"It's not more bad than good."

Wang Sen shook his head and said, "but there is no doubt that he will die!"

"Why is he so stupid?"

Xiaoling was puzzled.

"Chen Shaolong's accomplishments have been abolished. What will he take for revenge?"

"I don't know."

Wang Sen shook his head.

He was also puzzled.

"Maybe, he still has his cards."

However, his heart, there is no bottom.

After all, no matter how powerful the trump card is, it can't make an ordinary person fight against or even kill Mingjin Dacheng.

Unless it's a supreme master, the magic weapon of refining.

Dai Fei glanced at Chen Shaolong and said with a sneer, "Chen Shaolong, you dare challenge me. I'm really looking for death!"

Then he looked at Jiang Hao.

"Boy, you can do it together. It's just one time. I'll get rid of you two."

Jiang Hao shook his head.

"To deal with you, Chen Shaolong alone is enough!"

"Is it?"

Dai Fei grinned, "a waste of self-cultivation, you want to deal with me, ridiculous!"

"In that case, I'll kill him first, and then..."

"I'll kill you again!"

Ha ha

Jiang Hao sneered, "you'd better think about it first, how to deal with Chen Shaolong's revenge?"


Dai Fei disdained, "I can kill you with one hand!"

"Cut the crap, Daifei, and die!"

Suddenly, Chen Shaolong roared.


Suddenly, a huge breath, from his body, burst out.


Wang Sen's pupils shrank, shocked.

"How could it be?"

Zhang Wu, the elder of Huquan sect, changed his face.

"You Your accomplishments... "

Dai Fei was shocked.

Chen Shaolong sneered, "Dai Fei, my cultivation has recovered. Today is your death time!"


Dai Fei snorted and calmed down a little.

"Even if we recover, what can we do? Mingjin Xiaocheng's rubbish. I'm Mingjin Dacheng. I can kill you in ten moves! " He said in a cold voice.

"Is it?"

Chen Shaolong sneered, "let's compare it!"

Although his accomplishments were not as good as Dai Fei's, there was no fear on his face.

On the contrary, it is full of fighting spirit.

Hey, hey

Wang Sen, the elder of the iron fist sect, smiles.

He looked at Zhang Wu and said sarcastically, "this Chen Shaolong looks confident. I'm afraid Dai Fei, a genius trained by Tiger boxing, is not so good."

"Shut up

Zhang Wu gave an angry rebuke.

"Xiaofei is sure to win. He is a genius among the younger generation in Jiangdong province. I believe he can get rid of the traitor in ten moves."


Jie Jie

Wang Sen grimly smile, "you tiger boxing door, really cruel ah."

"In those years, we all know who was right and who was wrong. Because of his poor talent, Chen Shaolong was taken as a scapegoat by you. He abandoned his cultivation and expelled from the school."

"Now, I still want to kill him

"Huquan sect is really cruel and unjust. Such a sect exists in the world and is an insult to our martial arts circle."

"Shut up

Zhang Wu roared.

His expression, some ferocious.

"It's the housework of Huquan. Don't interrupt!"

"I believe Dai Fei can get rid of Chen Shaolong in ten moves!"

"Yes, I believe it, too!"

"Well, Dai Fei is one of the most gifted young talents in Jiangdong province. In fact, a mediocre Chen Shaolong can match him!"

"Ten moves? If I don't need five moves at most, Dai Fei can kill the enemy! "

Under the stage, the elders of several sects spoke one after another.

These people, these sects, are the vassals of Huquan.

After all, Huquan is a second-class school with strong strength.

Ha ha

Wang Sen sneered, "is that right? I don't think so! "


Zhang Wu bit his teeth and said, "Xiaofei will be able to kill the traitor in ten moves!"


Suddenly, he stood up and yelled: "Xiaofei, you must kill him in ten moves!"

Dai Fei raised his mouth.

"Don't worry, elder. I'll get rid of him with five moves!"

"Go to hell!"

Suddenly, Chen Shaolong roared and rushed over.

His momentum, very powerful, like a tiger down the mountain.Dai Fei's pupils shrank, and a trace of fear flashed through his eyes.

Immediately, he calmed down.

"Chen Shaolong, now, I'll send you on the road with tiger fist, the unique skill of the school!" He gave a cold drink.

Then, put your fingers together and make a fist.

And then, one punch.


Suddenly, a tiger roared in the sky.

Huxiao mountain forest!

Hiss ~

many people take a breath of cold air.

"Dai Fei, how can he practice tiger boxing so well? How terrible

"Yes, they all have the roaring sound of tigers. They are worthy of being young talents. I'm not as good as waiting for them!"

"It seems that his tiger boxing has been practiced for some time. Chen Shaolong is in danger!"

"Hum, he just knew that he would be beaten into meat sauce by this blow!"

Let's talk about it.

Zhang Wu heard all kinds of praise, the corner of his mouth could not help rising.

He glanced sideways at Wang Sen and said, "see? This is the first day of tiger boxing. Who can be the enemy of you iron boxing generation


Wang Sen was a little angry, but he couldn't refute it.

Because, among the younger generation of Tiequan, no one can compete with Dai Fei.

After all, few sects will do such a thing as devoting all their resources to cultivating a person.

Unless this person is amazing.

Hey, hey

Zhang Wu sent out a triumphant smile, showing off: "in five years, Xiaofei will break through to Mingjin, and in ten years, he will be promoted to dark Jin."

"At that time, we will have tiger boxing, one with two hidden forces, and you iron boxing will be swallowed by us sooner or later!"


In Wang Sen's eyes, there was a flash of murder.

He is thinking about whether to suggest the leader to start the hunting opportunity, secretly kill Dai Fei and get rid of the future trouble.

After all, all the major sects have done this kind of thing.

"Chen Shaolong, go to hell!"

Dai Fei gave a loud shout and a blow.

Chen Shaolong's fighting spirit is high, and he is not afraid of it. He also blows a blow.


All of a sudden, there was a huge explosion.

A wave of terror swept through.

Click! Click!

The hard ground, unbearable, even cracked.


All of a sudden, a figure, flying backwards, vomited a mouthful of blood in the air.

"Who is it?"

The crowd looked up, very nervous.

Only Zhang Wu, with a calm face, sat firmly in Diaoyutai.

The smoke and dust dispersed, revealing the figure.

"It's Dai Fei!"

There was a cry.


Zhang Wu's pupils contracted and his face changed dramatically. He bounced up from his chair.

"How could that be?"

People were puzzled.

Jiang Hao lifted the corner of his mouth and showed a smile.

He had expected the ending for a long time.

Even if you are a master of Mingjin Dacheng, you can't get along with Chen Shaolong once you get close to him.

What's more, Dai Fei only uses drugs to pile up the waste of Mingjin Dacheng.

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