"It's you who are looking for death!"

Jiang Hao drinks cold.

"Who are you? As soon as they came up, they ordered me to let go of my arrogance, and then they ordered me to hand over the divine medicine, and those who were not ashamed to accept me as an apprentice! "

"Do you deserve to be my master?"

Hiss ~

people suck in the cold air.

They're all dumbfounded.

It's crazy that someone should scold master amjin in public.

"Asshole, asshole, asshole!"

Feng Li trembled with anger.

"Little bastard, today, I will kill you!"


Jiang Hao snorted coldly, "I'd better kill you first!"

Then he rushed over.


The whole person, like an electric light, is shot out.

"Go away!"

Feng Li gave a loud drink.

Then, one punch from the air.


All of a sudden, the air burst, endless shock waves, surging.

People around, have been thrown out.

Jiang Hao was the first to bear the brunt of the earthquake, and was directly shocked to retreat.

Step on, step on!

Every time he stepped back, he would leave a deep footprint on the ground.


He snorted, his face flushed and suffered a dark loss.

"Come again!"

All over his body for a while, he depressed the ground to release his strength and stop the retreat.

Then he rushed to Feng Li again.

"Break it for me!"

He murmured, waved his arm and punched out.


When people saw this scene, their eyelids jumped.

Not long ago, they saw that Jiang Hao used this move to smash the sneak attack of Qin Feng of Tan tuimen, and smashed half of his body.

"Master dark strength, can you stop it?"

They're all looking out.

Master amjin is very strong, but Jiang Hao is also very strong.

Three or two moves will abolish the master to be, Mr. di. Can we not be strong?

"Go back!"

Feng Li gave a cold drink.

With a flick of his sleeve, a gust of wind came out of thin air.



Jiang Hao let out a big drink, and then he burst out with a punch.

All of a sudden, the wind wrapped around him was smashed by his fist and scattered.

"Sure enough, master amjin is invincible!"

"Yes, there is no doubt that Jiang Hao has fallen behind in the two battles. His strength is not as good as master dark strength!"

"As strong as he is, he is no match for master amjin. Master amjin is really terrible!"

"Jiang Hao is in danger!"

The crowd shook their heads and sighed.

Many people even showed a schadenfreude smile.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Jiang Hao patted the dust on his body, lifted it up, showed his white teeth and grinned.

"Unexpectedly, your strength is pretty good. I underestimated you!"

Then, he hooked his finger and said, "come on, let's do a few more moves."

"Won't you give up?" Feng Li stares at Jiang Hao and cheers coldly.

"What do you want to die for?"

Jiang Hao is a little confused.

"The gap between you and me is too big for you to imagine. If I want to kill you, three moves are enough."

Feng Li said haughtily, "I'll ask you for the last time. Do you want to hand over the magic medicine?"

"As long as you hand over the elixir, I will spare you from death and take you as an apprentice. In the future, you may have a chance to reach my height."

He cherished his talent.

No, it should be said that he has a crush on Jiang Hao!

Judging from his appearance, Jiang Hao was less than 20 years old, but his accomplishments were unfathomable. His strength, in particular, surprised him, and he almost reached the level of master dark strength.

Such a genius is rare in the world.

If you can get into the Taishan gate, then you can use medicine or magic to turn him into a obedient puppet and control him.

Ten years, no, as long as five years, taishanmen will produce another top-level expert.

At that time, the Taishan goalkeeper will be more powerful, even if he can't be promoted to the super class, but at least he can dominate the first class.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao laughed.

"What did you say? To your height? "

"Your height, very high?" He sneered.


Feng Li yelled angrily.

"I wanted to save your life, but now it seems that I can't save you!"

"In that case, I'll have to take you on the road!""Go to hell!"

He gave a loud drink.

All of a sudden, heaven and earth are shaking up, and the terrible sound waves spread.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, the sound of explosion, continuous.

The ground under my feet, the rocks on the ground, the trees nearby, all burst open.

Click! Click!

Even the walls of the hotel are cracked and will collapse at any time.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

More than ten meters away, many people vomited blood and were dazed by the sound waves. They were shaking and seemed to fall.

A few more people passed out on the spot.

The power of sound waves is terrible.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

Suddenly, it was quiet all around.

The sound of explosion, click, spitting blood, falling to the ground, all disappeared, and the world became quiet.

The sound waves from Jiang Hao offset Feng Li's.


Feng Li's face changed and he was shocked.

He stares at Jiang Hao and says in surprise: "boy, your strength..."

"After playing with you for so long, this farce should be over." Jiang Hao said coldly.


Feng Li's face became gloomy.

"Boy, you are crazy. Don't think..."

"I said, it's time for the farce to end!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink and interrupted him.


Feng Li's eyes are burning.

"Good, good."

He laughed with rage.

"Little bastard, it seems that if you don't take it seriously, you can't do it. In this case, don't blame me for trying my best to kill you with one move!"

Jiang Hao took out his ear, a little impatient.

"What a lot of nonsense!"

"I advise you to burst out with all your strength and don't keep your hands, otherwise, you will die miserably!"


Feng Li gave a cold hum.

"Don't be ashamed

Suddenly, he gave a low drink.

"Burning heaven in Mount Tai's five movements!"

All of a sudden, the flames came out of his body, like rivers of flames, sweeping up to the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the sky and the earth, in all directions, are all red.

"My God


"What is this?"

"Is this still a flame?"

"The sky is shrouded. This flame, no, should be a sea of fire. How big is it?"

The crowd screamed and panicked.

Not long ago, Dilao showed this move, condensing a group of two or three meters of flame, has shocked people.

However, the flame that Feng Li condensed was more than ten meters, which was really like a sea of fire.

Master dark strength, terrible, terrible!


The sound of fried bean like explosion is heard all the time.

The air was scorched and smelled of scorching.

"Ah, fire, fire, fire!"

Suddenly, there was a man, screaming.

His clothes were on fire instantly. The fire was very strong and could not be put out. Even if he used his inner strength, it was useless.

A moment later, the man, turned into a pile of coke, was burned alive.

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