"Who are you?" Jiang Hao asked again.

The person on the other end of the cell phone didn't answer.

"Do you know where this Diyin stone came from? I know! "

"Because I brought out this Diyin stone. There are many Diyin stones in that place. Besides, there are also treasures. Maybe there are magic weapons!"

Jiang Hao was shocked when he heard the speech.

The aura of the earth has been exhausted, no longer the glory of ancient times.

The man actually said that he knew a place where there were a lot of Yin stones and magic weapons.

It's a treasure house.

Rao is Jiang Hao. He's a little excited.

"That place, where?"

"You're not qualified to know yet. Remember this number. I'll contact you again in a month."

"Who are you?" Jiang Hao said in a deep voice.

"In a month, you'll know!"

Doodle, doodle, doodle, doodle, doodle, doodle, doodle, doodle, doodle, doodle.

Jiang Hao put down his mobile phone and felt a little heavy.

This man is very mysterious, I don't know his friends and enemies, so I have to defend him.

"Who is the auctioneer of the stone?" As soon as Jiang Hao came out, Shen Mengqi asked.

Jiang Hao shook his head. "I don't know."

Shen Mengqi was very clever and didn't ask again.


Two days later.

Star Dream Hotel.

"Jiang Xiaodi, accompany me to the bar to talk business tonight." Shen Mengqi rubs the center of her eyebrows, exhausted.

"Why go to the bar?"

Jiang Hao was puzzled.

"Partner requests." Shen Mengqi said helplessly.

"Is the crisis in the hotel serious?" Jiang Hao looks worried.

In his impression, Shen Mengqi has always been very opposed to talking about business in the bar, because she feels informal.

But this time, Shen Mengqi actually agreed.

This shows that the crisis of Star Dream Hotel is very serious.

"It's serious."

"Sister Mengqi, what can I do for you?" JiangHao road.

Poof ~

SHEN Mengqi smiles with a smile, "no, I'll deal with the hotel. Master Jiang, you just need to protect me."

"All right."

Jiang Hao shrugged.

For the first time, Jiang Hao had the idea of reading.

High school did not graduate, narrow vision, shallow knowledge, understand little, he can not help Shen Mengqi anything.

He decided to read more books and recharge the batteries when he was free.


At 7 p.m., Jiang Hao and Shen Mengqi go to Xinghuang bar together.

"Ha ha, Mr. Shen, you are here at last."

As soon as he entered the box, a young man with a sallow complexion and black eyes, who seemed to be suffering from tuberculosis, came over and wanted to embrace Shen Mengqi.

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao took a lunge and rushed up to stop him.

In the eyes of the youth, there is a cold flash.

"Sorry, Hu Shao, I'm late." Shen Mengqi smiles apologetically.

"No, no, I'm early."

Hu Shao chuckled, "besides, it's my honor to wait for such a beautiful woman as president Shen."

"Come on, sit down, sit down!"

Hu Shao reaches out his hand and prepares to pull Shen Mengqi.

Shen Mengqi escaped without any trace.

She said with a smile, "Hu Shao, I talked about cooperation with your father last time..."

Hu Shao waved his hand, "no hurry, no hurry, first drink a few cups, then talk about business."


Shen Mengqi frowned.

Hu Shao's face sank, pretending to be angry, "what? Does Mr. Shen look down on me and don't want to drink with me? "

"No, it's not."

Shen Mengqi shook her head.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao came out.

"Hu Shao, President Shen is not feeling well in recent days, so I'll drink this glass of wine for her!"

After that, straight from the glass, head down.

Hu Shao's face was gloomy and didn't drink. He put down his glass and glanced at Jiang Hao.

"What are you? Who is qualified to drink with me? "

"Hu Shao, pay attention to the words!" Shen Mengqi cold tunnel.

"Well, well, it's my fault. I'll give myself a penalty."

Hu Shao picked up his glass and dried up.

"Mr. Shen, how old are you this year?"

Speaking, Hu Shao quietly moved to Shen Mengqi.

Shen Mengqi raised her eyebrows and stepped back.

"Twenty six!"

"Yes? How does Shen Mengqi maintain it? She looks like a 17-year-old girl. Look at this face. It's tender. "

Hu Shao reaches for Shen Mengqi's face.Shen Mengqi avoided.

"Tut Tut, Mr. Shen, you have a good figure, better than a professional model!"

Hu Shao does not give up, and touches Shen Mengqi's waist.

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao made a move.

Five fingers like tongs, a grasp of Hu Shao's wrist.

"It hurts!"

Hu Shao took in the cold air in pain and roared, "let go, let go of it

Jiang Hao's hand swung, Hu Shao immediately leaned back and fell on the sofa.

He stood up abruptly, rubbed his wrist and glared at Jiang Hao.

"Grass Mud Horse, are you tired of living?"

Jiang Hao stares at him coldly, "talk business, talk business, don't move."

"Move your sister!"

Hu Shao burst a rude sentence, "what do you want me to do? Can you do it? Even my father can't care about me. What are you

"Hu Shao!"

Shen Mengqi couldn't listen any more and said coldly, "if you talk like this again, this business will be cancelled directly."

But she knows that Jiang Hao is a master Jiang who is awed by more than a dozen bosses. If it wasn't for her to say hello in advance, comfort Jiang Hao, try not to get angry and spoil the business.

At this moment, she estimated that Jiang Hao had started beating people.

Hu Shaowen's heart broke out.

He said with a quick smile: "yes, Mr. Shen, it's my fault. I'll punish myself again."

Then he had another drink.

"Mr. Shen, can I have the honor to invite you to dinner tomorrow?" Shaohu, smile.

"I'm sorry, Hu Shao. I have a meeting tomorrow. I don't have time."

Shen Mengqi didn't even think about it and refused.

"Well And the day after tomorrow? " Hu Shao didn't give up.

"The day after tomorrow, I will go out for an investigation, and I don't have time." Shen Mengqi made up a reason.

"What about the day after tomorrow?"

"I haven't gone back yet. I can't eat it."

"Where are you going to investigate, I'll come to you?"

"No, I run all over the province."

Again and again, again and again rejected, Hu Shao's face, has some gloomy.

"Miss Shen, you don't make up a reason to refuse me, do you?"

Shen Mengqi a bright smile, "how can?"

"Hu Shao's invitation to dinner is the envy of many people. If I have time, I will go. Unfortunately, I'm too busy at this time."

"I think I'll be sorry to miss this opportunity."

"Is it?"

Hu Shaowen said with a smile, "in order to make up for the regret, beautiful Miss Shen, can I invite you to dance?"


Shen Mengqi hesitated.

Hu Shao's face sank, "what? Miss Shen doesn't want to? Are all the words just now false? "

"All right."

Shen Mengqi had to agree.

Hu Shao smiles and reaches for Shen Mengqi's waist.

Shen Mengqi dodged.

"Hu Shao, I'm sorry, I'm more conservative, and I don't like to dance around my waist."

Hu Shaowen's eyes flashed a cold light.

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