.

How can we miss such a good thing?

As for the consequences of interrupting Jiang Hao, they are not worried at all.

Anyway, there's Hua Shao on it.


A security guard, a cold drink.

Suddenly, five people moved at the same time.

Or punch, or kick, or elbow, or knee top

As security guards, they have more or less practiced a few times and fought with great momentum. Moreover, their attacks are swift and cunning. Ordinary people can't cope with them.Bitch, I'll see how you beg me later?

Zhou Hua glanced at Han Lulu and thought to herself.

Han Lulu is very calm, pretty face, do not see the slightest worry.

In the bar, she has seen Jiang Hao's skill with her own eyes. A dozen armed gangsters are not his opponents.

Even the gun didn't work for him.

The five security guards in front of him can't threaten Jiang Hao at all.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound is continuous and the figure is flying backwards.

Three seconds.

In just three seconds, five security guards all lay on the ground, rolling and wailing, and lost their fighting capacity.

Pa Pa ~

Jiang Hao clapped his hands and said, "it's done, it's over."

Then, step by step to Zhou Hua.

Zhou Hua's neck shrank. He was afraid. He stepped back two steps quietly and said in a trill: "you What do you want to do? "

"Apologize to Lulu!" Jiang Hao despised him coldly.

"I I don't know Zhou Hua trills.

"Sorry!" Jiang Hao drinks cold.

He held out his hand, pinched Zhou Hua's shoulder, and made a slight effort.

"Hiss, pain, pain..."

Zhou Hua took in the cold air in pain.


"I..." Zhou Hua's eyes twinkled.


Jiang Hao shouts, and his strength is stronger.

"Ah, I I apologize, I apologize! " Cried Zhou Hua.

"Hurry up!" Jiang Hao cold rebuke, hand strength, not reduced.

Zhou Hua's face twitched, forced to endure the sharp pain on his shoulder, and admitted his mistake: "Lulu, right..."

"Lulu, is that what you can call it?"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao interrupted him.

Zhou Hua clenched his teeth and said, "Han Officer Han, yes I'm sorry

Jiang Hao ignored him and looked at Han Lulu, "Lulu, how do you want to punish him?"

"Forget it."

Han Lulu thought about it and decided to forget it.

Today is her date with Jiang Hao. I don't want to spoil the atmosphere and mood.

"All right."

Jiang Hao glared at Zhou Hua, "you are lucky this time. Lulu pleads for you. I'll spare you once. Next time, I dare to do something to Lulu!"

"I can't protect you!"

"Go away!" Jiang Hao said coldly.

He grabbed Zhou Hua by the collar and threw him out.



Zhou Hua in the air, draw a beautiful arc, and then bang, fell to the ground, fell a dog gnawing excrement, for a long time can not get up.

Manager Cai's heart trembled when he saw this scene.

Nima, Zhou Xiong's son, was thrown out like garbage.

My God, this is going to be a big deal!

He glared at Jiang Hao.

Your sister, you are not afraid of death, but I haven't lived enough!

Manager Cai rushed out and helped Zhou Hua up.

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