
All the managers were embarrassed when they heard the words.

Just now, Jiang Hao has found out the evidence.

What happened?

They still believe in the Heavenly Master.

Now it's good. It's a slap in the face. It's a slap in the face. It's swollen.

What a shame!

They want to find a crack in the ground and get in collectively.

"Dead liar, you return my money, you return my villa!"

General manager Kong roared, rushed to the Heavenly Master and punched him.

Zhang total several people, look at each other, also rushed up.

A moment later.

He was beaten black and blue and beyond recognition.

"Send him to the police station, dare to deceive us, and ask him to stay in prison all his life and never come out!" General manager Zhang shouts angrily.

"Yes, yes, keep him for the rest of his life!"

"Bastard, dare to cheat me, check what family he has, I will never let them go!"

The rest of them are in favor.

More than ten seconds later, the security guard came and sent the Heavenly Master to the police station.

With the anger of several managers, the master of heaven will never think of it in his life.

After dealing with the master of heaven, several managers are ready to flee here.

They have no face!

It's a big embarrassment this time. It's supposed to be a joke.

The onlookers talked and laughed from time to time.

"Go, go, go!"

Mr. Zhang waved and planned to leave.

"Cao Bin, are you going to run away?"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

Cao Bin glanced at him and hummed coldly, "what's your business?"

"The Heavenly Master just now is so powerful. No wonder you are so respectful to him. Like a grandson, you regard him as a God." Jiang Hao joked.

"Shut up Cao Bin was angry.

Jiang Hao turned a deaf ear and went on: "master of heaven, you have the eyes to see the past and the future. Did he tell you that you will make a fool of yourself today?"


Cao Bin clenched his teeth and clenched his fists.

"Here, this jade pendant is for you. It's a treasure praised by the Heavenly Master. I hope you won't be fooled around like a fool in the future!" Jiang Hao said with a smile.


Cao Bin was so angry that he dropped the jade pendant on the ground.

"Oh, the master said, this jade pendant can bring good luck. You've broken it now, and you'll have bad luck in the future. Be careful, don't be cheated by the master in the future!"

Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.


Cao Bin raised his fist, ready to hit.

All of a sudden, Mr. Zhang held him.

Zhang Zong squinted at Jiang Hao, his eyes shot a cold light, "I remember you!"

"Let's go!"

Then he took Cao Bin and ran away.

Several managers, following closely, quickly fled the place.

Ha ha ha

Jiang Hao burst out laughing.

"It's bad of you to sprinkle salt on the wound!" Shen Mengqi gave him a smack.


Jiang Hao snorted coldly, "who told him that last time, he dared to think evil of you, sister Mengqi!"

"You have a conscience." Shen Mengqi said.

"Jiang Xiaodi, the master of heaven, the deceptive technique is not so clever. How come several bosses have been cheated?" She asked curiously.

"Fear of death!"

Jiang Hao spits out two words.

"These CEOs are basically the rich generation. They have worked hard for half of their lives to gain honor and wealth. They must enjoy themselves. Therefore, they are very afraid of death and cherish their lives."

"Smoking and drinking, irregular diet, unstable work and rest time, their health, more or less have problems, the Heavenly Master, should have learned a few medical books, can see."

"Moreover, he may have studied psychology, half true and half false, cheat a few fear of death boss, easy."

"Even if he is as shrewd as the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, because he is afraid of death, he does not believe the words of the warlock, and the whole nation tries to find the elixir of immortality?"

Hearing this, Shen Mengqi said with emotion: "the Heavenly Master, who has studied medicine and psychology, is quite capable. Why should he pretend to be a Heavenly Master to cheat money?"

"Easy, quick money."

Jiang Hao said: "if I didn't expose him just now, he would have made money. If I only use my mouth, there will be $10 million or $20 million. Who won't be moved?"

"Ah, money, the root of all evil!"

Shen Mengqi sighed.

Jiang Hao thinks of Xiao Li when he hears the speech.

At the beginning, Xiao Li thought he was poor, dumped him and followed the rich second generation?

Suddenly, Jiang Hao shook his head.

This kind of woman is not worth missing.

"Come on, let's go around and come back when the auction starts in the evening." JiangHao road."Well."

Shen Mengqi's head is slightly curled.


Suddenly, a cry came.

Shen Mengqi turned to see, face slightly heavy, coldly called a, "second uncle."

"Little girl, I haven't seen you for several years. I've grown so big. I'm more and more like your mother."

Cody, in a suit and shoes, with a dignified face, came over.

He reached out to touch Shen Mengqi's head.

As a result, Shen Mengqi avoided.

"Girl, go back and have a look when you have time. Your grandfather missed you." Cody took back his hand, light tunnel.

Shen Mengqi wrinkled his nose, "don't go back!"



Cody shook his head, rather helpless.

"Your mother went too far in those days. She ran away with a poor boy behind her family's back. Your grandfather was so angry that he drove your mother out of the family."

"Over the years, your grandfather has come to understand and is ready to take you back to his family."

"If I don't go back, I'll never die!" Shen Mengqi was very excited and roared.

"In those days, in order to revenge my father and my mother, you used the power of the family to snipe their company everywhere, which led to my father's depression and illness, and finally died."

"After a few years, my mother went too."

She pointed to the tip of Cody's nose and said, "you are all killers. It's not my home. I'll never go back!"

"I hate you all my life!"


Cody opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.


Cody sighed, "it's up to you. I hope you can figure it out earlier. Your grandfather's health is not very good. He can't last for several years."

Then he looked at Jiang Hao.

"Jiang Hao was born in Wuling village, Qingshan County, Chuzhou City. His parents are still living. They are both farmers. He has a younger sister who is going to school."

"When I was a junior in high school, I dropped out of school and entered the construction site. I had a girlfriend named Xiao Li, who has broken up now."

Jiang Hao's face became gloomy when he heard the speech.

"You investigate me?"

"Of course!"

Kedi proud way: "as Mengqi's bodyguard, identity origin, must be clear."

"Boy, remember your identity. You're just a bodyguard, toad. Don't think about eating swan meat. If you dare to think about Mengqi, I will never spare you!"

"Second uncle!"

Shen Mengqi said angrily, "Jiang Xiaodi, let's go!"


Kedi stopped them, "boy, you don't deserve Mengqi. Our Ke family is even more difficult for you. So I advise you not to think about Mengqi a little bit."

"Otherwise, you can't afford the consequences!"

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