"If you dare to beat me, I want you to regret all your life!" Hu Shao said.

"This little bastard broke his hand and foot, threw it into the forest, and let the beast eat it. As for you..."

Hu Shao looks at Shen Mengqi and licks his lips.

"I'm going to kill you tonight. I'll take a small video and tame you into my female slave. If you dare to resist, I'll spread the small video and destroy you!"

When Jiang Hao heard the words, a trace of Li mang flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that you have done this kind of thing!"

"So what?"

Hu Shao laughed with disapproval.

He has done many such things.

Forced to insult the beauty, and then take a small video, as a threat, plus honeyed words and money offensive, can be called invincible.

No matter how chaste a woman is, she will give in.

Of course, there are also a few women who refuse to obey and even sue Hu Shao.

As a result, under the control of his father, all these things were suppressed, and there was no wave. The women also disappeared.

"Damn it

Jiang Hao scolded and went to Hu Shao.

He thought it was light just now.

This kind of scum should be beaten to death.


Suddenly, a Rong blocked Jiang Hao's way, and several younger brothers quickly surrounded him.

"Boy, you're wise. Break your own hands and feet. Don't force us to do it!" Aron said.

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Hao gave a loud drink.

"Oh, you have a good temper!"

Ah Rong gave a cold smile. His face suddenly became ferocious and cold.

"Give it to me, waste his hands and feet!"

"To die!"

Jiang Hao narrowed his eyes, the cold light in his eyes.

He's moving!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The dull sound is heard all the time.

Two seconds.

Five little brothers, all lying on the ground, unconscious.

"This This... "

Ah Rong is confused.

He can hit him. He's not new.

But I've never seen such a person!

Although his five younger brothers have not been trained formally, they have not been beaten many times. They have developed all kinds of skills. It's hard for an ordinary man to get close to them.

But now, in just two seconds, it's all Ko.

Nima, these are five living people, not five puppets.

Do you want to be so fierce?

Jiang Hao goes to Arong step by step.

"You Don't come here

Ah Rong retreated in horror.

"As a bar manager, you should be damned if you are going to interrupt customers."

Jiang Hao gave a cold rebuke and rushed up.

Ah Rong was so scared that he ran away.

It's a pity that he screamed before he took a step.

Ah, ~

he let out a cry and fell to the ground.

His arm was unloaded by Jiang Hao.

After a Rong is disposed of, Jiang Hao goes to Hu Shao.

"You You go away, no Don't come here

Hu Shao shuddered with fright.

Jiang Hao went over, grabbed his arm and twisted it.


My arm is broken.

Then, Jiang Hao abandoned his other arm.

"Ah, my hand, my hand..."

Hu Shao was convulsed, lying on the ground, wailing and rolling.

"Little Little bastard, you You wait, my name is Tell Digo to come here and kill you! " Hu Shao's eyes were red, and he roared.

"Oh? Is Digo hanging? " Jiang Hao's mouth turned.

"Digo is the boss of this area. He's my brother. When he comes, you'll be dead!"

Hu Shao roared: "I also use a knife, bit by bit, to cut off your hands and feet, and then feed the dog!"

"And your family, I won't let it go!"

Jiang Hao's face was cold when he heard the speech.

"Yes? I'll wait for him here and see what he can do to me? "

Shen Mengqi came over, advised: "Jiang Xiaodi, forget it."

She was not afraid, but felt that it was a big deal and bad for both sides.

After all, in recent years, Hu Shao's father has been able to thrive in the business world, and his influence has soared day by day.

"Sister Mengqi, you don't have to say anything. I won't let him go of anything today!" Jiang Hao shook his head.

Hu shaotai scum!

Not only did it harm many good girls, but it also made a bad impression on Shen Mengqi.


"Son of a bitch, you're dead!"Hu Shao gave a ferocious smile, "ah Rong, call Digo quickly and ask him to bring dozens of people here!"


A Rong shakes out his mobile phone and dials a number.

"Hello, is that Digo? Someone made trouble in a bar. I was beaten, and Hu Shao was beaten too. He told you to bring dozens of brothers here! "

"What? Which son of a bitch dare to beat my brother? You wait. I'll be there in a minute. I'm paralyzed. If I don't kill him, I won't be called Digo! "

On the other end of the cell phone, there was an angry roar.


After a Rong hung up the phone, a smile appeared on his face.

He looked at Jiang Hao and said with a grim smile, "little bastard, Digo is coming soon. You can't escape!"

"Run away?"

JiangHao mouth a Yang, "when did I say to escape?"

"If you don't run away, you'll die!" Hu Shao leans on the sofa, Yin measures the tunnel.

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Hao grabs his collar and throws him on the ground.

Then, sitting on the sofa, stepping on him, leisurely way: "I'll wait for him here!"

"Asshole, let me go, let me go!"

Hu Shao struggled violently.

He is Hu Shao, the famous Digo and his brother. No one dares to step on him.

How unreasonable!

"Don't move, I'll step on you again!"

Jiang Hao cold drink, at the foot of a little more strength.

Ah ~

Hu Shao suddenly screamed in pain and didn't dare to move any more.

"Is that good?"

Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes passed.

But Digo hasn't come yet.

"Well, I said, is your Digo afraid to come?" Jiang Hao yawned, stepped on Hu Shao and asked.

"No, Digo will definitely come to save me!" Hu Shao explained.

"Yes, you are the old man. How could Digo be afraid of you? He must have been delayed!" Ah Rong cheered coldly.

"Shut up

Jiang Hao picked up an apple and smashed it at Arong, "you are not allowed to talk without my permission!"

Ah Rong screamed in pain.

Wait left, wait right. Digo still didn't come.

Jiang Hao was a little bored. He picked up a magazine and took a nap while reading it.

Five minutes later.

Digo is finally here!


The door was kicked open, and a fierce man rushed in.

Behind him, there were people in black.

Visual inspection, at least 30 people.

"Where the hell is that son of a bitch, Aron, Hu Shao?" Digo growled at the top of his voice.

Hu Shaowen almost cried.

"Digo, Digo, I'm here. Come and help me!"

Arong was about to cry. He got up and said cruelly, "Digo, you're here at last. Hurry up, call the brothers and kill that little bastard!"

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