Jiang Hao smiles apologetically.

"Well, well, I misunderstood you. I apologize. I'm sorry."


Zhou Dao snorted bitterly.

"Don't delay. Let's go to Huquan pavilion to avoid it." He urged.

"It's too late."

Jiang Hao shook his head.

"What's too late?"

Zhou Dao didn't understand for a moment.

"They have arrived."

Jiang Hao cold drink, "come out, don't hide!"

Hey, hey

All of a sudden, a few grim laughter rang out.

Then, several people came out of the darkness.

"I didn't expect that you, a mole ant, had a good sense of hearing and found us." One sneered.

Jiang Hao's eyes are cold.

"A few people under the tree, do you want me to invite you out?"

Pa Pa!

Suddenly, someone clapped his hand.

"That's good. That's a good ear."

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight people came out and surrounded Jiang Hao.

"You What are you doing? " Zhou Dao trills.

He was a little scared.

After all, his cultivation has not yet reached Mingjin Xiaocheng, and each of the few people who came out was more powerful than him.

Jiang Hao glanced around and said with a sneer, "it seems that the people behind you are so cruel that they sent you to die!"

"To die?"

"No, we're here to take your life, to take the potion!" One yelled.

"Put Be presumptuous

Zhou daoleng drank, "do you know who I am?"

"I'm a member of Huquan. He's my friend. If you dare to kill him, you're going against Huquan. Can you afford the consequences?"

"Tiger boxing gate?"

One sneered, "you're just the Huquan sect, the most humble disciple of the outer sect. How about killing you?"

"Besides, you're not the one who really represents Huquan."

"Brother Huang, come out."

Step on, step on!

The sound of footsteps.

A man came out.

"Five Five elder martial brothers? " Zhou Dao's pupil shrinks, shocked.


The fifth elder martial brother gave a cold hum.

"Do you know that I am your fifth elder martial brother?"

He pointed to Chen Shaolong and cheered coldly: "this traitor has ruined the cultivation of the elder martial brother. Now you are actually mixing with them. Do you want to betray Huquan?"

"No No, "he said

Zhou Dao shook his head in a hurry.

"Cut the crap and get out of the way. This matter has nothing to do with you. If you help them, you will betray the sect, and I will clean up the door!" The fifth elder martial brother said sternly.


Zhou daomianlu is in a dilemma.

Jiang Hao calmly smile, "you step back, thank you very much for your help."

"Jiang Hao, they will kill you."

Zhou Dao is in a hurry.

Jiang Hao lifted the corner of his mouth and gave a smile.

"Don't worry, these minions can't kill me!"


One of them snorted coldly and said, "Jiang Hao, you are so crazy!"

"Don't talk to him!"

A person cold drink, "Jiang Hao, hand over God medicine, Rao you don't die!"

"Yes, hand over the elixir, and you will not die!"

The rest echoed.

Jiang Hao frowned, waved his hand and said: "a group of minions, chattering, noisy and upset, Chen Shaolong, you go up and kill them all in ten moves."


Chen Shaolong was silly, "ten Ten moves

"This How is that possible? "

There were seven people who attacked and killed.

Everyone's cultivation is no weaker than Chen Shaolong.

In his opinion, he alone may be able to block the attack of seven people and protect himself, but it is very difficult for him to kill.

Not to mention, in ten moves, get rid of everyone.

It's impossible!

"Can't you?"

Jiang Hao's face was cold. "If you can't do it, what's the use of you?"

He scolded: "besides, you can't do it before you fight. It's just like a piece of rubbish!"

He's a little disappointed!

The holy body of heaven is so timid.


Chen Shaolong was infuriated.

Hoo ~

he took a deep breath and said, "OK, fight. Anyway, you saved my life, so I'll give it back to you!"


With a roar of violence, he burst into battle and rushed forward."Be careful, you guys. You are in the challenge arena during the day. You can't be careless if you abolish the elder martial brother of Huquan." A person reminds a way.

"I understand!"

"Well, no matter how strong he is, what can he do? One wants to hit seven of us? What a joke

"That's right. Even if Dai Fei of Huquan comes, he will be killed by the seven of us!"

"Yes, he is no exception!"


Seven of them killed Chen Shaolong.

"Be careful!"

Zhou Dao yelled and worried.


Chen Shaolong roared and punched out.

"Just in time. I'd like to see if it's your fist or mine?"

A strong man, with a roar, also hit Chen Shaolong with a fist.

This man is very good at horizontal training. He is covered with copper and iron.

Even if it's a wall, he'll punch it through.

"Hehe, he will die miserably if he compares his fist with tietou!"

"I guess Chen Shaolong's fists will be useless!"

"Fist? I think it's the whole arm. It's going to be useless! "

"Do you think ironhead will beat him to death with one blow?"

"It's possible!"

"No way, tie tou, be merciful. Don't beat him to death. We'll play some tricks too!"

The other six stopped to talk.

They have a lot of confidence in ironhead.

You know, tietou has a brilliant record.

He once sneaked into a master of Mingjin Dacheng, and hit him seriously with one blow, which was very terrible.


There was an explosion.

Click! Click!

And then there was the crack.

Ah ~

and then there was a scream.

A figure flew out.

"Chen Shaolong, it's over. Let's go up and get him!" One man said with a smile.

Then, walk slowly.

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, a man yelled, "run!"


Chen Shaolong looks up at the sky and roars. His momentum is like a dragon. He rolls over.

Everyone's eyelids jumped and turned to have a look.

The man lying on the ground is an iron head.

His arm, the whole explosion, half of the body is gone, watching, can not live.

Hiss ~

the crowd took a breath of cold air.


Their hearts were cold and they ran around.


Chen Shaolong pedaled and flew in the air.

Then, jump on a person.

The blow went straight out and shattered his heart.

Then, a leg whip, like a dragon wagging its tail, swept out.

Click! Click! Click!

The sound of bone crack is heard all the time.

The person in the scan, the spine, was broken, and the whole person was almost broken in two.


Suddenly, like a flexible ape, Chen Shaolong jumps out.

He caught up with one man and killed the enemy with one blow.

In an instant, seven people, including the fifth elder martial brother of Huquan sect, were killed.

Wheezing ~ wheezing ~

Chen Shaolong is lying on the ground, gasping.

"Not bad." Jiang Hao nodded.

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