"No need!"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "get out of here


Wang Qingfeng glared angrily.

"What are you doing? Get out of here!" Jiang Hao drinks cold.

"Good, good."

Wang Qingfeng was very angry and laughed.

"Boy, you are crazy. You just don't know. When you meet that man, do you dare to be crazy?"

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao uttered a word coldly.


Wang Qingfeng snorted coldly, swung his sleeve and left angrily.

Shen Mengqi's eyelids beat slightly and woke up.

"Xiaojiang, has anyone been here?" She was very weak.

"Just a scum, sister Mengqi, have a good rest." Jiang Hao said softly.

"I can't rest."


Suddenly, Shen Mengqi began to cry.

"My hotel, no more."

Jiang Hao comforted: "sister Mengqi, it's OK. Xingmeng hotel is only temporarily closed. After a while, it will reopen."

"Woo woo I'm useless. I'm useless. "

Shen Mengqi threw herself into Jiang Hao's arms and began to cry.

At the beginning, her parents died one after another.

In order to prove herself, she opened a small restaurant.

In the past seven or eight years, she has experienced many tests, even tribulations, and finally made some achievements.

But now the hotel is closed.

She can't take it!

"Sister Mengqi, don't worry. Before long, Xingmeng hotel will be reopened. Moreover, I promise, it will be more prosperous than before."

Jiang Hao comforted, "and I'll ask him to pay the price for the person who took care of us."

"Do you know who that man is?"

Shen Mengqi is very clever and guesses a little.


Jiang Hao shook his head and lied, "but I'll know sooner or later. When the time comes, I want him to look good!"

Tomorrow morning, he is not going to tell Shen Mengqi about the appointment with that person.

After all, from all kinds of signs, that man, with great influence, is a big man.

Shen Mengqi knew that it would only increase her sorrow.

"You have to be careful. I'm afraid that person will deal with you." Shen Mengqi said.

"Don't worry, sister Mengqi."

Jiang Hao confident smile, "my strength, you don't know, even if he wants to plot against me, it's useless."

Shen Mengqi smelled the speech and laughed.

"You still have to be careful. Don't be careless. It's easy to avoid a clear shot, but hard to defend a hidden one."


Jiang Hao nodded.

Ding Lingling ~

suddenly, his mobile phone rings.

He took it out and saw that it was Han lulu.

So he walked out of the ward.

Get through.

"Hello, Lulu, call me. What can I do for you?" He asked.

On the other end of the mobile phone, Han Lulu's solemn voice came.

"Jiang Hao, I've come across a tough case. Do you have time?"

"There will be time tomorrow afternoon." JiangHao road.

"Come to the police station tomorrow afternoon." Han Lulu said.


Jiang Hao nodded.

He hung up and continued to take care of Shen Mengqi.

The next day.

Half past nine in the morning.

Jiang Hao cold eyes, out of the hospital, to Yalong hotel.

As soon as he arrived, a man in black met him.

"Are you Jiang Hao?" The man in Black said coldly.

"That's right."

Jiang Hao nodded.

"Come with me!"

The man in black waved and walked straight away.

Jiang Hao followed.

Presidential suite.

Gong run holding a glass of red wine, squinting at Jiang Hao, "Jiang Hao, you finally come."

"Are you the one who played tricks behind the scenes and sealed the Star Dream Hotel?" Jiang Hao stares at him and asks.

"Yes, that's me."

Gong run gave a faint smile.

Jiang Hao frowned, "I don't seem to know you, do I? Why are you targeting US? "

Gong run said coldly, "you don't know me, but you must know my son."

"Jiang Hao, are you all right?"

All of a sudden, a fierce voice rang out.

A man came out.

It's Gong Shao.

"It's you."

Jiang Hao's face was full of surprise.

"Aren't you in prison? How did you get out? ""Grass Mud Horse!"

Suddenly, Gong Shao roared.

At the mention of this, he sounded the pain of his life.

His face, some ferocious, roared: "little bastard, it's all your harm, I want revenge, I want you to die!"

"I see."

Jiang Hao showed a sudden look.

Abrupt, his eyes, sharp up.

"I don't know where you come from to provoke me, but if you dare to provoke me, you have to be ready to accept punishment!" Jiang Hao drinks cold.

Hey, hey

Gong Shao gave a grim smile, "little bastard, you can't be rampant for long."

"I know that you are a master of martial arts and Taoism. You are very powerful, but it's useless. It's useless!"

"No matter how strong you are, you are only a man after all. I have many ways to kill you!"


Jiang Hao frowned and felt a little uneasy.

Creak ~

suddenly, the door opened and a person came in.

It's Wang Qingfeng.

He went to Gong run, bent down and said respectfully, "President Gong, it's done."

"Yes? That's great. "

Gong run grinned, "Jiang Hao, your Achilles' heel is pinched by me. What else can you do?"

"What Achilles' heel?" Jiang Hao eyebrows a pick, ask a way.

"Of course..."

Gong run smiles. Suddenly, he looks at Wang Qingfeng and says, "Mr. Wang, please tell him."


Wang Qingfeng smiles.

"Jiang Hao, just now, just on your way here, I took the trouble to pick up Shen Mengqi in person."


Jiang Hao smell speech, eyes, burst out a wisp of cold light.

"You want to die!"


Suddenly, he moved.

A lunge, rushed to Wang Qingfeng in front.

Then, both hands a grasp, and then twist.

Click! Click!

There were two cracks.

Ah ~

Wang Qingfeng screamed like a pig, lying on the ground, rolling and wailing.

His two arms were broken by Jiang Hao.


Jiang Hao snorted coldly, "where is sister Mengqi? Otherwise, even your legs will be broken together! "


Gong run gave a roar.

"Do you know that this is my place? Do you know he's my man? "

"Yes, so what?"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "who dares to hurt sister Mengqi? I will never forgive him. If he angers me, I will kill you directly!"

"Son of a bitch!"

Gong run trembled with anger.

"Boy, you are too arrogant. Do you really think that with your strength, you will be lawless?"

"You are the lawless

Jiang Hao cold drink, "you dare to bully Mengqi elder sister, just new and old hatred together!"

"That's right, the old and the new are counted together!"

Gong Shao drinks angrily.

The muscles on his face, convulsed with anger, looked very ferocious.

"Little bastard, if you step into this door, you won't want to go out!" Gong Shao said with a grim smile.

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