The next day, when Jiang Hao came to the office, he saw Shen Mengqi, with a sad face and a decadent face, slumping on the armchair, full of despair.

"Sister Mengqi, what's the matter?" Jiang Hao asked.

Shen Mengqi sat up, took out a bulging envelope from the drawer, handed it to Jiang Hao, and said, "Jiang Xiaodi, this is your salary. What's more, it's compensation for you."

"You go."

When Jiang Hao heard the speech, he felt a thump in his heart.

"Sister Mengqi, what's the matter?"

"It's over. The Star Dream Hotel is over."

Shen Mengqi's face is pathetic and desolate, and she still can't give up.

At the age of 19, she started her own business. Now she is 26 years old, and it took her seven years to achieve her present success.

But it's all over.

Her efforts, her hard work, are all over.

In her heart, Star Dream Hotel is equivalent to her children.

Now that the child is gone, how can she not be sad?


Jiang Hao was puzzled.

Yesterday, he knew that the star dream hotel had encountered a major crisis, but it's not going to end now.

"This morning, I received a few calls, and our long-term cooperation with the boss of Star Dream Hotel, have canceled the cooperation."

Shen Mengqi said feebly: "the chef, the second chef, has suddenly changed his job. Many waiters have left. Star Dream Hotel is over!"

Jiang Hao sniffed out the conspiracy.

After all, the star dream hotel has a good reputation. Several long-term co-operatives cancel the co-operation at the same time, as well as the chef and the second chef's waiters, who collectively change jobs. Let's say there's no fuss

Who believes it?

Jiang Hao surmises secretly, who is the ghost in the end.

Suddenly, the landline on the desk rang.

Shen Mengqi pressed the hands-free button.


Jie Jie

All of a sudden, on the other end of the phone, there was a shrill laugh.

Shen Mengqi frowned, "who are you?"

"What? We met yesterday, but we forget today? "

On the other end of the phone, there was a banter.

"Hu Shao?"

Shen Mengqi was a little surprised, "what are you doing on the phone?"

"The old partner cancels the cooperation, and the chef and the second chef's waiters change jobs collectively. What's the feeling?" Hu Shaoyin said with a smile.

"You did it?" Shen Mengqi drinks cold.

"That's right!"

Hu Shao roared: "Shen Mengqi, Jiang Hao, you two bastards, I will never forget the shame of yesterday, so today I want to pay back a hundred times!"

"Forcing you to go bankrupt is just the first step. There are still good scenes waiting for you!"

"Gaga, Gaga..."


Shen Mengqi scolded.

"Be angry, be angry!"

Hu Shaoyin said with a smile, "before long, you will be lying on the bed, waiting for my luck!"


Shen Mengqi is very angry, ready to scold him.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

"Surnamed Hu, it seems that yesterday's lesson is not enough, you dare to jump up and down to provoke me, very good, very good!"

"Jiang Hao, little bastard, it's all because of you that I went to prison for the first time. I won't let you go. I'll play you to death slowly!"

Hearing Jiang Hao's voice, Hu Shao's mood suddenly burst, just like a powder keg exploded.

"Kill me?"

Jiang Hao snorted coldly, "you don't have this ability yet!"

"Digo is afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you, little bastard. You wait. I have a hundred ways to kill you!" Hu Shaoyin measured the tunnel.

Ha ha

Jiang Hao sneered, "mole ant, you really annoy me!"

"Fool, what's the matter with you?"

Hu Shao said with disdain: "one day, I will dry Shen Mengqi in front of you!"


He finished and hung up.

"Mole ant, you are dead!"

Jiang Hao's eyes narrowed, and his whole body sent out a terrible chill.

"Brother Jiang, don't break the law!" Shen Mengqi heart a sudden, advised.

Jiang Hao grinned.

"Sister Mengqi, you can rest assured that he is not qualified for me to kill him. I have other ways to cripple him!"

"What can I do?" Shen Mengqi asked.

Jiang Hao bought a pass, "in a few days, you will know."

He went out, went into the toilet, took out his cell phone and dialed Ma Fu's number.

"Hello, Mr. Ma, it's me, Xiaojiang. I want to ask you a favor."

"Yes, help Xingmeng hotel through the crisis."

"Well, thank you, Mr. Ma."Hang up the phone, brother Jiang began to think about how to deal with Hu Shao.

He didn't know that his call set off a big storm in the business community of Chuzhou.

"What? Lao Li, is that true? Master Jiang was bullied by a rich second generation? "

"Who is that rich second generation?"

"Hu Dong's son? That trash? "

"What do you do?"

"Send charcoal in the snow, help master Jiang, beat Hu Dong? Well, I'll take care of it! "

A moment later, at the last antique auction, the CEOs who had seen Jiang Hao's style agreed on their goals.

Together, they put pressure on Hu Dong.

In fact, they did this not only to please Jiang Hao and make him owe him a favor, but also for themselves.

Because, in recent years, Hu Dong colluded with several big men and, by means of some shady means, overtly and covertly, got rid of many competitors.

His power is constantly expanding.

Moreover, he is also very greedy and has cut off the financial resources of many bosses.

The bosses were afraid of the big guys, so they didn't touch him.

But now, it's a good opportunity not to be missed.

Those big guys are very powerful, but they are far worse than master Jiang.

On the 88th floor of Diguang building, in the luxury office.

Hu Dong looked at the financial statements presented by his secretary, and his eyes were smiling.

His company, with the support of several big men, is growing.

Now, in Chuzhou, he has a lot of influence.

"Within three years, I will become another commercial giant in Chuzhou!"

In Hu Dong's eyes, the flame of ambition leaps.

All of a sudden, his secretary came in in a panic.

"Who allowed you to come in without knocking? Get out!" Hu Dong's face sank and he scolded.


The Secretary's lips moved, trying to explain.

However, Hu Dong did not give him a chance to explain.

"Get out of here!"

The Secretary shrunk his neck. After all, he didn't dare to disobey Hu Dong and went out obediently. Then he knocked on the door and came in with permission.

"What's the matter, so flustered?" Hu Dong asked calmly.

"Dong Chairman, Mr. Jin, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Li, Mr. Fang and Mr. Lu all called just now and said they would cancel their cooperation with the company. " The Secretary reported.


Hearing the speech, Hu Dong bounced up from his chair and couldn't calm down any more.

"Why, why did they cancel the cooperation?" Hu Dong roared.

"No I don't know. " The secretary is weak.

"I don't know?"

Hu Dong suddenly became angry.

"I don't know anything. What's the use for you?"

The Secretary opened his mouth, "Dong Chairman, also There's also bad news

Hu Dong cold drink, "what bad news, say quickly!"

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