When Jakes worked, he was covered with blood.

He seemed to have a faint smell of blood.

As soon as Jiang Hao saw it, he knew it was evil.

"Blood dragon claw!"

Suddenly, Jakes gave a loud drink.

Suddenly, his right hand, found a change.

Thick blood light, covering his right hand, his fingers, a little bit longer, sharp.

A moment later.

Five fingers, like machetes, flashing blood red light, looks very hard.

"What's this?"

Jiang Hao's face changed slightly.

"Blood dragon claw, Jiang Hao, die for me!"

Jack roared and waved his right hand to Jiang Hao.

Whew, whew!

All of a sudden, five blood lights, like lightning, burst into the sky and made a sharp sound.

Jiang Hao's body shakes and hides.


Five blood lights fell on the marble floor and cut the whole marble into several pieces.

Hiss ~

seeing this, Gong Shao took a breath of cold air.

"Ha ha ha Great, master Jacques, kill him, kill him Gong run was very excited and roared.

"Shut up

Jakes gave a roar.

He looked at Jiang Hao and said: "Jiang Hao, you forced me. Now, you can die!"


Jiang Hao gave a cold hum.

"Jakes, you are so brave. You cultivate evil skills. You practice human blood and extract human blood to gain energy."

"This kind of evil skill is harmful to Tianhe. How dare you practice it!" Jiang Hao exclaimed.

"You Don't slander me when you talk nonsense Jakes was guilty.


Jiang Hao sneered, "Jakes, you can hide your evil skill from others, but you can't hide it from me!"

"Today, I'm going to get rid of you!"

"Jiang Hao, don't be too arrogant!"

Jakes cheered coldly: "my accomplishments have greatly increased, and my miraculous skills have also greatly improved. I may not be able to beat you."

"Then come on!" Jiang Hao hooked his finger and said defiantly.

His face was full of disdain.


Jakes got angry.

I'm furious!

"Asshole, I will kill you today!"

He growled.

Suddenly, his hands were covered with a layer of blood light.

Then, his left hand, too, changed, just like his right hand.


He gave a loud drink and his hands danced.

All of a sudden, the presidential suite was full of blood.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

These blood lights are as terrible as lasers. No matter what they touch, they will be cut apart.

"Terrible, terrible!"

Gong run trembled with fear when he saw this scene.

Gong Shao was even more unbearable and hid directly under the table.


Suddenly, a blood light fell on the table and cut the table above him into pieces of broken wood.

Ah ~

he yelled, and a stream of liquid flowed out of his crotch.

He's scared to pee!

"Die, die!"

Jakes yelled wildly.

Countless blood lights, under his control, flood into Jiang Hao.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of explosion was heard all the time.

For a moment, dust, pieces of marble, splashing everywhere.

Ha ha ha

Jack looked up and laughed, "Jiang Hao, you are dead at last!"

"Who said I was dead?"

Suddenly, a voice came out from the smoke.


The dust fell and the vision was clear again.


Suddenly, Jakes's pupils shrank and he was shocked.

"You're not dead?"

Ha ha

Jiang Hao sneered, "this attack, just want to kill me? What a daydream


Jakes's face changed.

"You're less proud. If you can't do it once, I'll come twice. I'll see how many times you can block it?" He said coldly.

"Blood Dragon..."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao interrupted him.

"Well, it's my turn to attack!"

Jiang Hao's fingers curled.


A finger, like an arrow from the string, shoots out.Poof!

All of a sudden, Jakes squirts blood.

He covered his stomach and knelt down.


He raised his head difficultly, his eyes were ferocious, staring at Jiang Hao, "you are useless again It's a waste of my accomplishments. "

"That's right!"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "you are not worthy of cultivation."


Jakes vomited a mouthful of blood and said, "Jiang Hao, if you have seed, you will kill me. Otherwise, my cultivation will recover in three months."

"One day, I'll kill you!"

"Killed you?"

Jiang Hao shook his head, "I won't kill you, I will only dirty my hands."

"Evil will be rewarded, and the law will punish you!"

After that, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Han Lulu's number.

"Hello, Lulu, I caught a prisoner who used human blood to practice evil Kung Fu. Now I've abandoned his cultivation. You can take him away."

"Practice with human blood?"

On the other end of the mobile phone, Han Lulu's voice is a little strange.

Jiang Hao noticed.

So he asked, "Lulu, what's the matter?"

"Jiang Hao, do you remember that I called you last night?" Han Lulu asked.

"I remember."

Jiang Hao nodded, "you said, you found some very special bodies, I need to identify them."

"That's right."

Han Lulu said in a cold voice: "after forensic examination, it was found that the dead died of excessive blood loss. The blood in their bodies was drained."

Jiang Hao's eyebrows were picked, and he responded.

"You mean, that person's death was probably caused by the person I arrested?"

"That's right!"

Han Lulu ordered: "Jiang Hao, you catch that man, don't let him run away, I'll go now."

"Don't worry, he can't run with me." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

Dudu ~ Dudu ~

a few minutes later, a police car came at a gallop.

Han Lulu jumped out of the police car and went straight to the presidential suite.

"Jiang Hao, where is the prisoner?" She asked.

"Here it is."

Jiang Hao's mouth was full.

Han Lulu looked down and saw Jakes lying on the ground.

"Come on, handcuff him." Han Lulu cheered coldly.


A policeman went over and handcuffed Jakes.

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao pointed to Gong run, Gong Shao and ye Wushuang and said, "take them too. I suspect that this matter has something to do with them."


Han Lulu nodded and motioned, "handcuff them, too."


A couple of cops went over.

"Don't catch me, don't catch me!"

Gong Shao struggled violently.

"I was wronged, he framed me, he framed me!" Gong run yells.

Ye Wushuang is calm and calm.

His eyes were cold, staring at the policeman who came by and yelling, "do you dare to catch me?"


The policeman hesitated.

He knows the person in front of him, who is the eldest and youngest of the Ye family. He is known as the successor of the future. He can't afford to offend.

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