Jiang Hao's words angered Wang Fu on the spot.

He stood up, glared at Jiang Hao, and said angrily, "boy, what do you know? It's a unique way to fry steak that I started

Ha ha ~

Jiang Hao sneered a few times, "steak fried half life half coke, this is also called a unique method?"

"Well, I took Y!"

"then I'll add chopped green onion, add chili oil, add some cumin, add sugar, add vinegar, add MSG, add some Baijiu, if I'm frying the steak, is it also a unique method?"


Wang Fu has no words to refute.

He's a Michelin star with a lot of water.

At the beginning, he got the title by intrigue.

In fact, his cooking is not very good.

In particular, after winning the title, he only brags and makes money everywhere, and hardly makes any dishes, which leads to the declining cooking skills and is fired by several hotel owners.

In the end, he couldn't get along abroad.

So, he went back home to make money.

"What are you talking about? Brother Wang is an international chef who has been appointed by Michelin. His fried steak must be delicious. " Zhang Weileng said.

"Oh? "Delicious?"

Jiang Hao picked his eyebrows and handed the steak to him. "Then you try it."


Zhang Wei hesitated.

He once had such a steak.

After only one bite, I don't dare to eat any more, and even have a psychological shadow on the steak.

"What? You don't think it's delicious, so you dare not eat it? "

Jiang Hao laughs.

"Hum, eat it

Zhang Weixin took a knife and fork, cut a small piece of steak, and then put it into his mouth.

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth twitched.

The taste buds on the tongue are destroyed in an instant.

It's terrible!

It is reasonable to say that the half baked steak is not so bad.

But who knows what Wang Fu added to the steak when he was frying it.

Zhang Wei is afraid.

He did not dare to chew, and even more did not dare to taste, directly swallow.

Suddenly, his stomach, a burst of tumbling.

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes and took a few breath.

Then, with a distorted smile, "this steak, good..."

Before the word "eat" was said, he covered his mouth and rushed to the bathroom.

Because, he's going to throw up!

Jiang Hao pointed to his back and said, "you see, even your assistant can't stand your steak. He has to vomit. With this kind of cooking skill, he still wants 800000 annual salary?"

"If I didn't ask you to pay for the loss of the hotel's reputation, it would be very good!"


Wang Fu stuck his neck and said, "this This is my failed work, I make other dishes, absolutely delicious

"Yes? I don't believe it

Jiang Hao turned his lips.


Wang Fu was very angry, "if you don't believe it, come and compare it!"

"Better than cooking?" Jiang Hao blinked.

"Yes, it's better than cooking. If I lose, I'll quit and go to the hotel immediately. If you lose, hehe You're going to kneel down and apologize to me. How about that, dare you? "

Wang Fu gave a provocative smile.

"Don't compare!" Shen Mengqi cheered coldly.

If it was a fight, even if Jiang Hao tied her hands and feet, she would not worry.

But better than cooking?

To be honest, she hasn't seen Jiang Hao cooking.

Maybe he can't cook at all?

"Ha ha ha Is it that I dare not compete? " Wang Fu laughed wildly and defiantly.

"Wang Fu, shut up!"

Shen Mengqi scolded.

However, Wang Fu turned a deaf ear and continued to challenge Jiang Hao.

"Boy, I don't dare to compete. Just say it earlier. It's not a shame to lose to me. After all, I'm an international chef who's been a star of Michelin."

"Who says I'm afraid to compete?"

Jiang Hao's mouth turned.

"But I have a condition!"

"What conditions?" Wang Fu asked.

Jiang Hao pointed to security guard Xiao Li, cleaning aunt Zhang and others, "if you lose, you have to apologize to them, how you hit them, how they hit you."

"You must not fight back!"


Wang Fu didn't even think about it and agreed directly.

In his opinion, he is sure to win.

Although Michelin has been given the title of star, he has a lot of water, but no matter how much water he has, he still has some skills. His cooking skill is no worse than that of a second-class chef.

It's more than enough to fight for cooking skills and defeat a bodyguard!"However, I also have conditions. If I win, you not only have to kneel down and apologize to me, but also president Shen has to agree to my request and give me an annual salary of 800000."


Jiang Hao agreed.

Wang Fu squinted at him, "can you make the decision?"

"Of course

Jiang Hao looked at Shen Mengqi, showing a confident smile, "sister Mengqi, believe me, I won't lose."

Shen Mengqi hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"Hey, hey Boy, you are sure to lose! "

Wang Fu laughs. In the corner of his eyes, he is delighted.

There is a dish that he cooked almost every day in foreign countries for several years. Practice makes perfect. He is very good at that dish, which is absolutely better than the second-class chef.

"You're too early to be happy!"

Jiang Hao turned his lips.

The time of the game is one hour.

"Time, start!"

With Shen Mengqi's order, Wang Fu has been busy, but Jiang Hao is sitting on the chair, cocking his legs and knocking melon seeds.

"Jiang Xiaodi, you start quickly." Shen Mengqi is in a hurry.

Jiang Hao waved his hand, "Anla Anla, sister Mengqi, the food I cooked only takes a few minutes. Now, when it's cold, the taste will get worse."

"So don't worry."


"All right."

Shen Mengqi thinks about it carefully. It makes sense.

So, I also settled down.

Jiang haoya glanced at Youfu's material and then paid attention to it.

What he wants to do is mandarin fish in thick soup.

The main materials are: mandarin fish, tomato, Agrocybe aegerita, ginger, scallion, pepper, cooking wine, etc.

First of all, Wang Fu cleaned the mandarin fish, cut them into slices and pickled them.

Then, wash the tomato, put it into boiling water, scald it, quickly pick it up, rinse it with cold water, peel it and cut it into pieces.

Then, put oil in the pan, fry the fish moderately, pour it into boiling water, cook for five minutes, then pour it into the casserole, add some ginger and tea tree mushroom, and continue to cook for five minutes.

Finally, stir fry the tomatoes. When the tomatoes are soft and out of the sand, pour the fish soup in the casserole into the pot and cook with the tomatoes. Then, add various seasonings.

Then put the marinated fillets into the pot and cook them together.

The whole process, very fluent.

It has to be said that although Wang Fu is very presumptuous, he does have some skills, and his Dao skill is also good.

Slowly, the rich aroma diffuses.

All of a sudden, the voice of belly calls one after another.

Many people are hungry when they smell the fragrance.

Even the saliva is coming out.

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