"Thank you."

Gao Min smiles brightly, "Jiang Hao, Haizi and I have decided to get married next month. At that time, you must come."

"Don't worry. I'm sure I'll come."

Jiang Hao waved, "I'm leaving, and I have to catch a plane."

"Give it to me." Wang Haidao.

"No, you'd better accompany Gao Min more." Jiang Hao shook his head.

Then he turned and left.

Jiang Hao and Shen Mengqi return to Chuzhou by plane.

At this time, a mountain, halfway up, in a luxury villa.

"Dad, you must avenge me!"

Gong Shao's eyes twinkled with the light of resentment. His expression was like eating people.

After he was sent to prison by Jiang Hao, he suffered the pain that he couldn't forget all his life and was picked up soap.

Although, he only stayed in prison for five days, he was rescued by his father.

But those five days were a nightmare that he could not get rid of all his life.

"That little bastard, I will never let him go!" Gong Runli said.

Gong shaomou, blood light flashing, "Dad, you must kill him, want him to die without burial place!"


Gong Yun shook his head, "killing people is never the best means of revenge. Keep him, torture him every day, trample him, whip him, and make him miserable."

"This is revenge!"


Gong Shao nodded, "don't kill him, torture him every day, let him live in pain all his life!"

Suddenly, Gong run looks at the two people beside him and smiles.

"Master Jacques, I have to rely on you for revenge."

"No problem," Jakes said with a smile

Ye Wushuang also laughed and confidently said, "Uncle Gong, don't worry, my elder martial brother. It's easy to catch a little bastard."

"Then I'll thank you in advance." Gongrun Gongshou road.

Ye Wushuang waved his hand and said with a smile, "Uncle Gong, you are so kind. Thank you. We should also thank you."

"If it weren't for you, my elder martial brother's accomplishments would not be restored."

Suddenly, Jakes gave a ferocious smile.

"My accomplishments, not only recovered, but also made a breakthrough, greatly increased strength."

"Congratulations, master. Congratulations." Gongrun Gongshou road.

"Nothing to congratulate!"

Jakes said coldly, "I study hard and practice hard just for revenge!"

"At the beginning, that man abandoned my cultivation. If I don't get revenge, I swear not to be a human being!"

His eyes, burst out a wisp of murder.

In ye Wushuang's eyes, there is also a ray of hatred.

"Elder martial brother, you have broken through the bottleneck and greatly increased your accomplishments. Now your strength should not be weaker than him?"


Jakes shook his head. "I'm far from it."

"Maybe I'll be able to do it when I'm successful."

"But I'm confident that in a year's time, killing him will be like killing a chicken!"

Suddenly, a sinister and terrible breath burst out from his body, very powerful.

Gong run and Gong Shao shudder with excitement and fear in their eyes.

Even if the leaves are unparalleled, it is difficult to resist.

"Take it!"

Suddenly, Jakes gave a low drink.

All of a sudden, the overwhelming atmosphere disappeared.

Jakes apologized with a smile. "I'm sorry. I was too excited just now. I didn't control it for a moment."

"No harm, no harm."

Gong run waved his hand.

Deep in his eyes, there was a touch of caution.

Jack's recovery and breakthrough are all his resources.

As a result, he knew more about the horror of Jacques.

Ye Wushuang arched his hand and said with a smile, "Congratulations, elder martial brother. It seems that your miraculous skill is about to be accomplished."

Jakes grinned and warned, "younger martial brother, the magic skill taught by master is incomparable. Don't practice hard and don't slack off."

"I will follow the instructions of elder martial brother." Ye Wushuang bowed his head.

"All right."

Suddenly, Jakes stood up and turned away.

"I've asked to practice. I'm going to try to practice it in three days. I can't wait to get revenge."


Ye Wushuang said with a smile, "elder martial brother, I will protect the Dharma for you."


Jakes nodded.

Then they both left.

At this time, Gong Shao spoke.

He whispered, "Dad, why do you want to take these two perverts in? They practice with... "

Shh ~

Gong run made a silent gesture.He glared at Gong Shao and scolded: "some words, don't talk nonsense. If they are spread out, we will be finished."


Gong Shao's face was bright.


Gong Yun sighed, "I have to take them in."


Gong Shao a face is at a loss, "Why have to?"

Gong Yun shook his head, "some things, you'd better not know. It's not good for you to know too much."


Gong Shao didn't ask.

When Jakes got back to his room, he took off his clothes and got into the barrel he had prepared.

Then, run the formula, absorb the energy of the liquid in the bucket, and practice silently.

The liquid in the barrel, in the light, flashing red light.

These are blood!

A bucket full of blood, but human blood.

It's true that the recovery and even breakthrough of Jakes' cultivation depend on bucket after bucket of human blood.

As he ran the formula, the human blood in the barrel rolled like boiling water, bubbling.

then, a silk essence, a silk energy, did not enter the body of jacks, and was absorbed by him.

Three hours later.


Jakes jumped out of the barrel and spattered a drop of blood. In the

barrel, the bright red blood lost its essence and became very muddy. It also emitted a smell of stench and smell.

Outside the door, ye Wushuang heard the movement and came in.

"Elder martial brother, is the cultivation over?"

Jakes wiped the blood on his body and said, "call Gong run and send another bucket of fresh human blood."

"Elder martial brother, do you want to practice?" Ye unparalleled surprised tunnel.

"That's right!"

Jakes nodded, "I have to practice magic skills in three days. I want to break through, I want to become stronger, I want to get revenge on Jiang Hao early."

"But, elder martial brother, when the master passed on this magic skill, he warned us not to act too hastily, otherwise, we would be possessed." Ye Wushuang reminds a way.

"I have my own discretion." Jakes cold tunnel.

"All right."

Ye Wushuang's persuasion failed, so he had to obey.

A moment later, Gong run sent a bucket of fresh human blood.


Gong run rubbed his hands and said nothing.

"What's the matter, say it!" Jakes said coldly.


Gong run hardened his head and said, "master Jacques, you've consumed too much human blood recently. I can't supply it here."

"It's your business. It's none of my business!" Jakes said coldly.


Gong run looks embarrassed.

"Master Jacques, you need too much blood. For the sake of immortality, everyone can only take a little blood, which can't be supplied at all."

"I said, it's your business. It's none of my business. Don't you understand?"

Jakes drank coldly, his eyes twinkling.

The breath of terror enveloped Gong run.

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