
Shen Mengqi frowned, "where?"

Jiang Hao's mouth, slightly lifted, showing a smile.

Suddenly, his hand waved in the air.


Suddenly, a man fell down.

It's Chen Shaolong!

But he's in a coma.

Ah ~

SHEN Mengqi was startled, "who is he?"

"I guess he should be Chen Shaolong." JiangHao road.

Then he took out the silver needle and pricked it on Chen Shaolong.

A moment later.

Chen Shaolong wakes up.

"You Are you Shen Mengqi

Chen Shaolong saw Shen Mengqi and immediately recognized her.

"Quick, you call the police quickly. Your bank card and contract are all in Zhang's hands. He wants to blackmail you. Call the police quickly!" He urged.

Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.

"Don't worry, we've got the bank card and the contract back, and the boss Zhang has been taken away by the police."

"Is it?"

Chen Shaolong takes a glance and apologizes immediately.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have stolen your bag."

Shen Mengqi waved, "the bank card and the contract have been taken back. It doesn't matter. However, don't steal money any more."

"You have hands and feet. You can support yourself by finding a job."

"Yes." Chen Shaolong nodded.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

"Aren't you Zhang's man? How did they hang you? And beat you like this? "

Hearing the speech, Chen Shaolong's eyes burst out a ray of hatred.

"The three of them will be killed sooner or later when my cultivation is restored!"

"Restoration of cultivation?"

Jiang Hao frowned and looked at Chen Shaolong carefully.


Suddenly, his eyelids jumped.

"This is..."

"What's the matter?"

Chen Shaolong is a little confused.

Jiang Hao shakes his head and stares at Chen Shaolong as if to see him through.

His face, a calm.

But in my heart, it was rough.

Battle day holy body!

Chen Shaolong is actually the record of the battle day holy body in the inheritance.

You know, even in the ancient times when Xiandao was prosperous, zhantian holy body was still a kind of rare special constitution.

People with this constitution have one characteristic: belligerent!

Warlike become crazy, warlike become crazy!

The higher the morale, the stronger the strength.

Of course, at this time, Chen Shaolong was not really a warrior holy body. At most, he was just a little awakened, far from Dacheng.

"Why What's the matter? "

Chen Shaolong is a little hairy.

He hardened his head and said, "I I don't like men. I like women. "

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao's brain is full of black lines.

"I don't like men either," he roared angrily

"Recently, have you ever felt that your body is different?"

Hearing the speech, Chen Shaolong touched the back of his head.

"As soon as you say it, I remember that two years ago, my meridians were interrupted and my cultivation was exhausted. However, recently, I feel that the broken meridians seem to be healing."

Hiss ~

Jiang Hao takes a breath of cold air.

Records, after all, are records. Only through personal experience can we know the horror of zhantian holy body.

Even the meridians can heal by themselves.

No wonder there is a saying in the inheritance.

He who has a special constitution is the son of heaven and has a bright future.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Shaolong is a little uneasy, "is there something wrong with my body?"

Jiang Hao smiles.

"Don't worry, you are in good health."

Hu ~

suddenly, Chen Shaolong was relieved.

"That's right."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao said, "do you want your meridians to heal as soon as possible?"

"Yes, in my dreams!"

Chen Shaolong nodded without hesitation.

He has been living in the world, just want revenge.

The premise of revenge is the healing of meridians and the restoration of cultivation.

"You Do you have a way to repair my meridians? " He asked nervously.

"Of course there are ways." Jiang Hao said with a smile.


Suddenly, Chen Shaolong knelt down.

"Please, repair my meridians. After that, I will listen to you for everything. When I get revenge, my life will be yours too!" He pleaded."Get up."

Jiang Hao's hands are in the void. He gently lifts him up.


Chen Shaolong's eyes shrank and his face was full of horror.

This kind of cultivation is terrible.

In his impression, his master, the leader of Huquan, did not have such accomplishments.

"Master, please, repair my..."

Chen Shaolong prays again.

Jiang Hao waves his hand and interrupts.

"Don't ask. I'll save you."

"Besides, I can also teach you advanced martial arts skills to help you get revenge as soon as possible, but there is a premise that you are not allowed to abuse your strength and commit crimes."

"Otherwise, if I find out, I'll abolish my accomplishments, or I'll kill him on the spot."


Chen Shaolong's face was awe inspiring, and he knelt down again. "I will obey the master's order!"


Jiang Hao's face stagnated.

"Get up, I won't accept you as an apprentice. Let's be friends."


Chen Shaolong hesitated.

Then, nodding, "OK, big brother is up, please accept my little brother's worship."

Jiang Hao waved his hand and stopped him.

"I don't need these gifts. My name is Jiang Hao. You can call me..."

"Brother Jiang!" Chen Shaolong bends down and embraces boxing.

"Well, if you want to call him brother Jiang, just call him brother Jiang."

Jiang Hao is a little helpless.

"Let's go."

Later, the three returned to the star dream hotel together.

Life, calm down again.

Every day, in addition to applying acupuncture and treating Chen Shaolong's broken meridians, Jiang Hao also taught him a boxing technique.

Kaitian boxing!

This boxing is very advanced in his inheritance.

According to the records, this boxing method can be practiced to the essence, and one punch can create the world.

Of course, this is just a record.

Even in ancient times, there were few people who succeeded in cultivation.

However, Rao is so terrible.

Seven days later.

Chen Shaolong's meridians are completely healed.

On that day, he began to cultivate his inner strength and made breakthroughs.

In the end, he reached the top of his inner strength, and almost reached the top of his inner strength.

"Brother Jiang, is it may 27th today?"

Suddenly, Chen Shaolong finds Jiang Hao.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Jiang Hao is a little puzzled.

"Brother Jiang, do you know what day is June 1st?" Chen Shaolong asked.

"children's day, I certainly know." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

Chen Shaolong shook his head.

"No, it's June 1st. It's a martial arts conference held every two years by the major schools of martial arts and Taoism in Jiangdong province."

"Martial arts conference?"

Jiang Hao's eyes brightened.

"The martial arts conference is not only a martial arts contest, but also a gathering. At that time, all the sects in Jiangdong province will gather in Jiulong Mountain."

"At that time, people will take out their treasures and trade. It is said that there may even be magic weapons and pills!" Chen Shaolong explained.


Jiang Hao is interested.

"Let's go out. How can we miss such a grand meeting?"

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