After tying up the scarf, Jiang Hao began to choose materials.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, almost everyone has done, very simple.

However, the simpler the dish, the more delicious and extraordinary it is, the more difficult it is.

Jiang Hao selected two fresh tomatoes.

After washing, start cutting into pieces.

When he cut, he used the spirit power to ensure that the nutrition of tomatoes would not be damaged or lost.

Then, I chose two eggs.

Smash the cartridge case, pour it into the bowl, add some salt, and use the spirit power to stir it perfectly.

Next, pour some oil into the pan.

When the oil is hot, pour the egg liquid into the pot and start frying.

When frying eggs, you should use a shovel to break the eggs. After frying, you can fill them up.

Then, pour some more oil and start frying tomatoes.

When frying, add pepper, salt, sugar, stir well.

Then put the scrambled eggs into the pot and stir evenly with the tomatoes.

Finally, dress up and sprinkle some scallions.

A plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, it's done.

Suddenly, the tempting fragrance filled the whole room.

"It smells good!"

"Eh, how is the smell different from that of scrambled eggs with tomatoes I made?"

"It's really different!"


People are confused.

Normally, tomato scrambled eggs, unless fried paste, otherwise, the flavor is almost the same.

But the scrambled eggs with tomatoes made by Jiang Hao are obviously different.

The strong fragrance, with fresh, like walking on the grassland, breathing fresh air, appetite.

"This is your scrambled eggs with tomatoes?"

Wang Fu turned the corner of his mouth and said with disdain: "not so good?"

"Brother Wang, you don't have to worry. You will definitely win this game!" Zhang Wei flattered.

"Tomato scrambled eggs, anyone can do, who can do, what delicious, take a look, you know, absolutely not as good as brother Wang's soup mandarin fish."

"Boy, you give up now, there's still time." Wang Fu joked.

Jiang Hao shrugged, "why should I give up?"

"You are so confident, your soup mandarin fish, will win?"

"Of course!"

Wang Fu straightened his chest and his face was full of confidence.

"In this case, let's have a taste and see which dish we think is delicious?" Jiang Hao doesn't care about the tunnel.

Shen Mengqi said in a low voice: "brother Jiang, are you really better than me?"

"Of course


Shen Mengqi wants to say and stop, "in case you lose, how to do?"

Jiang Hao's scrambled eggs with tomatoes are also very fragrant and attractive, but from the visual and olfactory point of view, they are not as good as Wang Fu's mandarin fish in thick soup.

"Don't worry, sister Mengqi, I won't lose!"

Jiang Hao smiles confidently.

Then, glancing at the crowd, he said with a smile, "come on, let's try these two dishes, and then decide which dish is the best."

"Wait a minute. When they come to be judges, aren't they all partial to you? It's not fair! "

Wang Fu disagreed.

"What about that?" Jiang Hao asked.

"In the hotel, just find a few guests, let them try, and then decide which dish is better." Wang Fudao.

Jiang Hao nodded, "yes."

"Let's go!"

Wang Fu raised his chin and went out haughtily.

Assistant Zhang Wei, carefully carrying the thick soup mandarin fish, followed.

Jiang Hao also took the scrambled eggs with tomatoes and went out.

After several screening, Wang Fu identified five guests.

Among the five guests, one is a teenager, one is an old man in his sixties, and the other is a middle-aged man. The remaining two young people are a couple.

"Mr. old man, and you, I made a dish with him respectively. You can taste it, and then point out which dish is more delicious. Is that ok?" Jiang Hao said politely.

"Yes, yes." Five people in one voice.

Children taste first.

When he tasted Wang Fu's thick soup of mandarin fish, his big eyes lit up.

"Yummy, yummy, this is yummy!"

He took a few mouthfuls.

"Try the food, not just the child." Xiao Li, security guard, said in a hurry.

"Oh, oh."

The child put down the spoon, then picked up the chopsticks and put an egg in his mouth.

"How's it going?" Shen Mengqi asked uneasily.

The child froze and didn't speak for a long time.

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly. I'm very anxious." Chen Jie is also anxious, urge a way."It's delicious. It's so delicious. It feels like my mother's arms. It's very warm." The child commented.

What the hell?

Hearing his comments, the crowd was stunned.

Isn't it just a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes?

How to eat out the warmth?

While the crowd was sluggish, the child picked up chopsticks and ate them one by one.

"Well, well, don't eat any more. If you eat any more, you'll eat up."

Xiao Li, the security guard, came back and quickly held him.

"Which dish do you think is better?" Shen Mengqi asked.

The child did not want to, pointing to the tomato scrambled eggs, said: "this is more delicious, I also want."

"Later, after they have all tasted it once, you can have the rest, OK?" Shen Mengqi smiles.


The child's eyes narrowed with delight when he heard the words.

"A little boy, what do you know? His comments don't count. " Wang Fuling snorted.

His face was a little ugly.

I thought I would win, but I don't know. I lost the first game. Can he be happy?

"Hey, you choose people. Do you want to cheat?" Chen Jie cheered coldly.


Wang Fu is speechless.

"Next, next, you taste it." He pointed to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man nodded and tasted mandarin fish in thick soup.

"The fish is tender and smooth, and the soup is very fresh. It's a good dish." The middle-aged man commented.

Wang Fu heard the speech and got up.

"Do you hear me? This is the real judge, the kid just now, what do you know? How can my mandarin fish in thick soup be inferior to your scrambled eggs with tomatoes? "

"What do you have to do? He hasn't tasted jiangge's food yet?"

Xiao Li, the security guard, glared at him angrily.

The middle-aged man picked up a piece of tomato and tasted it without saying anything.

Then, I tasted an egg.

Suddenly, he began to cry.

"What's the matter?"

The crowd was confused again.

Just now, the child, tasting scrambled eggs with tomatoes, actually said to have a warm embrace with his mother, which is already very wonderful.

You are more wonderful!

I cried for no reason.

"Are you all right?" Sister Chen is nervous.

If this person eats, it's bad for her.

The middle-aged man wiped his tears, waved his hand and said, "it's OK. It's just that when I ate scrambled eggs with tomatoes, I thought of the dish my mother made for me when I was a child."

What is it?

People are full of question marks.

Obviously, in this game, Jiang Hao won again.

Wang Fu's face turned black obviously.

"You two, won't they buy you off? So I lied on purpose and said that the food he cooked was delicious? " He was dissatisfied with the tunnel.

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