Gao Min's dull face flashed a trace of anger.

At this moment, she was more determined to make a decision.

The wedding went on normally.

Finally, the priest announced: "Liu Yi, Gao Min, I have seen this, you swear to love each other, now I declare that you are legal husband and wife."

"I don't agree!"

All of a sudden, a cold cry rang out.

Then, a man came in.

It's Wang Hai.

"Boy, what are you doing here? Get out of here Liu Yi scolded.

Ha ha ~

Wang Hai sneered, "I come, of course, to break through your disguise and let everyone know how scum you are!"

"You want to die!"

Liu Yi gave a cold drink, "security guard, security guard, catch him quickly and send him to the police station."


Several armed security guards came over.

All of a sudden, Wang Hai took out a recording pen and pressed it to maximize the sound.

Suddenly, the voice came out.

"My name is Li Xue, with a high school diploma. I'm an ordinary person. At a party, Liu Yi and I got to know each other. Then, he chased me crazy and I fell in love with him."

"Originally, I thought he was a man of love and righteousness. Unexpectedly, he was a scum."

"He was tired of playing with me, so he wanted to dump me. I was pregnant at that time. Without consent, he called people and made me dizzy. Then he sent me to the hospital for abortion."

"Three months later, he came back to me and wanted to have sex with me. If I didn't agree with him, he beat me and forced me to sleep."

"A month later, I was pregnant again, but he beat me to miscarriage."

"The doctor said that my uterus was injured. I can't be a mother in my life. I hate Liu Yi. I curse him. My whole family will die!"

Suddenly, the recorder stopped.

A few seconds later, the sound came back.

This time, a different person.

"My name is Li Xin. I'm from the countryside. I'm 15 years old. Last year, I came from the countryside to work in Nanshan city."

"Once, when I was off the night shift, I ran into Liu Yi. He said that he fell in love with me at first sight and courted me in every way. I was so scared that I ran back to my rented house."

"Unexpectedly, Liu Yi followed me all the way. Besides, he was still in the rental house and took me He raped me. "

"Afterwards, I called the police, but it didn't work. Liu Yi raped me all the time."

"Later, my parents found out. They took a bus to Nanshan city and scolded him face to face. As a result, this beast killed my mother."

"My father, who was also beaten into the hospital by him, has not yet woken up."

"I hate Liu Yi. He's a beast. I curse his family. They all have to die. After death, the body is eaten clean by wild dogs!"

Strong hatred, so that the people present, some indignation.

"Destroy that recorder, destroy the recorder!" Liu Yi roared, with a look of rage.


Several security guards rushed up immediately and snatched the recorder, one of which was still on the ground.

Then, bang bang a few feet, the recorder, trampled to pieces.

Wang Hai raised the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer, "Liu Yi, you brute, do you think you can cover up your crime by destroying the recorder?"

"Not at all!"

After that, he took out more than a dozen recording pens from his arms and opened them all.

Then, throw it out.

"My name is Li Xue..."

"My name is Li Xin..."

"My name is Zhang Xiaoxiao..."

"My name is Luo Ju..."

"My name is Zhao Pingping..."

One voice came from one recorder.

Liu Yi's animal behavior is exposed.

"I didn't expect Liu Yi to be so vicious!"

"Yes, even a 14-year-old girl is a real beast!"

"The best son-in-law of the Liu family? Ha ha What a joke

"Scum, scum!"

People scolded.

Ha ha ha

Wang Hai looked up at the sky and laughed, "Liu Yi, you brute, you have raped and plundered more than 50 people with the identity of Liu family. Today, I'm going to tear you down!"

"Get him, get him."

Liu Yi roared and his face was ferocious.

"Kill him! Kill him


Suddenly, a cold hum rang out.

Liu Wen's face was cold and he stood up. "Come on, arrest this madman and send him back to the mental hospital."


Several security guards, immediately action, three or two, Wang Hai will be subdued.

Then, he went on.

Liu Wen whispered to his confidants, "go down, find a place, kill him, and bury him.""Remember, don't leave a clue."


The confidant nodded and retreated quietly.


Gao Min shouts, ready to rush.


Liu Yi holds her.

His eyes, flashing blood light, like a wounded beast, "where are you going?"

"Let me go, let me go!"

Gao Min struggles.

"Bitch, you're my wife now. You can't go anywhere."

Hey, hey

All of a sudden, he gave a grim smile and said, "later, I'll go down and kill him. Then, I'll cook his body and feed it to the dog."

"How dare you?" Gao Min stares at him.

Liu Yi grinned, "of course I dare!"

The wedding scene was noisy.

Suddenly, Liu Wen stood up.

"Everyone be quiet, everyone be quiet!"

However, the crowd is still noisy.

Liu Wen's face was gloomy. He grabbed the microphone and said coldly, "who dares to speak again, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Suddenly, the scene was quiet.

Liu Wen smile, explained: "sorry, let you see a farce."

"The man just now was a patient in a mental hospital. The nurse didn't take good care of him, so he ran here and made a scene. I'm really sorry."

"Those words in the recorder are all lies. I can't believe them. My family Yi'er is of good character, moral and loving. How can we do those things?"

"So, let's not talk about it."

"The wedding continues."

Just after the words, the wedding music starts again.

On the other side.

Liu Wen's confidant Li Lu comes to a box.

"Brother Li, what should I do with this boy?" A security guard, escorting Wang Hai, asked.

"Give me the baton." Li Lu said coldly.


A security guard quickly handed the baton around his waist to Li Lu.

Li Lu took the baton, grabbed Wang Hai's hair and lifted his head up.

"Little bastard, you dare to make trouble at the young master's wedding. I'm tired of it."

"Yes, I'm tired of living!"

Wang Hai yelled angrily, "even if I die, I will expose Liu Yi's crime and prevent Xiaomin from marrying him!"

"Oh, how dare you say it

Li Lu's eyes flashed a cold light.

Suddenly, he swung his baton and hit Wang Hai in the leg.


The bone broke.

Ah ~

Wang Hai screamed like a pig.

Li Lu grabs a piece of cloth and blocks his mouth.

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